Tina Frost loses right eye in Las Vegas shooting massacre

A 27-year-old woman has lost her right eye after a bullet ripped through her face during the Las Vegas concert massacre.

Tina Frost remains in a coma in hospital after undergoing surgery to remove the bullet that became lodged in her eye when a gunman opened fire on the crowd of country music fans on Sunday night.

Frost, who is originally from Maryland but moved to California several years ago, is expected to remain in the coma for a week. Doctors are unsure yet if she has suffered any brain damage.

Tina Frost, 27, was with her boyfriend Austin Hughes (above) when they were caught up in the Las Vegas concert massacre on Sunday. She remains in a coma in hospital after a bullet struck her eye

She came out of surgery on Monday afternoon and her family said her vitals were stable. 

‘They removed her right eye, where the bullet was lodged, and there is an implant there now to keep the space open. She has sight in her left eye but will never see from the right again,’ the family posted on Facebook.

‘They took out a bone from her forehead to allow the brain room to swell, that will stay out for a few months. She’s in a coma and on a ventilator, she cannot breathe on her own. She’s critically stable in ICU for at least a week. 

‘Over the next few days, they’re going to see how she responds to simulation, but until then, we won’t know how bad the brain damage is.’ 

Tina (left with her mother and right with her boyfriend) is expected to remain in the coma for a week. Doctors are unsure yet if she has suffered any brain damage

A GoFundMe page set up for Frost has already raised more than $90,000 since the horror shooting unfolded

A GoFundMe page set up for Frost has already raised more than $90,000 since the horror shooting unfolded

Frost had driven from San Diego with her boyfriend Austin Hughes specifically for the country music concert. 

Hughes said his girlfriend was still conscious after she was struck by the bullet but they got separated when she was rushed to hospital.

He told her family that he spent several hours looking for her before learning that she was in surgery. Her parents rushed to Las Vegas with one of her sisters to be by her side.

A GoFundMe page set up for Frost has already raised more than $90,000 since the horror shooting unfolded.  

Frost graduated from Arundel High in 2008 and now works as an accountant for Ernst & Young in San Diego. 

Her parents rushed to Las Vegas with one of her sisters, Meg, (above) to be by her side

Her parents rushed to Las Vegas with one of her sisters, Meg, (above) to be by her side

People scramble over barriers to get to safety as the gunfire rages on at the Las Vegas event

People scramble over barriers to get to safety as the gunfire rages on at the Las Vegas event

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk