Tips on Throwing the Best Company Christmas Party Ever

Planning the office Christmas party takes a lot more time and effort than people realize.

The best venues get booked up quickly, leaving many deciding to have their party at their office premises and bring in outside catering, with professional corporate Christmas event catering in Melbourne also in high demand.

Those in the company who are responsible for organizing the Christmas party eventually start to feel the pressure.

They have to deliver a great time for everyone, but there’s also so much that can go wrong and turn a great party into a sour event for which they will receive some of the blame.

If you’re one of those people, then below are some tips to help you throw a really fantastic company Christmas party.

Tip 1: Book a Top Caterer in Advance

One thing that will bring everyone together in good fun is some delicious party food. Christmas is the biggest annual celebration for most people in Australia, so all the food that you get should have the “feel-good” factor behind it.

To ensure the best experience, you’ll have to research local caterers and suppliers and book the best one(s) as much in advance as possible. The earlier you can secure the booking, the better.

Once you’ve found the one you like, talk to them about Christmas-themed foods, and stipulate that you want to prioritize indulgence and decadence.

Christmas is no time for penny-pinching and calorie counting, although, of course, you should always take special dietary needs into consideration.

Tip 2: Get a Christmas Tree

While fir trees are not exactly native to Australia, they are still the traditional choice, but an artificial Christmas tree will also do just as well if that’s the best option for you.

A tree in the office or wherever your party space is will really help to create the right kind of atmosphere and will make the room feel more festive.

You can decorate the tree with ornaments, and even make decorating the tree before the party an office pre-party activity that everyone helps with. That’ll create a nice sense of Yuletide camaraderie.

Tip 3: Organise Games and Activities

A great Christmas party will definitely contain fun games and whatnot, but it also won’t make too big a deal out of it. Not everyone at these office parties likes taking part in holiday party games, and that’s fine!

You could organize a Secret Santa for willing participants, and set up small games for those who are interested to take part. Why not dial up the nostalgia by reigniting the childhood spark with games of pass the parcel, or an office scavenger hunt? The sky’s the limit.

Tip 4: Serve Up Christmas-Themed Drinks

While you should remember never to encourage overindulgence in alcohol at an office Christmas party, it’s still the holidays and it’s still nice for everyone to enjoy a little something.

Instead of serving up the regular offerings of beer and wine, why not make it all a bit more Christmassy?

You could prepare eggnog, mulled wine, cocktails in Christmas colors of red and green, and even a delicious non-alcoholic punch for those who are going to be driving home.

Tip 5: Do a Group Photo

Finally, at the end of the night, why not finish things off with a professional-quality group photo.

It would make a nice memento for everyone after the party if you get them either printed up or sent out in digital format via email. It’s the perfect way for everyone to remember this year’s especially fun and memorable office Christmas bonanza.