Tom Hanks won’t screen new film at the White House

Tom Hanks issued a critique of President Trump on Wednesday – saying he wouldn’t screen his new film at the White House if he was ever invited.  

Hanks stars in the new film The Post, which is about the Washington Post’s publishing of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, documents that revealed years of government cover-ups about America’s military action in Vietnam.

Hanks plays the newspaper’s then-editor, Ben Bradlee, who pushed publisher Katherine Graham to release the documents when the New York Times, which first started publishing the documents, was hit with an injunction. 

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, Hanks said that while the film is set in the 70s, it echoes a lot of what’s going on in the current political climate. 

Tom Hanks said he wouldn’t screen his new movie The Post (Hanks pictured in the film, left) at the White House if he was asked. President Trump pictured on the right

‘Human behavior never changes. It’s always the same. Vanity of vanity, nothing new under the sun. 

‘The Nixon administration tried to stop the story from being published. They took on the First Amendment by saying: “You can’t tell that story, and if you do, we’re going to threaten you.” That is going on, of course, right now,’ Hanks said. 

A known critic of President Trump, Hanks went on to say that he would stage a protest if the Commander in Chief ever asked him to film the new movie at the White House. 

‘I don’t think I would. Because I think that at some point – look, I didn’t think things were going to be this way last November. I would not have been able to imagine that we would be living in a country where neo-Nazis are doing torchlight parades in Charlottesville [Va.] and jokes about Pocahontas are being made in front of the Navajo code talkers. 

‘And individually we have to decide when we take to the ramparts. You don’t take to the ramparts necessarily right away, but you do have to start weighing things. You may think: “You know what? I think now is the time.” This is the moment where, in some ways, our personal choices are going to have to reflect our opinions. 

‘We have to start voting, actually, before the election. So, I would probably vote not to go,’ he said. 

This isn’t the first time that the star has spoken out against President Trump. 

While in Washington, DC to accept an award in October, Hanks called the president ‘one of the biggest cock-ups on the planet Earth’.

‘This is a tragedy of the utmost consequence, and it goes much longer beyond who’s going to come out on top of the news story. I think it’s very sad,’ he said.

And in an interview earlier this month with David Axelrod on CNN, he said he’s concerned with the president’s attacks on the media – which he regulary tries to discredit.

‘As an American it concerns me, because it’s monkeying around with our Constitution,’ he said.

‘They’re throwing dirt and oil into a bucket of water, so that it all becomes undrinkable after a while,’ he said.