Thug smashes vodka bottle into victim’s face and the 46-year-old is jailed for five years

This is the horrific moment a man smashed a vodka bottle into the face of a man before kicking him in the chest, leaving him with a gaping wound in his neck.

Richard Atkinson, 46, hit Sean Rose with the bottle, which shattered and slashed Mr Rose’s skin, and cornered Mr Rose on a street in Fortuneswell, Portland, in April.

Atkinson then lifted his leg and kicked Mr Rose, making him fall backwards before he managed to get away, soon realising he had blood pouring from a slash wound.

Dorset detectives released the CCTV footage of the attack and pictures of the horrific wound on Wednesday, as Atkinson started a five year jail sentence. 

This is the horrific moment Richard Atkinson smashed a vodka bottle into the face of Sean Rose, leaving him with a bleeding wound in his neck

Richard Atkinson, 46, hit his victim Sean Rose with the bottle, which shattered into hundreds of pieces and slashed Mr Rose's skin, then cornered Mr Rose on a street in Fortuneswell in April

Richard Atkinson admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and was jailed by a judge sitting at Bournemouth Crown Court

Atkinson admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and was jailed by a judge at Bournemouth Crown Court

Atkinson admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and was jailed by a judge sitting at Bournemouth Crown Court.

IAfter escaping Atkinson, Mr Rose took off his T-shirt and tried to stop the flow of blood as emergency services were called to the scene.

Mr Rose suffered from a large amount of blood loss after an artery was slashed, as well as other minor injuries.

In a victim statement, Mr Rose said he suffered blurred vision, migraines, loss of smell and taste, serious psychological repercussions such as panic attacks and sleeplessness, the Dorset Echo reported.

Adding that he lost nearly a stone in weight, Mr Rose said: ‘I have always prided myself on being a big, strong man, but I have lost my confidence since the attack.’

After learning of Atkinson’s verdict, Mr Rose said: ‘A dangerous man is off the streets and behind bars. I’m relieved. I was hoping for a longer sentence, but I’ll take this.’

He added: ‘I’m jumpy, and suffering panic attacks. I don’t feel like the same person.

‘But I’m glad to see [Atkinson] behind bars. It’s the best place for him.’   

Atkinson then lifted his leg and kicked Mr Rose, making him fall backwards before he managed to get away, realising he had blood pouring from a slash wound

Atkinson then lifted his leg and kicked Mr Rose, making him fall backwards before he managed to get away, realising he had blood pouring from a slash wound

Mr Rose suffered from a large amount of blood loss after an artery was slashed as well, as other minor injuries

Mr Rose suffered from a large amount of blood loss after an artery was slashed as well, as other minor injuries

Mr Rose suffered from a large amount of blood loss after an artery was slashed as well, as other minor injuries

A spokesman for Dorset Police said: ‘At around 6pm on Saturday 7 April 2018 the victim, a man aged in his 30s, was outside an address in Vindelis Way, Portland, and his wife was sitting nearby.

‘Atkinson approached them, shouting loudly at the victim, who saw he had a small bottle of vodka in his right hand.

‘The defendant became aggressive and pushed the victim backwards before striking him with the bottle to the area of his neck and left cheek, causing the bottle to smash.

‘Atkinson then kicked the victim to the chest area as he stumbled back from the impact of the blow.

‘The victim immediately felt a sharp pain and blood coming from the area of his neck and removed his T-shirt to try and stem the bleeding.’

Detective Constable Gerald Marchant said: ‘It is clear from the CCTV that this was a vicious attack using a glass bottle that caused a serious injury to the victim.

‘The ordeal has understandably had a significant impact on the victim both physically and mentally.’