TJ Miller accused of transphobia by transgender woman

A transgender film critic has publicly accused comedian and actor TJ Miller of being transphobic, following an alleged e-mail exchange that took place in August. 

The accusation comes just one day after a woman accused Miller, 36, of having beaten and sexually assaulted her while they were in college.

Danielle Solzman, 33, of Chicago, Illinois, initially shared a redacted e-mail — which she has since claimed was sent by Miller — with her Twitter followers in September, allegedly showcasing a vitriolic diatribe that she had received the previous month. 

At the time, she declined to reveal who sent her the e-mail, ‘for fear of legal threats.’

Transgender woman Danielle Solzman, 33, of Chicago, Illinois, has claimed that actor and comedian TJ Miller sent her a transphobic e-mail in August after she pointed out that a transgender slur associated with his personal website was ‘very offensive’

Solzman initially tweeted out Miller's e-mail in August, redacting his name it at the time

Solzman initially tweeted out Miller’s e-mail in August, redacting his name it at the time

In the e-mail that Miller allegedly sent, he called Solzman 'Daniel' and said that she was a 'f*****g a*****e' and a 'weird strange terrible man'

In the e-mail that Miller allegedly sent, he called Solzman ‘Daniel’ and said that she was a ‘f*****g a*****e’ and a ‘weird strange terrible man’

On Tuesday morning, after news broke that Miller was accused of sexually assaulting a former college friend, Solzman retweeted the e-mail tweet and said that Miller's 'career is over now'

On Tuesday morning, after news broke that Miller was accused of sexually assaulting a former college friend, Solzman retweeted the e-mail tweet and said that Miller’s ‘career is over now’

On Tuesday morning, Solzman retweeted her initial August tweet and wrote that ‘It’s safe to say that his [Miller’s] career is over now. Nobody ever wants to be on the receiving end of this kind of transphobic abuse. This was the email that found its way to my inbox just one week after the Emoji Movie was released.’

Miller voiced the main character role in the Emoji Movie, which was released in July.  

On Wednesday, Solzman gave the unredacted e-mail to the Huffington Post, claiming that Miller had sent the expletive-laden screed in response to an e-mail she had sent him, informing him that a derogatory transgender term appeared in his personal website’s metadata search terms. 

When searching for Miller’s website, the phrase ‘Tranny Dumpster Sex,’ appeared alongside ‘Hot Garbage,’ ‘Warm Urine’ and ‘Straight Dumpster Sex.’ The term ‘tranny’ has been used as a slur for transgender people. 

Solzman said that since she and Miller had been friends for some time — they met on MySpace in 2005 and in person in 2010, because they attended the same Chicago comedy shows — she wrote to tell Miller about the ‘trans slur’ and noted that it was ‘very offensive.’

In response, Miller allegedly sent a lengthy e-mail that said in part that Solzman was a ‘weird strange terrible man’ and included a line which read, ‘You’re not a transgender, you’re not a tranny  — your [sic] a f*****g a*****e daniel.’ 

The e-mail also stated Solzman’s ‘pursuit of transgender identity is nothing more than an opportunity for you to distinguish yourself as someone who is special, but what is really special is how retarded it is that you would ever think to attack me or say that I’ve been offensive.’ 

Solzman said that she and Miller had been friends for several years, meeting on MySpace in 2005 and then in person in 2010, because they attended the same comedy shows in Chicago. Solzman said that Miller was supportive when she revealed she was transgender in 2015

Solzman said that she and Miller had been friends for several years, meeting on MySpace in 2005 and then in person in 2010, because they attended the same comedy shows in Chicago. Solzman said that Miller was supportive when she revealed she was transgender in 2015

Solzman said that Miller's e-mail was in response to a one line e-mail she sent him telling him that the use of 'tranny' in the metadata of his website is 'very offensive'

Solzman said that Miller’s e-mail was in response to a one line e-mail she sent him telling him that the use of ‘tranny’ in the metadata of his website is ‘very offensive’

Solzman said that this was the e-mail she sent to Miller, that sparked his diatribe

Solzman said that this was the e-mail she sent to Miller, that sparked his diatribe

Solzman tweeted out a screenshot of the transgender slur that she e-mailed Miller about

Solzman tweeted out a screenshot of the transgender slur that she e-mailed Miller about

As a defense against transphobic accusations, Miller apparently wrote, ‘If you were bothered to look into anything that I’ve ever done you would find it [sic] not only have I had sex with transgender people, but I have donated widely to organizations that support their freedom.’ 

The e-mail also included requests that Solzman cease all further communication ended with the words ‘Bye Daniel,’ a reference to Solzman’s apparent birth name. 

Solzman told the Huffington Post that after receiving the e-mail, she blocked Miller on social media. She also said that she had tried to share the story with media in September. As a result, she received a series of anonymous, threatening text messages.

The messages, obtained by the Huffington Post, said to ‘Stop it, Daniel’ and warned that ‘TJ is getting tired of your games and you are about to blacklisted as a “critic.”‘ The texts also referenced the involvement of lawyers and said that ‘I have copies of the emails that you sent trying to get exposure for yourself and defaming TJ.’    

The Huffington Post on Wednesday said that they had confirmed that the e-mail Solzman shared had originated from Miller.

One of Miller’s representatives told the Huffington Post that the e-mail that Solzman received ‘is not about him [Miller] not liking transgender people. It’s about a specific issue he has with this person.’

Solzman told the Huffington Post that Miller had been supportive when she had come out to him as transgender in November 2015.   

On Tuesday, Miller’s former girlfriend — who has not been publicly named — accused Miller of sexual assault, a claim that the actor and and his wife deny, saying that she’s just a jealous ex who made up the story to try and break them up.

The alleged victim told the Daily Beast that she and Miller met at George Washington University in 2001, while the two were involved in one of the school’s comedy groups. 

The woman said Miller beat her and sexually assaulted her on two occasions, punching her in the face during sex and raping her with a beer bottle.

In a joint statement Miller and his wife said that they met Miller’s accuser in college and that ‘she attempted to break us up back then’ and that they ‘are confident that a full consideration of accounts from and since that time will shed light and clarity on the true nature of not only this person’s character, but also the real facts of the matter.’ 

The couple also noted, ‘Sadly she is now using the current climate to bandwagon and launch these false accusations again. It is unfortunate that she is choosing this route as it undermines the important movement to make women feel safe coming forward about legitimate claims against real known predators.’     

Comedy Central announced on Tuesday that it was canceling Miller’s television series, The Gorburger Show, in light of the sexual assault claims.