Thug who cracked woman’s teeth at Prahran party fined $10k

A Port Melbourne man who has a history of drugs and violence has escaped jail time for ‘aggressively’ punching a woman in the face at a New Year’s Eve party in 2015.

Gokturk Aktas was at a house party in Prahran with his then-girlfriend, Denise Thornburgh – the former wife of nightclub entrepreneur Darren Thornburgh who was found dead at his country Victoria home on Monday.

The 30-year-old, who goes by the name George Royal, was fined $10,000 for the attack after he pleaded guilty in Melbourne Magistrates Court on Tuesday, The Age reports. 

Gokturk Aktas (right) was fined $10,000 for injuring a woman who tried to break up an argument between him and his then-girlfriend Denise Thornburgh (left)

His victim, accountant Melissa Lawson, attended the same party and was trying to extinguish an intense argument between the couple when Aktas set on her. 

‘He started to get really aggressive and grabbed a knife from the car. It got really heated with Denise and I said ‘enough is enough,’ she recalled.

‘That’s when he turned on me.’

Aktas punch Ms Lawson, causing large scale damage to the inside of her mouth including breaking one of her teeth and damaging several others.

Aktas (pictured) was at a house party in Prahran with Ms Thornburgh when they became engaged in a heated argument and Ms Lawson intervened

Aktas (pictured) was at a house party in Prahran with Ms Thornburgh when they became engaged in a heated argument and Ms Lawson intervened

Aktas punch Ms Lawson, causing large scale damage to the inside of her mouth including breaking one of her teeth and damaging several others 

Aktas punch Ms Lawson, causing large scale damage to the inside of her mouth including breaking one of her teeth and damaging several others 

Denise is the former wife of nightclub entrepreneur Darren Thornburgh who was found dead at his country Victoria home on Monday

Denise is the former wife of nightclub entrepreneur Darren Thornburgh who was found dead at his country Victoria home on Monday

Ms Lawon believes one of the financial broker’s large rings were responsible for the severity of her injuries.

Atkas frequently parades his ample jewellery collection along with photos of expensive cars and bottles of scotch to social media. 

Ms Lawson has been left significantly worse for wear both financially and emotionally, with dentist bills to fix her damaged teeth amounting to $6000.

Ms Thornburgh has since split with Atkas, who has long dealt with a drug addictions

Ms Thornburgh has since split with Atkas, who has long dealt with a drug addictions

‘I’m happy that it’s over with, but I’m still out of pocket and have to deal with the physical and psychological damage he caused me,’ Ms Lawson said.

Despite Atkas’ former drug and violence convictions and extensive drug addictions, he was cleared from any form of custodial sentence.

His lawyer confirmed in court his client had sought professional help to deal with his substance abuse, of which had lasted for more than five years.      

Despite Atkas' former drug and violence convictions and extensive drug addictions, he was cleared from any form of custodial sentence

Despite Atkas’ former drug and violence convictions and extensive drug addictions, he was cleared from any form of custodial sentence