Toddler repeatedly bashes a pet dog with a plastic bottle and narrowly avoids being mauled

Stop hounding me! Toddler repeatedly bashes a dog with a plastic bottle before the patient pet finally loses his cool and lunges at the boy

  • The dog did not react at first but the toddler continued to hit with more ferocity
  • The muscular hound snapped but the owner had fortunately grabbed its collar
  • Footage of the incident went viral on social media and divided commentators

An unnerving video shows a toddler narrowly escaping a mauling after repeatedly smacking a pet dog with a water bottle. 

The clip, taken on the streets of Beirut in Lebanon, shows a muscular hound standing on its hind legs for its owner.

A curious toddler runs up to the dog and gently whacks it on the head with a plastic bottle from behind. The animal did not react and instead looked up at its owner, waiting patiently for another command. 

But the toddler quickly circles back and continues to smack the dog from behind with increasing ferocity. 

The pet remains unperturbed at first but, after four or five strikes, suddenly snarls and wheels around, growling and barking at the boy.

The child was spared by the quick-thinking owner who managed to grab the dog’s collar just before it lunged. 

The clip, which has racked up millions of views, has proven divisive among social media users.

Some argued that the child was not acting out of malice and was simply learning about its environment and developing motor skills, calling on the owner to keep the dog on a leash in a public place.

‘They are guilty of bringing this animal into a situation… the dog is capable of serious harm… not for off leash and in public,’ one user commented.

‘Wow incredible how people are placing responsibility on the child. The kid doesn’t look a day over two… kids that age do not listen they only explore and are very curious… kids cannot assess danger,’ another added.

Many others however argued the child was at fault and hit out at his parents for allowing him to recklessly smack the dog without intervening.

It is unclear whether his parents were present, although in the clip a woman in a pink jacket and blue jeans can be seen giggling and walking away as the boy runs off to follow her.

‘That kid should have been beside their parent, with a hand held and told to ‘look not touch,’ one comment read. 

‘Here’s a kid doing something dumb that kids do, and the parents seem nowhere to be found. They could easily lose a kid to a dog turned violent.’ 

The clip, taken on the streets of Beirut in Lebanon, shows a muscular hound doing a trick on its hind legs when a toddler comes up behind and smacks it with a plastic bottle

At first the dog doesn't react but after four or five hits the hound snaps and barks at the toddler as its owner holds it back by the collar

At first the dog doesn’t react but after four or five hits the hound snaps and barks at the toddler as its owner holds it back by the collar

‘How are there little kids like this allowed to run up and cause trouble like this without their parent or guardian snatching them out of their shoes? Is that this boy’s mum way in he background just giggling and running?’ one person asked.

‘The dog was fine being well-behaved until the kid hit him. Would you be happy if someone kept hitting you with a water bottle? Try teaching your kids discipline for once,’ another said. 

‘And… they’ll blame the dog. That kid is lucky that pup is more well-behaved than him,’ someone else added.

It was unclear what the breed of the dog in the video is. However, it could be a pit bull or a Staffordshire bull terrier. 

The former has a reputation for being able to bite and attack with little provocation, while the latter is known as a ‘nanny dog’ for its soft temperament, despite being built similarly to pit bulls with an incredibly powerful bite.
