Three more women accuse Charlie Rose of sexual misconduct

Three CBS News employees have come forward on Tuesday to accuse Charlie Rose of improper sexual behavior, bringing the total number of women with allegations against the veteran broadcast journalist to 16.

‘Two of the women who came forward at CBS say they are not ready for the details of their allegations to be made public,’ correspondent Bianna Golodryga reported on the CBS Evening News Tuesday night.

‘But a third woman alleges Rose whispered a sexual innuendo while touching her inappropriately at a work-related event.’ 

The latest allegations came just hours after Rose was fired by CBS.

The Tiffany Network revealed that they have terminated the host’s contract less than 24 hours after multiple women accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.

Charlie Rose has now been accused of sexual misconduct by a total of 16 women, it was learned on Tuesday. Rose was fired from his job at CBS News, President David Rhodes revealed on Tuesday in an internal memo (above on Monday)

Rose on Monday night

Rose returns home

No worries: Charlie said on Monday night (above) that he committed no wrongdoing upon returning to his apartment in NYC

The news was revealed in an interview memo sent to staffers by CBS News president David Rhodes, who stated that ‘there is absolutely nothing more important, in this or any organization, than ensuring a safe, professional workplace.’

Rhodes, who is being widely applauded for his network’s swift and frank response to the allegations against Rose, also said: ‘I’ve also heard that things used to be different. And no one can change the past.

‘But what may once have been accepted should not ever have been acceptable.’ 

Rhodes went on to explain the reason behind the network’s decision.

‘CBS News has reported on extraordinary revelations at other media companies this year and last,’ said Rhodes. 

‘Our credibility in that reporting requires credibility managing basic standards of behavior. That is why we have taken these actions.’

Rose was initially suspended from the network yesterday when the Washington Post published the accounts of eight women who claim they were sexually harassed or assaulted by the journalist. That was followed by additional allegations from five other women.  

He joined CBS in 2012, hosting CBS This Morning and appearing on 60 Minutes while also occasionally guest hosting the CBS Evening News. 

Rose had signed a lengthy contract extension in 2015 with the network. 

PBS quickly followed suit, stating: ‘In light of yesterday’s revelations, PBS has terminated its relationship with Charlie Rose and cancelled distribution of his programs.’

The network, which has aired Rose’s show since 1991, also noted: ‘PBS expects all the producers we work with to provide a workplace where people feel safe and are treated with dignity and respect.’  

He's out: Rose had alresady been off from  the show on Monday before the allegations broke (Rose with Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell in the above undated photo)

He’s out: Rose had alresady been off from  the show on Monday before the allegations broke (Rose with Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell in the above undated photo)

Powerful words: Rhodes wrote 'there is absolutely nothing more important, in this or any organization, than ensuring a safe, professional workplace' (above)

Powerful words: Rhodes wrote ‘there is absolutely nothing more important, in this or any organization, than ensuring a safe, professional workplace’ (above)

A cameraman caught Rose returning to his apartment Monday night, after he had been suspended. 

When the cameraman asked if Rose wanted to say anything to his accusers, Rose said ‘What?’ and started laughing.

‘You want to say anything to the accusers – the people who are accusing you of all these wrongdoings?’ tasked the cameraman.

It’s not wrongdoings. 

-Charlie Rose on Monday evening 

‘It’s not wrongdoings,’ said Rose as he turned into his building. 

He made that comment just hours after his apology in response to the allegations ran in the Post, and when writer Amy Brittain inquired about the disparate tone struck by Rose his publicist said: ‘Charlie Rose sticks by his statement Amy. No comment on the below.’

News of these firings likely brings to an end the storied career of one of the most acclaimed newsmen of his generation, with Rose picking up a Peabody in 2013 and the Walter Cronkite Excellence in Journalism Award two years later in 2015. 

On Tuesday morning, a shocked Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell addressed the sudden departure of their co-host on CBS This Morning.

At the end of their news story on the accusations, the two women took a moment to address their viewers, relaying their conflicted feelings about the disturbing revelations.

King said she’s ‘still reeling’ and barely slept last night. After hearing about the allegations, she sought comfort by talking to her close friend Oprah Winfrey.

‘I really am still reeling. I got an hour and 42 minutes of sleep last night, both my son and my daughter called me. Oprah called me and said, are you okay? I am not okay.

‘After reading that article in the post, it was deeply disturbing, troubling and painful for me to read,’ King said. 

I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken. 

– Charlie Rose statement Monday afternoon  

Both she and O’Donnell said it was important to believe the women who have come forward to accuse Rose, and hope it encourages other victims to come forward. 

‘Charlie does not get a pass here,’ King said. ‘…He doesn’t get a pass because I can’t stop thinking about the anguish of these women, what happened to their dignity, what happened to their bodies, what happened maybe to even their careers. I can’t stop thinking about that and the pain that they’re going through.

She added: ‘The women who have not spoken up because they’re afraid…I’m hoping now they will take the step to speak up too. This becomes a moment of truth.’

‘It takes a lot of courage for these women to come forward and I think that they should continue to do something. We hope they will continue to speak up,’ O’Donnell said. 

While they have a personal friendship with Rose, both women said they are firmly behind the victims.  

!5 minutes up: Rose will also no longer be hosting the popular CBS news magazine 60 Minutes (above interviewing Steve Bannon during the premiere episode of the new season)

!5 minutes up: Rose will also no longer be hosting the popular CBS news magazine 60 Minutes (above interviewing Steve Bannon during the premiere episode of the new season)

Filler: Rose appeared on CBS This Morning while also guest hosting the CBS Evening News (above with Scott Pelley and John Dickerson in 2016) 

Filler: Rose appeared on CBS This Morning while also guest hosting the CBS Evening News (above with Scott Pelley and John Dickerson in 2016) 

Addressing the fallout: Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell addressed the allegations against their CBS This Morning co-host Charlie Rose on Tuesday (above)

Addressing the fallout: Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell addressed the allegations against their CBS This Morning co-host Charlie Rose on Tuesday (above)

O’Donnell said that the global sexual harassment scandals demand ‘a frank and honest assessment about where we stand’.   

‘Let me be very clear: there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. It is systematic and pervasive and I’ve been doing a lot of listening and I’m going to continue to do that.

‘This I know is true – women cannot achieve equality in the workplace or in society until there is a reckoning and a taking of responsibility.

‘I’m really proud to work at CBS News. There are so many incredible people here especially on this show. All of you here.

‘This will be investigated. This has to end. This behavior is wrong. Period.’

King did admit that she felt for Rose as a longtime friend and collaborator.

‘I’ve enjoyed a friendship and a partnership with Charlie for the past five years. I’ve held him in such high regard and I’m really struggling because how do you – what do you say when someone that you deeply care about has done something that is so horrible? How do you wrap your brain around that? I’m really grappling with that,’ King said.  

She added: ‘I’m still trying to sort it out because this is not the man I know, but I’m also clearly on the side of the women who have been very hurt and very damaged by this.’

 Let me be very clear: there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. It is systematic and pervasive…This I know is true – women cannot achieve equality in the workplace or in society until there is a reckoning and a taking of responsibility…This will be investigated. This has to end. This behavior is wrong. Period.

King has not talked to Rose yet, but said she intends to do so some time today.

The story was also covered on CBS This Morning’s competitors – Today and Good Morning America.  

Among the claims being made by the women are that Rose would grope their breasts, buttocks and genitals without their consent, make lewd telephone calls, and walk around naked in their presence without warning.

The women who have come forward with these claims about Rose, 75, were all between the ages of 21 and 37 at the time of the alleged misconduct and working for the legendary television host.

Two former employees said that the young female assistants and producers Rose would constantly surround himself with were known as ‘Charlie’s Angels.’

In a lengthy statement in response to the expose, Rose did not deny all of the allegations being made by the women but said that he did not believe all of his accusers were ‘accurate’ in heir description of his offenses.

‘It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am greatly embarrassed,’ stated Rose. 

‘I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.’

The backlash was swift for Rose, with PBS and Bloomberg announcing they would no longer air his eponymous talk show within an hour of the Post publishing their story on Monday and CBS suspending the host. 

CBS also ran a segment on the allegations just three minutes into the CBS Evening News broadcast on Monday.

I can’t stop thinking about the anguish of these women, what happened to their dignity, what happened to their bodies, what happened maybe to even their careers. I can’t stop thinking about that and the pain that they’re going through. 

Following the publication of the Post article, two additional women came forward in an interview with The New York Times, and Business Insider published an interview with three more former interns. 

Later on Tuesday evening, Golodryga reported on the three CBS News employees who came forward with accusations against Rose – bringing the total number of accusers to 16.

The Post also says more than a dozen women have contacted them after their original story with similar claims. 

Rose, whose only marriage ended in divorce back in 1980, has been in an on-and-off relationship for the past 25 years with Amanda Burden, 73, who is a Principal at Bloomberg Associates.

All of the alleged incidents described by the woman in the Post story occurred while Rose was with Burden, who is the stepdaughter of CBS founder William Paley.

Rose has no children. 

Three of the women who came forward agreed to use their names while the other five accusers who spoke on the record asked that their identities not be revealed for fear of possible repercussions. 

Speaking out: 'It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am greatly embarrassed,' stated Rose (statement above)

Speaking out: ‘It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am greatly embarrassed,’ stated Rose (statement above)

Kyle Godfrey-Ryan was one of the three who agreed to let the Post use her name as she detailed her time working as Rose’s assistant a decade ago in New York City.

She claims that Rose walked around naked in front of her at least a dozen times while the two were working from his home.

Godfrey-Ryan also alleged that Rose would call her late at night or early in the morning to describe his fantasies of seeing her swim naked in his pool.

She claimed that Rose said he wanted to watch as she disrobed by the pool at his Bellport estate and swam naked in the moonlight.

Her own sex life was also a topic Rose wanted to know about claims Godfrey-Ryan, claiming he would call late at night or early in the morning, asking: ‘Who’s next to you? What do you do? Is he touching you?’

Godfrey-Ryan said she just acted as though the call and questions were not happening, a tactic she also employed when it came to Rose’s alleged groping of her at work.

Those incidents usually occurred after he had very publicly berated the young female employee.

‘It would usually entail some version of him also touching me,’ Godfrey-Ryan said of her boss’ apology. 

Though many came before me, some women were attacked violently and repeatedly after the time I worked there. These stories helped me reframe my perspective. I felt that by withholding my identity, I was delegitimizing the experiences of these other women. I couldn’t be complicit in what silence meant for them, so I allowed my name to run with the story.

-Former assistant Kyle Godfrey-Ryan

‘A hand on the upper thigh. He’d give a hug but touch the side of the breast.’  

She was later fired by Rose she claims, when he learned that she had shared details of his behavior with a friend. 

That move came shortly after Godfrey-Ryan said she approached Rose’s longtime producer Yvette Vega about the calls, who made her feel like she was being a ‘dramatic little girl.’

‘That’s just Charlie being Charlie,’ was Vega’s response, according to Godfrey-Ryan. 

Godfrey-Ryan had then hoped her friend could help by speaking to Rose, but that was not the case.

‘He took me out to lunch and told me how embarrassed he was, how he didn’t treat me like that,’ she said of Rose’s response to her sharing the allegations of sexual misconduct. 

‘It was really about how I got it wrong, and, obviously, I couldn’t work there anymore.’

She ultimately went back to school, saying her time on  the show ruined journalism for her and that she still gets upset when she see Rose on the air. 

Godfrey later shared the story on her Facebook page while writing about her decision to come forward.

‘I do not revisit this time in my life often and I felt no need to take anyone down. I am also in a moment of incredible highs in my professional life and feel that I am fully living out my purpose; the last thing I want or need is to attach my name to a sexual assault story,’ wrote Godfrey. 

‘Then, late last week I was read excerpts of transcripts from the other women. Though many came before me, some women were attacked violently and repeatedly after the time I worked there. These stories helped me reframe my perspective.’

Godfrey continued: ‘I felt that by withholding my identity, I was delegitimizing the experiences of these other women. I couldn’t be complicit in what silence meant for them, so I allowed my name to run with the story.’

Harassment: Kyle Godfrey-Ryan (above) claims Rose walked around naked in front of her at his home over a dozen times and said he fantasized about seeing her swim naked

Harassment: Kyle Godfrey-Ryan (above) claims Rose walked around naked in front of her at his home over a dozen times and said he fantasized about seeing her swim naked

Her own sex life was also a topic Rose wanted to know about claims Godfrey-Ryan, claiming he would call late at night or early in the morning, asking: 'Who’s next to you? What do you do? Is he touching you?'

Her own sex life was also a topic Rose wanted to know about claims Godfrey-Ryan, claiming he would call late at night or early in the morning, asking: ‘Who’s next to you? What do you do? Is he touching you?’

Unwanted advance: Megan Crydt (above) worked as a coordinator after graduating from Harvard, and said Rose grabbed her thigh during a car ride soon after she started

Unwanted advance: Megan Crydt (above) worked as a coordinator after graduating from Harvard, and said Rose grabbed her thigh during a car ride soon after she started

Her boyfriend confirmed the story, saying Crydt had told him at the time

Her boyfriend confirmed the story, saying Crydt had told him at the time

It was around the time that Godfrey-Ryan was working for Rose that Harvard graduate Megan Crydt joined the team as a coordinator, working from 2005 to 2006 with Rose.

She said she found herself at the receiving end of an unwanted sexual advance while riding with Rose in his Mini Cooper, claiming that the host put his hand on her thigh as he was driving through the city.

Her boyfriend confirmed the story, saying Crydt had told him at the time.

‘I don’t think I said anything,’ said Crydt. 

‘I tensed up. I didn’t move his hand off, but I pulled my legs to the other side of the car. I tried not to get in a car with him ever again. I think he was testing me out.’ 

Two former interns are among the accusers who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

One, who worked for Rose in the early 90s, said she was summoned to work the desk at his New York home, where he would shower and use the bathroom with the door open.

She claims that at one point he turned on the shower and immediately began calling her name.

When she refused to respond he suddenly appeared standing over her in the nude, wearing nothing but a towel, she claims.

An intern working for Rose 10 years later claimed that he groped her breasts while also trying to get her to spend the night at his Bellport home on Long Island.


-KYLE GODFREY-RYAN (assistant) – Phone calls asking about her sex life  and detailing desire to see her swim naked in his pool and over a dozen incidents where he appeared nude in her presence in mid-2000s

-MEGAN CRYDT (coordinator) – Groped her thigh while driving her in his car in mid-2000s

-REAH BRAVO (intern/producer) – Repeated groping and multiple nude appearances along with private jet incident in 2008 where he laid his body on her in ‘animalistic’ fashion

-INTERN ONE – Appeared nude while she worked from his in early 1990s

-INTERN TWO – Groped her breasts while also trying to get her to spend the night at his Bellport home in early 2000s

POTENTIAL EMPLOYEE – Asked to interview at Bellport mansion, twice groped vagina, laid in bed while openly crying, appeared in untethered robe in 2010 

EMPLOYEE ONE – Groped buttocks at party 

EMPLOYEE TWO – Appeared naked in her presence as she worked from his home 

INTERN THREE – Groped her leg and invited her to his hotel room in 2005

INTERN FOUR – Answered door to his home in nothing but a robe in 2008

INTERN FIVE – Answered door to his home in nothing but a robe in 2010

WOMAN ONE – Unwanted kiss

WOMAN TWO – Unwanted kiss 

She claims to have refused that offer multiple times.

Her now-husband backed up these allegations by stating he had been told about the incidents at the time when the two were dating.

This conduct continued for so long, despite the staff numbering approximately 15 people ever since the show began in 1991, because of Rose’s pull, said that intern.

‘Everybody is terrified of him,’ she explained. 

‘He creates this environment of constant fear. And then he’ll shine a spotlight on you and make you feel amazing.’

The most recent encounter occurred in 2010 at the Bellport home of Rose.

A woman, who asked to remain anonymous, said she had agreed to meet him there in 2010 to discuss a job.

That interview quickly took a turn however, with the woman claiming that Rose appeared in ‘an untethered robe’ soon after she arrived and tried to stick his hand down the front of her pants. 

She began meeting with Rose in 2009 about a possible job, noting that these always seemed to occur in unconventional settings like a dinner with his friends and once a weekend lunch. 

Then, in June 2010, she received an email asking her to come to his Bellport home for the weekend.

‘As I mentioned, I’m going to my place on long island tonight to write… and then coming back tomorrow for a dinner. This is to invite to visit,’ wrote Rose.

‘You have your own wing of the house, or even a guesthouse, It’s on the water, plus Olympic pool, tennis court, plenty of movies and books and sailing and I run on the beach at sunrise and sunset.’

He later noted: ‘This has no influence on our dialogue about work projects.’

She agreed to the meeting and soon found herself arriving at the home after midnight with Rose, who she seemed to think might be slightly inebriated.

Rose gave the woman a tour of the property she claims and then went to change after getting his pant leg wet in the pool. 

He came out in a robe that he left untied and yelled at her when she began to speak about abuse of power, claims the potential employee.

Rose then allegedly tried to put his hand down her pants.

‘By the time he touched me the first time, he was already very angry,’ said the woman. 

‘I was scared, and I was also kind of frozen.’

She said that she soon found herself in his bed but does not remember getting there, and alleged he again tried to stick his hand down her pants while asking: ‘Baby, oh baby, why are you crying?’

Once he fell asleep she made her escape and the next day Rose acted as if nothing had happened the previous night.

He also told her she did not get the position when she emailed him that week. 

‘The whole thing was really the most humiliating and most degrading experience I’ve ever had,’ said the woman. 

Out east: Rose's Bellport home (above)with pool, tennis courts and a sizeable guest house where Reah Bravo and an unnamed woman claim they were harassed or assaulted by the host

Out east: Rose’s Bellport home (above)with pool, tennis courts and a sizeable guest house where Reah Bravo and an unnamed woman claim they were harassed or assaulted by the host

DC digs: Rose also offered Bravo his Georgetown home (above) to live in if she agreed to stay and work for him instead of taking a competing job 

DC digs: Rose also offered Bravo his Georgetown home (above) to live in if she agreed to stay and work for him instead of taking a competing job 

Reah Bravo was also an intern when she worked for Rose back in 2007, with the 29-year-old student at Columbia in graduate school for international relations at the time.

She was broke at the time and while the internship with Charlie Rose Inc was unpaid, it had long been a dream of hers to work for the show, she told the Post.

Fate seemed to be smiling upon her however when she received an email from Rose one day offering to pay her to do some work at his Bellport home.

‘Here is the deal: I’ll pay you $2,500 for the week plus all expenses for food, movies etc.,’ wrote Rose. 

‘You will be there from Monday August 13-Friday afternoon, August 17. Your primary responsibilities are to organize and catalogue all my books and tapes and files… It will help me a lot, be fun for you, and you will have a car all the time for whatever you need to do.’

Things were going fine until the night Rose returned to the house drunk and asked Bravo to have a glass of wine with him and walk out to his dock.

She described what happened next as ‘reckless’ and reflective of her boss’ ‘poor judgment,’ claiming he came up behind her and put wrapped his arms around the young woman, who was almost 50 years his junior. 

 It has taken 10 years and a fierce moment of cultural reckoning for me to understand these moments for what they were. He was a sexual predator, and I was his victim.

-Former intern and producer Reah Bravo on Rose

Bravo did not think of him as a predator at that time though, claiming a tearful speech about how lonely he was manged to impact her judgment despite the fact that she found the display unconvincing at the time.

On her next trip to Bellport she caught a glimpse of Rose naked as he took an outdoor shower, claiming she quickly averted her eyes. 

Rose later asked if she had seen him in the shower, and when she said she had not seemed disappointed, according to Bravo. 

There were more trips to Bellport and later a trip to Aspen, during which time she wrote a letter to Vega.

‘On a personal note, I know working for Charlie requires one to embrace his uniqueness and develop a professional relationship that can account for it,’ wrote Vega.

‘It’s taken a couple straight forward conversations between the two of us, but I feel I’m in a better place than previously. And that’s not to say that I was previously in a really bad place!’ 

Vega responded by assuring her that she had seen and heard everything possible over the years working with Rose and that anything she divulged to her would be in ‘confidence.’ 

Bravo began working more and more with Rose, and said that he would grope her in cars and grabbed her face in a way that forced her to look at him as he spoke. 

The most alarming incident occurred in 2008 during a trip on private plane, claims Bravo, who said that shortly after Rose asked her to put in a DVD on Algeria for the two to watch, he got up and pressed his body on hers.

‘I felt at a loss. I mean, what am I going to do? We were how many feet up in the air?’ she said of having her boss on top of her, adding that she felt lucky the two were at least fully clothed at the time.

After the ‘animalistic’ move Bravo said she felt ‘immense shame’ for not trying to fight him off.

When she finally decided to leave later that year for a job offering her three times the salary that she was then working as an associate producer for Rose, he took her to dinner at the Spotted Pig and offered her a job in DC.

He also said she could stay at his Georgetown residence.

Bravo declined the offer, and looking back on the incident noted: ‘I would never want to live someplace where he had keys.’

She also said that all these years later she can see that Rose had a very clear pattern in how he tired to lure in young women.

‘He most definitely said, on numerous occasions, “I’ve never forced you to do something you didn’t want to do,”‘ said Bravo. 

‘He would say this forcefully and wait for my confirmation after he said this. I remember once wondering if I was being recorded.’

Rihat-hand woman: Rose's longtime producing partner Yvette Vega, whom two alleged victims confided in (above in 2014)

Rihat-hand woman: Rose’s longtime producing partner Yvette Vega, whom two alleged victims confided in (above in 2014)

PBS will be airing the Antiques Roadshow in place of Charlie Rose in the 11pm hour while the claims being made against the host are investigated

PBS will be airing the Antiques Roadshow in place of Charlie Rose in the 11pm hour while the claims being made against the host are investigated

Vega’s presence seemed reassuring, according to the women, two of whom said they spoke with the producer about his alleged misconduct.

‘I should have stood up for them,’ said Vega. ‘I failed. It is crushing. I deeply regret not helping them.’

Her inaction is now costing her as well, with PBS saying in a statement: ‘PBS was shocked to learn today of these deeply disturbing allegations. We are immediately suspending distribution of Charlie Rose.’

Bloomberg released a statement as well, saying: ‘We are deeply disturbed to learn of these allegations and are immediately suspending the show from airing on Bloomberg TV.’

I should have stood up for them. I failed. It is crushing. I deeply regret not helping them.

-Rose’s producer Yvette Vega, who two alleged victims confided in 

That statement was quickly backed up, with the channel airing Daybreak Asia in the 6pm slot instead of Charlie Rose just minutes later on Monday.

PBS will be airing the Antiques Roadshow in place of Charlie Rose in the 11pm hour while the claims being made against the host are investigated. 

The women who the Post spoke with all worked for Rose, and none were employed by PBS, CBS and Bloomberg at the time.

Those three companies all said that they had no records showing Rose had ever been accused of sexually harassing or assaulting a fellow employee. 

‘The wave of sexual abuse allegations we’ve been reporting from Hollywood to Washington has now touched CBS News,’ said Anthony Mason on CBS Evening News.

He went on to say that Rose had been suspended before tossing to a report on the allegations from correspondent Jim Axelrod.  

‘The women who spoke with the Post worked for Charlie Rose inc., not CBS or PBS, where his interview air, or Bloomberg, where it’s taped and rebroadcast,’ explained Axelrod at one point, before listing off the allegations. 

He also shared the official statement from CBS News, which read: ‘Charlie Rose is suspended immediately while we look into this matter. These allegations are extremely disturbing and we take them seriously.’

NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt led with the allegations against Rose on Monday in a segment that recapped the Post story, with the network also managing to confirm the accounts two of the women gave the Post in the 90 minutes between the publication of the story and the start of the program.

ABC World News Tonight With David Muir led with another sexual misconduct story in the news on Monday, choosing to start of the show with an update of the allegations being made against Alabama Senate hopeful Roy Moore before reporting on the claims being made about Rose.

Both NBC and ABC also focused on the Rose’s longtime producer Yvette Vega in their coverage.

‘Several of the accusers say they told Yvette Vega, Rose’s long-time executive producer, about their experiences,’ noted Linsey Davis on World News.

ABC made that claim despite the Post story stating very clearly that only two of the eight women they had interviewed said that they had reported ‘Rose’s inappropriate sexual behavior’ to the producer.

That detail also did not stop NBC from also reporting of that ‘several of the women complained to Rose’s executive producer Yvette Vega.’  

Longtime lady friend: Rose with his partner of 25 years Amanda Burden (above in 2015), the stepdaughter of William Paley

Longtime lady friend: Rose with his partner of 25 years Amanda Burden (above in 2015), the stepdaughter of William Paley

Amy Brittain, who reported the story for the Post alongside Irin Carmon, took to Twitter shortly after the story was published to share her contact information.

‘Sadly, my inbox is already flooded with women who have had similar, disturbing encounters with Charlie Rose,’ wrote Brittain.

‘Please reach out if you have any information to share. Our reporting continues.’

Carmon started looking into the story back in 2010 when she first heard rumors about Rose’s alleged misconduct while writing for Jezebel.

She noted on Tuesday that none of the men who were interviewed for the piece were willing to go on the record. 

Two additional women came forward hours after she published her story Monday in an interview with The New York Times, saying that Rose had made unwanted advances towards them in the past.

The anonymous accusers both alleged that the host had tried to kiss them, though no years were given or additional information to support those claims or establish their relationship with Rose at the time.

At work, Rose is known for surrounding himself with attractive female producers who have been referred to, inevitable, as Charlie’s Angels. And while he’s on good behavior at the office he loosens up in the Long Island village where he has a vacation home. Sources say the married men of Bellport are afraid to leave their wives alone during the summer, for fear Rose will creep in their gardens. And with good reason, as one startled half of a New York power couple learned while doing dishes after a dinner party. As the woman’s husband was enjoying dessert in the other room, the “Public Bawdcaster” sidled up from behind, slid a neighborly hand up her skirt, and palmed her buttock like a honeydew.

It was also unclear if these women had worked for Rose or been interviewing for a job like the women who spoke with the Post.

The Times also spoke to some of the women who were previously interviewed by the Post, including the potential employee who went to Rose’s Bellwort estate back in 2010 and ended up in his bed.

‘Why didn’t I hit him? Why didn’t I run inside? I was completely racked with guilt and self-hatred,’ she said in her interview with the Times.  

Business Insider also published their own investigation into Rose on Monday, which included interviews with three former interns.

One, who worked on the program in 2005, alleged that Rose had inappropriately touched her leg while her drove to her dorm room in the city to drop her off one night.

When she later asked for career advice, she claims Rose invited her to his hotel room.

The other two interns, who worked for Rose in 2008 and 2010, shared stories of being asked to meet Rose at his townhouse in Manhattan and having the septuagenarian answer the door in his bath robe.

All three women said they made the decision not to come forward for fear of losing future employment in the industry, which is why they spoke anonymously to Business Insider.

The intern who worked for Rose back in 2005 noted that she grew up watching the show and saw the job as a great opportunity.

‘It looks great on the resume,’ she said, adding that Rose is ‘revered in the industry and really respected.’ 

These reports come ten years after Rose’s lawyer David Boies, who also represented Harvey Weinstein, threatened to sue Radar Magazine for defamation over a 2007 article about the host.

‘At work, Rose is known for surrounding himself with attractive female producers who have been referred to,m inevitable, as Charlie’s Angels,’ read the story. 

‘And while he’s on good behavior at the office he loosens up in the Long Island village where he has a vacation home. Sources say the married men of Bellport are afraid to leave their wives alone during the summer, for fear Rose will creep in their gardens.’

The story went on to claim: ‘And with good reason, as one startled half of a New York power couple learned while doing dishes after a dinner party. As the woman’s husband was enjoying dessert in the other room, the “Public Bawdcaster” sidled up from behind, slid a neighborly hand up her skirt, and palmed her buttock like a honeydew.’

Radar refused to print a retraction and Boies never followed through with his lawsuit.

Best of buds: 'Harvey Weinstein, who is a friend of mine, called and asked me to do this as a favor,' Rose said at a 2006 event (above) 

Best of buds: ‘Harvey Weinstein, who is a friend of mine, called and asked me to do this as a favor,’ Rose said at a 2006 event (above) 

It was one of the few public scandals he endured, with the other coming a year prior when PBS very publicly asked him too not host a dinner back in 2006 honoring H. Lee Scott Jr., then the chief executive officer of Wal-Mart Stores.

‘Don’t do this,’ PBS ombudsman Michael Getler told Rose.

‘As the host of one of the most respected and popular public affairs shows distributed on public broadcasting, you have an obligation not to do anything that could be seen by viewers as even a possible conflict of interest, or as diminishing the integrity or credibility of public broadcasting.’

Harvey Weinstein, who is a friend of mine, called and asked me to do this as a favor. 

-Rose on hosting a 2006 event to honor Walmart CEO

The New York Times revealed at the time that Rose dismissed his concern while explaining why he even agreed to host the dinner in the first place.

‘Harvey Weinstein, who is a friend of mine, called and asked me to do this as a favor,’ explained Rose.

He seemed to have forgotten that friendship last month when he welcomed Tina Brown on his program to talk about he scandal, with the perpetually calm Rose appearing noticeably harried and frantic as he introduced the subject.

That jangled intro soon segued into an interview which was commanded by Brown as an uncommonly passive Rose did his best to say nothing at all on the subject. 

Rose will not be replaced on CBS This Morning, and the network already got a head start on the fallout by keeping him off the air on Monday, hours before the story broke.

‘It has taken 10 years and a fierce moment of cultural reckoning for me to understand these moments for what they were,’ Bravo told The Post. 

‘He was a sexual predator, and I was his victim.’


Megyn Kelly shared a personal story of her ‘friend’ Charlie Rose, after the journalist was suspended over sexual harassment allegations on Monday. 

Speaking on Megyn Kelly Today on Tuesday morning, Kelly said she’s known Charlie for years, and saw him ‘socially from time-to-time’ so reporting on his downfall ‘is not a pleasant story for me’.  

She said she thought it was important to share one uncomfortable conversation they had last year, which now seems even worse in retrospect. 

Last November, Kelly released her book Settle For More, and asked Rose to emcee the launch at a Manhattan Barnes & Noble store (Rose subsequently aired part of the interview on his interview show). But she found his line of questioning about her allegations of sexual harassment against Roger Ailes strange.

Megyn Kelly revealed Tuesday how she had been grilled on her sexual harassment allegations against Roger Ailes by Charlie Rose

Megyn Kelly revealed Tuesday how she had been grilled on her sexual harassment allegations against Roger Ailes by Charlie Rose

‘It was supposed to be a celebratory event, discussing the full scope of the book, which is about my life and my career and the lessons learned. Instead, the exchange felt to me like a cross-examine focused on one issue, the book’s sexual harassment allegations against Roger Ailes. Allegations Ailes denied but which I know are true because I lived it. I felt defensive in the exchange with Charlie, and wound up angry about how he handled my book event. Obviously, now, his behavior makes more sense. And so, you know what I did? I sent him a bottle of wine and a thank you note,’ Kelly said.  

When the audience started clapping, Kelly said, ‘No, I’m making a different point.’  

Kelly said the awkward interview happened at an event last year to promote her new book. Kelly says she asked Rose to emcee the event and he agreed 

Kelly said the awkward interview happened at an event last year to promote her new book. Kelly says she asked Rose to emcee the event and he agreed 

‘I felt defensive in the exchange with Charlie, and wound up angry about how he handled my book event. Obviously, now, his behavior makes more sense,’ Kelly said

‘I feel like everyone out there is, yep, because they know this is what we do. The reason I sent him the wine and the thank you note, I believed it was better to be nice. I believed it was better not to express my anger or upset. I believed it was better to brush it off and pretend that hadn’t happened. But I think it’s well past time for us to express our upsets. For us to not worry so much about being nice and being liked and being kind and never causing offense,’ Kelly said. 

She continued: ‘The time has come, the time has come. We are in the middle of an empowerment revolution in this country and the only way forward is for women to get comfortable throwing some sharp elbows, making waves and taking risks and holding the powerful to account. 

‘It’s not generally how we were raised as young women but it’s the only way forward for us and it’s going to require a lot of courage, especially for women not in powerful posts. 

‘Courage like that demonstrated by the women speaking out in droves right now, often at great risk to themselves professionally and personally, often dredging up a lot of pain and shame and blow-back on the internet to try to help others with their stories.