Tom Sizemore removed from set for ‘violating girl, 11’

Tom Sizemore was once removed from set of Born Killers for ‘violating an 11-year-old girl’, according to his former cast and crew.  

Sizemore, the star of gritty 90s movies like Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, and Heat, was accused of sexually assaulting the young girl during a photoshoot towards the end of filming in 2003, the Hollywood Reporter reveals.

The girl, who played a minor role in the movie, was sat on Sizemore’s lap for the picture when the actor is alleged to have either rubbed his finger against the girl’s vagina or inserted it inside. 

Tom Sizemore (pictured) was once removed from set of Born Killers for ‘violating an 11-year-old girl’, according to his former cast and crew

Sizemore as accused of sexually assaulting the young girl during a photoshoot towards the end of filming Born Killers in 2003

Sizemore as accused of sexually assaulting the young girl during a photoshoot towards the end of filming Born Killers in 2003

Production manager Cassidy Lunnen said the ‘the girl was so young it was unclear to her and [later] her parents what had actually taken place and if it was intentional or not.’

But Catrine McGregor, the movie’s casting director, received a call the following day from the actress’ agent the next day informing her that the girl’s mother said her daughter had been abused.

Cast member Robyn Adamson, who portrayed Sizemore’s wife in the movie, said she’d been on set for the photoshoot but had been standing apart near the photographer when she noticed the girl suddenly appeared alarmed.

‘At one point her eyes got just huge, like she could’ve vomited. I was watching her,’ she said. ‘She soon reintegrated and kept going, although she had trouble taking direction. Later, when I was told about what happened, I knew exactly what it was.’

Sizemore is said to have strongly denied the young girl’s claim when he was confronted over the allegations at the time, and told producers: ‘I’ve done a lot of awful things, and I’d never do anything with kids.’ 

But sources who were on the production and crew of the movie, told the Reporter Sizemore was sent home over the alleged incident. 

The actor, now 55, had just been convicted of physically abusing his ex-girlfriend, the former ‘Hollywood Madam’ Heidi Fleiss when the incident with the minor is alleged to have occurred.

Sizemore declined to comment on the allegations when reached by The Hollywood Reporter. 

 Sizemore co-starred with Tom Hanks in Steven Spielberg's Oscar-winning Saving Private Ryan

 Sizemore co-starred with Tom Hanks in Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-winning Saving Private Ryan

He admits he already had a drug problem when he filmed  Natural Born Killers in which he played the part of Detective Jack Scagnetti. He decided he had to stop doing drugs - but that proved difficult

He admits he already had a drug problem when he filmed  Natural Born Killers in which he played the part of Detective Jack Scagnetti. He decided he had to stop doing drugs – but that proved difficult

His alleged victim, now 26, did not want to be identified but is  said to be considering legal action.

Roi Maufas, who worked as a production assistant, recalled that news of the allegations spread through the crew like wildfire after Sizemore was sent home.

‘The little girl said what she said and we all thought, ‘That f**king sleazebag.’ There was never any doubt. 

‘He was this guy who was already known for making inappropriate comments, being drunk, being high. We’re talking about consistent behavior, just being ‘Tom Sizemore’ on set every day. Then this happens. Guys reached for hammers. [Producer James R. Rosenthal, who died in 2011], who was livid himself, had to stop a group of us from going to visit Mr. Sizemore to kick the guy’s ass.’ 

Producers Jai Stefan, Michael Manshel and Gus Spoliansky confirmed they removed Sizemore from set in the wake of the allegations and reviewed the photographs from the shooting session but they were inconclusive.

The girl’s parents reportedly discussed the matter with police but never pressed charges.

The incident is said to have occurred shortly after Sizemore was accused of assaulting his ex Heidi Fleiss (pictured giving evidence against him at the Airport Branch Courthouse in 2003)

The incident is said to have occurred shortly after Sizemore was accused of assaulting his ex Heidi Fleiss (pictured giving evidence against him at the Airport Branch Courthouse in 2003)

Sizemore (pictured leaving Los Angeles Superior Court in 2003) was convicted of seven misdemeanor counts of domestic abuse against his ex-girlfriend, Heidi Fleiss 

Sizemore (pictured leaving Los Angeles Superior Court in 2003) was convicted of seven misdemeanor counts of domestic abuse against his ex-girlfriend, Heidi Fleiss 

Without a criminal investigation, they said they didn’t feel they had the right to act as ‘judge and jury’ to remove him from the film permanently. Sizemore was eventually allowed to return for reshoots in Malibu months later.

Spoliansky said the team had ‘a fiduciary responsibility’ to complete the film without a criminal investigation or hard evidence, but insists: ‘We took the allegation extremely seriously and we were willing to do anything, including dismissing Tom.’

Stefan added that many of the cast and crew had been affected by the allegations, and he himself had broken down in tears at the thought a young girl could have been molested ‘on my watch.’

He added that the parents had not wanted their daughter taken off the movie after the alleged incident.

The allegations have been made public for the first time after McGregor approached the Reporter in the midst of numerous allegations of widespread abuse and misconduct in Hollywood.

McGregor is no stranger to scandal after a very public battle with drug addiction, run-ins with the police and even a stint in jail, although this is the first time he’s been accused of misconduct with a minor.

The 55-year-old had just recently returned to big screen after more than a decade long absence, in movie Felt alongside stars Liam Neeson and Diane Lane, as well as in the Twin Peaks reboot

Sizemore  (second from left)  is the eldest of four brothers and a sister and admits to being a mommy’s boy - speaks to his mom (in striped robe)  two to three times a day. Letting his mother, now 71,  down when he was doing drugs is Sizemore’s biggest regret

Sizemore  (second from left)  is the eldest of four brothers and a sister and admits to being a mommy’s boy – speaks to his mom (in striped robe)  two to three times a day. Letting his mother, now 71,  down when he was doing drugs is Sizemore’s biggest regret

Earlier this year, he told the he’d watched his successful acting career – starring alongside the likes of Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro, Woody Harrelson and Al Pacino – crumble around him, his bank balance and the trappings of fame vanish overnight, in the middle of his drug addiction.

He hit rock bottom when forced to squat for two years in a building with no electricity or running water, whiling away the days smoking crystal meth.   

Sizemore says he even asked Jack Nicholson to loan him $10million. When the actor refused he drove up to Sylmar, California where a friend had a ramshackle guesthouse and he moved in.

‘I was living in a squat, in Sylmar, up in the woods, with no water, no electricity. I’m pretty handy though, so I stole some electricity from the telephone pole, redirected some water. That was not cool.’

He claims he’s now been sober for four years. 

‘If I can’t stay sober, put me in a field and get rid of me, I’m no good anymore,’ he said earlier this year. 

He grew up in a rough part of Detroit and in the height of his fame, says he had ‘everything, a 24 hour cook, a 24 hour maid, the whole ball of wax. Several million dollars in the bank and job after job after job’ but lost it all after scandal after scandal damaged his career.

He also detailed his time in Corcoran prison in 2005, claiming he was targeted because of his Hollywood status – and had 11 fights in his first week in a bid to stay alive. 

Sizemore said he didn’t start taking drugs seriously until his early 30s – after arriving in Hollywood, when he was offered it at the home of an A-list actor.

But two weeks later, after continually taking the drug, Sizemore found himself in the throes of addiction.

His next role was Natural Born Killers – in which he played the part of Detective Jack Scagnetti – and he decided he had to stop doing drugs – but that proved difficult.

‘I threw all my drugs away, I didn’t want to mess this up, but the next morning I couldn’t get out of bed. I immediately called my drug dealer,’ he said.

At the same time, Sizemore also tried to tell his mother, Judith, about his addiction.

‘I ran all these things through my head what I was going to say to her, but then I saw her face, I just couldn’t ask her for help, I couldn’t tell her about the drugs,’ he said. 

Letting his mother down is Sizemore’s biggest regret.

‘It’s hard to think about how much I disappointed her, although she never said one word to me, she never said Tommy you let me down, or Tommy you made me unhappy,’ he said, his voice breaking and tears welling in his eyes.

‘My mom has never said a bad word to me my entire life.’

Sizemore’s drug problem worsened after Natural Born Killers.

He realized he could still function while filming a big picture and before long he progressed to taking heroin and crystal meth.

Before transplant: Sizemore has undergone a state-of-art medical procedure involving removing hair follicles from the back of his head and implanting them where his hair is thinning, leaving no scars

Sizemore has undergone a state-of-art medical procedure involving removing hair follicles from the back of his head and implanting them where his hair is thinning, leaving no scars

Sizemore is said to have strongly denied the young girl’s claim when he was confronted over the allegations at the time 

Over the years he has been in and out of rehab several times and was arrested in 2007 and 2009 for drug-related charges, spending 16 months in total in prison.

The star was even caught attempting to fake a drug urine test using a prosthetic penis known as a Whizzinator. 

While he seemed to get his life back on track after the show, two videos of the troubled actor smoking drugs emerged.

It wasn’t until 2013 that he finally got clean for real. 

Yet he was arrested again in July last year following an incident with a woman at his apartment in LA.

In January he pleaded no contest to two domestic violence charges in a deal that allows him to avoid a 210-day jail term.

He denied the charge, claiming he was targeted by a friend of an ex-girlfriend over money and would ‘have never hit a broad in my life.’ 

Sizemore says his lawyer advised him to take a plea deal rather than go to trial and be dragged through the press again.

The actor is a father of two 12-year-old twin sons, Jayden and Jagger, who live in Palm Springs with their mom Janelle McIntire.