Toddler on the loo tells his mother to get out the toilet

  • Alexander Donahoe, two, was interrupted on the toilet by his mum Anna, 32
  • Worried she would not like the smell the youngster told her to get out the room
  • His funny potty reaction was shot in their family home in New Hampshire 

This caring toddler wanted to save his mum from a bit of a stinky situation – so he tried to send her out of the bathroom.

Little Alexander Donahoe, two, was interrupted on the toilet by his mum Anna.

Worried she would not like the smell, the earnest youngster told his mother she shouldn’t stay in the room.

Little Alexander Donahoe, two, wanted to save his mum from a bit of a stinky situation – so he tried to send her out of the bathroom

Anna, 32, instead laughs at her son’s concerns and repeatedly asks him what the problem is.

She shot a short video to send to her husband so they could both enjoy their son’s funny potty reaction.

Anna, an account manager from New Hampshire, said: ‘Alexander did not know I was coming in.

‘He had recently told me he was not ready for a wipe and I thought he was so cute that I had to record him to show my husband since he misses out on these things while at work.

‘Alexander was not embarrassed. I could see his wheels turning. He is a riot. 

Anna, 32, instead laughs at her son's concerns and repeatedly asks him what the problem is

She shot a short video to send to her husband so they could both enjoy their son's funny potty reaction

Anna, 32, instead laughs at her son’s concerns and repeatedly asks him what the problem is. She shot a short video to send to her husband so they could both enjoy their son’s funny potty reaction

‘I was holding my three-month-old when going in and I think he genuinely cared about us being in there while it was stinky.

‘This didn’t happen regularly but now that he has seen his video, he re-enacts it every time I go in to help him. It is quite funny.

‘He also loves watching the videos of himself, and he watched this one half a dozen times and started imitating himself.

‘His outgoing personality attracts a lot of attention. At the grocery store this week he asked everyone who passed us what his/her name was.’