Tips for Shipping a Classic Car That Every Owner Should Know

What Qualifies a Vehicle as a Classic?

Is it a vehicle’s age, model, or public opinion that determines whether it is considered a classic? Simply described, a classic vehicle is an automobile that is considered to be “old.” Classic automobile specialists, on the other hand, have a more precise list of characteristics that define a vehicle as a classic.

Classic, antique, and vintage are all classifications that have been established by several organizations. Vehicles are classified according to their age, which determines the category they are put inside. According to this definition, a classic is anything that is between 25 and 50 years old. Organizations and clubs have different conceptions of what they are.

You may be wondering why this is significant. This is critical information for both prospective buyers and existing owners. As a result, the definition of a vintage automobile varies widely from one insurance company to the next.

In other words, before making a transaction, be sure you understand the company’s meaning of the term. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in each state has also established regulations for registering a classic car and obtaining a classic vehicle license plate.

What Are the Benefits of Shipping Your Classic Car?

Have you lately made the decision to acquire a classic vehicle? Alternatively, you may be relocating and want to bring your 1963 Corvette Sting Ray with you. The only difficulty is that the car or the relocation is a couple of hundred miles distant. If you have a truck and trailer, you may carry the vehicle yourself. The most convenient and safest choice, on the other hand, is to hire a vehicle transport business.

Depreciation and accidents are less likely when the car is shipped rather than driven. When driving costs like housing, petrol, and food are added together, it makes more sense to transport. You will also save both time and energy as a result of this.

The process of finding a professional and trustworthy organization to move your car may be time-consuming and frustrating. After all, your old car has been worth both your time and money. You’d go to any length to keep your most treasured asset safe and secure. Advice for transporting a classic car is included in this article.

Here are suggestions for shipping your classic automobile

Know the shipping company – It is difficult to put your faith in someone else to take care of your car. As a result, it is critical that you learn all you can about the business that will be transporting your car. An organization with the necessary equipment, expertise, and years of industry experience is what you’re looking for.

Investigate the company’s website to see whether or not they are legitimate and dependable. To transport your treasured classic, you’ll want to be certain that you use the best vehicle shipping company available.

Book early – Depending on the shipping method you choose, it might take anything from a few days to several weeks to transport your car. As a result, it is critical to use every available time.

Make a reservation with the vehicle transport business as soon as you have made a definite selection, and mark the date on your calendar as a reminder. As a result, you will not feel hurried since everything has been taken care of in advance.

Procrastination often results in unnecessarily stressful situations.

Choose your transportation services – Car transportation may be divided into two basic categories: open car transport and enclosed car transport. When shipping an automobile, open auto transport is the most common option, in which the vehicle will be transported on an open-air trailer with up to eight other cars.

If you choose this option, there is a tiny chance that your car may be damaged or soiled as a result of road debris. Top-loading, on the other hand, lowers the dangers associated with dirt and debris. Although enclosed car shipping is more costly, it offers more protection.

Some trucks are also equipped with motorized lift-gates, which further restricts the vehicle’s mobility. As you think about which option is best for you, think about how much money you have and how much service you want.

The price isn’t everything – Quality is preferred over quantity. Do not pick a business just based on the fact that they have the lowest pricing. In terms of service quality, it is often the case that you get what you pay for.

If you want the greatest servicing for your costly vehicle, you must be willing to make a little more investment to provide your car with the care and attention it deserves. The number of years the company has been in operation is an additional factor to consider.

Know your insurance coverage – Inquire with the international car shipping companies about their insurance coverage to learn more about what is and is not covered in the event of an accident during transportation.

Have the policy sent to you via email or printed out so you can have a look at it. Find out the answers to all of your queries. A typical concern is: What is covered by the insurance? Exactly what kind of mishaps and damages aren’t included in this policy?

Make sure to check with your own insurance provider to verify whether the car is insured while in transit.

Preparation is key – There are a number of crucial procedures that must be accomplished prior to transporting your vehicle overseas. Prior to shipment, the vehicle should have just a quarter tank of gas. Maintain your vehicle on a regular basis, particularly if you are experiencing fluid leakage issues.

It is critical to correct these issues so that your vehicle does not end up being stacked on top of another vehicle during transportation, perhaps causing damage. All valuables should be taken out of the car before driving.

To make sure the driver knows how to drive, write down all of the special things he or she should do when operating the car. Before and after vehicle transfer, a check will be carried out in the presence of the driver. Additionally, you may choose to photograph your vehicle from several viewpoints.

During transit, be available – It is critical that you stay reachable during the journey since the driver will alert you of any changes. Because of the size of the truck, driving in some neighborhoods with small streets might be challenging.

If this were to occur, the driver would speak with you in order to identify a more convenient location to drop off the vehicle. You are also welcome to contact the driver if you have any queries or concerns.

Cost to ship a classic car

How much it costs to ship a classic car is based on a lot of different things. The following are examples of such things:

  • The distance between the pick-up place and the drop-off site
  • Make and model of the vehicle
  • Condition of the vehicle: functional versus non-operational
  • Service of transportation: open vs. enclosed
  • Season of the year (demand)

Your classic car’s shipping costs might range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to more than $1,000. On average, enclosed vehicle shipping costs $300-$500 more than open auto transport, with the difference being borne by the customer.

If keeping your vehicle protected from the weather is crucial to you, an enclosed vehicle is the best option.

If you own a soft-top convertible, the enclosed alternative is a more secure choice for you. To get your car moved quickly, the company has to reserve a spot on the truck for it in a certain amount of time. This means it will cost more to get your car moved.


People who own vintage/classic cars need a car transport service that specializes in moving rare and valuable cars. Whether you need your vehicle shipped across town or across the country, there are car shipping companies ready to assist you. When it comes to choosing the best one, all you have to do is do your research.