Toddlers’ race turns into hilarious chaos as they struggle to jump obstacles

Falling at the first hurdle! Toddlers’ race turns into hilarious chaos as they struggle to jump obstacles

  • Eight toddlers enthusiastically run towards the hurdles, but only two clear them  
  • The hilarious scene is believed to have taken place in Azusa, California
  • It was captured by semi-professional basketball player and podcaster Will Ferris 
  • This is the hilarious moment a hurdle race rapidly descended into chaos as a group of preschoolers attempted to get their little legs over the jumps in any way they can.

    Footage that has recently gone viral online shows eight toddlers enthusiastically setting off towards a series of hurdles, only to fall at the first one they reach as only two little ones clear the jump.

    Jumping up and down on the spot one toddler doesn’t seem to understand the forward motion needed to get over the bar, while another youngster in red topples over even before the first hurdle.

    The hilarious video is believed to have been captured by semi-professional basketball player and podcaster Will Ferris in Azusa, California.

    He shared the video, which has the Rocky Theme playing over the footage, to his TikTok page with the caption: ‘Comedy in every lane. Hurdles taking the youngins out!!!’

    The footage has now gone viral with 1.8m views on TikTok.  

    A coach can be seen watching in disbelief as the competitors struggle to get past the first hurdle.  

    One inventive toddler decides to lift and remove the obstacle out of his way rather than jumping it.

    The video, which has the Rocky Theme playing over the footage, has now gone viral with 1.8m views on TikTok

    The hilarious video is believed to have been captured by semi-professional basketball player and podcaster Will Ferris in Azusa, California, and shared to his TikTok page

    While the brave boy in red picks himself up after his early fall in front of the hurdle and goes around the jump.

    Laughter can be heard from the crowd of parents and siblings as they cheer the little athletes on with one watcher caught exclaiming ‘oh s***’.  

    The video was originally posted by Will Ferris on Twitter in July 2017, but has only recently gone viral.

    Undeterred the little boy in red picks himself up and goes around the jump. Laughter can be heard from the crowd of parents and siblings as they cheer the little athletes on with one watcher caught exclaiming 'oh s***'

    Undeterred the little boy in red picks himself up and goes around the jump. Laughter can be heard from the crowd of parents and siblings as they cheer the little athletes on with one watcher caught exclaiming ‘oh s***’