Tom Brady tells Oprah how Patriots had multiple meetings about taking a knee during national anthem

Tom Brady has revealed that the Patriots had ‘healthy conversations’ about kneeling during the national anthem.

Prompted by Donald Trump’s criticism of the protest began by former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, 100 players from across the NFL decided to stage demonstrations of support before games last September.

Brady himself, a friend of the President, remained standing with his hand over his heart during the anthem prior the game between the Patriots and the Houston Texans, while some 20 of his teammates took a knee.

Now, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the legendary quarterback revealed how the team dealt with the controversy. 

Tom Brady was speaking to Oprah about how the Patriots dealt with the divisive issue of player kneeling during the national anthem 

Brady said 'really healthy conversations' took place and he respected  the decision of the players who chose to kneel before the Houston Texas gave last September 

Brady said ‘really healthy conversations’ took place and he respected  the decision of the players who chose to kneel before the Houston Texas gave last September 

 ‘I think there were a lot of good, really healthy conversations coming out of it in our locker room,’ Brady said

‘The great part about sports is the relationships. I’ve been with it for a long time. I’ve been with guys from all different parts of the country, every color, race, belief.

‘And you know what you respect…why people are doing what they’re doing. They’re doing it for different reasons and that’s OK.

‘You can do things for your reason and they can do things for their reason and you can have respect for that.

Tom Brady linking arms with his teammates during the national anthem to show unity prior to the Texans game 

Tom Brady linking arms with his teammates during the national anthem to show unity prior to the Texans game 

Above about 20 Patriots players kneeling. At the time Brady said he disagreed with Donald Trump's trenchant criticisms of the protests 

Above about 20 Patriots players kneeling. At the time Brady said he disagreed with Donald Trump’s trenchant criticisms of the protests 

‘We had meetings after practice, talking about we wanted to, you know, deal with that particular situation at the time, taking a knee. We chose to lock arms.’

‘I respect why people are doing what they’re doing. We support what people are going through.’

‘I’ve been playing sports long enough. Everyone comes from something different, and I think showing respect for everybody is – in a locker room, in a team with guys trying to go in the same direction-  you’d better have that empathy for everybody,’ Brady says.

‘That’s what sports are about.

Trump had called gesture disrespectful and said repeatedly that players who do not stand for the national anthem should be fired by team owners while also calling for fans to boycott teams that tolerate the protest.

He said: ‘Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, “Get that son of a b***h off the field right now. Out. He’s fired. He’s fired”.’

Brady posted this picture of himself with running back James White in an apparent show of support for his  teammates who knelt during the national anthem 

Brady posted this picture of himself with running back James White in an apparent show of support for his teammates who knelt during the national anthem 

At the time Brady said: ‘Yeah, I certainly disagree with what he said. I thought it was just divisive.’

Prior to the Texans game, wrote a cryptic Instagram post with a teammate promoting ‘brotherhood’.

‘Strength. Passion. Love. Brotherhood. Team. Unity. Commitment. Dedication. Determination. Respect. Loyalty. Work. #nflplayer,’ Brady wrote.

The kneeling protest began in 2016 when Kaepernick refused to stand for the flag and national anthem in a gesture he said was in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.