TikTok star Jehane Thomas tragically dies at age of 30 following months of crippling migraines

A mother-of-two who shot to fame on TikTok has tragically passed away at the age of 30 following months of crippling migraines.

Jehane Thomas, from Doncaster, boasted over 66,700 followers on the video-sharing platform – where she uploaded videos about her daily life, such as prepping her sons’ lunches and sharing high street buys.

According to the social media star’s loved ones, her death on Friday was ‘totally unexpected’ and has left her family ‘heartbroken’.

In recent months, Jehana had been documenting her health difficulties on TikTok and explained how she had recently been diagnosed with optic neuritis.

The extremely painful condition is caused by inflammation of the optic nerve, which carries messages from the eye to the brain.

Jehane Thomas, from Doncaster, who was known for sharing wholesome family content on the social media platform, died on Friday after complaining about migraines and bouts of illness for months, Yorkshire Live has reported.

Jehane had been in-and-out of hospital in recent weeks, updating her followers on her treatment. 

In her last video on TikTok, which was shared four days ago, Jehane found herself in hospital, waiting to go into surgery for her condition. 

‘I can’t lift my head up without wanting to be sick and I’m unable to walk, I need to be wheeled everywhere. That’s how bad this pain is,’ the mother wrote in the video’s caption.

Jehane had been admitted to A&E and was waiting for surgery at the time when she filmed the video. 

She had just been discharged from a week-long stay in hospital when what she called the pressure migraines caused by her condition returned, forcing her to take herself back to hospital. 

A Go Fund Me Page has been set up to help finance the funeral of the mother-of-two, who is survived by her sons Isaac, three, and Elijah, one, raising £9,585 so far. 

Jehane’s best-friend Alyx Reast has led tributes online, writing: ‘Jehane Thomas was a 30-year-old mum of two boys when she suddenly passed away on 17/03/2023. 

‘Despite suffering from migraines and bouts of illness for several months, her passing was totally unexpected and we are all absolutely heartbroken.

‘Her two children have been left without their mum.. Jehane – I promised I’d do what I can for those boys, so that’s what I’m vowing to do. I love you.’

What is optic neuritis and how does it affect the optic nerve? 

Optic neuritis is a condition csused by an inflammation of the optic nerve. The nerve is responsible for carrying information from the ey to the brain.

The condition is association with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), but not everyone who suffers from optic neuritis will have or develop MS. It is possible to have optic neuritis and not develop further symptoms.

The symptoms of the condition vary from one person to the other. In some cases, it can cause blurred vision, or complete loss of sight.

While it can affect both eyes, it often affects just one.

People with optic neuritis can notice a blind spot or blurring spot in their centre of vision, and it can affect colur vusion as well.

In some cases, the condition can cause pain, especially when you move your eyes. The pain can last for a few days, and should not affect sleep.


Source: MS Society 

A Go Fund Me Page has been set up to help finance the funeral of the mother-of-two, who is survived by her sons Isaac, three, and Elijah, one, raising £9,585 so far

A Go Fund Me Page has been set up to help finance the funeral of the mother-of-two, who is survived by her sons Isaac, three, and Elijah, one, raising £9,585 so far

In her last video on TikTok , which was shared four days ago, Jehane found herself in hospital, waiting to go into surgery for her condition.

In her last video on TikTok , which was shared four days ago, Jehane found herself in hospital, waiting to go into surgery for her condition.

‘You are everything good in the world, I’m gonna miss you every single day,’ she added on TikTok. 

In the crowd-funding page for her friend, she added: ‘Nothing will bring the boys their mum back, but we hope it will bring some relief to her family, knowing how loved and supported they are.’ 

Followers and friends of Jehane paid their respect on social media over the weekend. 

‘This is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. Sending her boys and family so much love and strength,’ she added. 

‘I am actually in tears. I cannot believe how this has happened! Devastating,’ another said.

‘How lucky am I to have known such a beautiful, sweet, caring, funny girl. I will miss you so much, never goodbye just see you later gorgeous girlie,’ one wrote.

Friends and followers have been paying their respect after Jehane's death has  been announced, with her best friend Alyx leading tributes

Friends and followers have been paying their respect after Jehane’s death has  been announced, with her best friend Alyx leading tributes

‘Life is so incredibly cruel. Got the biggest shock reading this absolutely heartbreaking. Hold your loved ones close, sleep tight beautiful,’ one said. 

Jehane had opened up about her condition on social media, revealing in a post shared on March 5: ‘I was diagnosed with Optic Neuritis a few months ago after nearly two years of being told my migraines were stress related. 

‘They then thought I had MS which was ruled out (for now) but now the pressure in my head literally takes me off my feet.’

In the same post, she revealed she could count on the support of her parents to help with childcare when she her condition made her unable to care for her children by herself.  

‘I wanna start my thank yous by saying a huge thanks to my mum and dad who are always there to help me with the boys. 

‘I hate being wiped off my feet with a migraine or sickness but they will always be the first ones to take the boys for a few hours and I’m so grateful to have you both,’ she said. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk