TONY HETHERINGTON: Don’t pay a penny wine firm it’s about to go off!

Tony Hetherington is Financial Mail on Sunday’s ace investigator, fighting readers corners, revealing the truth that lies behind closed doors and winning victories for those who have been left out-of-pocket. Find out how to contact him below. 

Director: Ben Revell would not comment on undelivered wine

M.C. writes: Winebuyers Group Ltd seems to have phoenixed out of a legitimate business which failed in 2021. 

Since then, whoever has traded under the new name seems to take your order and your money, and then if they cannot deliver the wine, they refuse to answer the phone.

Tony Hetherington replies: This is a tale of two Winebuyers. First, there was Winebuyers Ltd. Headed by thrusting young entrepreneur Ben Revell, then just 26, it was set up in 2015 but did not really take off until 2018. Interviewed a few years later, Revell told how he strayed into the business after attending an auction.

A dozen bottles of vintage wine were for sale with an estimate of £7,200, and Revell snapped them up for £3,200. He added: ‘I sold the case a few days later for more than £7,000, and I felt myself drawn to this different world.’

In 2018, Revell set up his own website,, pouring everything he had into going online, including selling his prized Lotus Elite for £15,000. But it all came crashing down in 2021, when Winebuyers Ltd collapsed with debts put at more than £1.5 million.

The list of 218 mainly trade creditors covers seven pages of small type. One creditor began proceedings to have the company wound up, so Revell put it into liquidation. How much was owed to customers is unknown. Revell had also raised more than half a million pounds by offering crowdfunders a stake in the business. They lost everything.

And then came Winebuyers Group Ltd. Set up just a few weeks before Winebuyers itself fell apart, the new company was run by Kyle Fordham, 31, whose arrival on the scene was greeted by wine industry veterans with a unanimous question: ‘Who?’

It turned out not to matter very much who Fordham was. Within days, the new company had bought the old company’s website from the liquidator and carried on as if nothing unpleasant had happened.

Some wine dealers say they were assured that Ben Revell was not involved, but he was.

By November 2021, Winebuyers Group had a new owner and director – Ophidian Corp, an offshore company registered in the Seychelles. And in September last year, as complaints of unpaid bills mounted, Fordham quit, leaving Ophidian as the only director of the company, on paper at least. Two months ago, Revell himself re-emerged as a director, though even before this he was describing himself as chief executive.

So, Mr C, what about the wine you ordered last year? You told me: ‘Nothing received – no money, no wine, no apology. A bunch of rogues!’

I managed to contact Ben Revell, but all he would say was ‘We are unable to comment on the status of individual orders’.

This really is an action replay of Revell’s first Winebuyers. His phoenix company has at least two unpaid court orders against it, and consumer websites are packed with complaints from people who say they paid for wine but received nothing. Clearly, nobody should part with a penny more.

I am expecting Companies House to start proceeding to have the company struck off as it has failed to file accounts due last December, and failed to file details of its ownership that were due in March.

These are offences, but they do not seem to trouble Revell. Two weeks ago he registered his latest company, Elysian Ventures Limited. Revell is the sole owner and director. What could possibly go wrong?

Tesco phone hang-up fixed

Ms V.C. writes: Please help me to get Tesco Mobile to honour the contract I set up for a monthly payment of £7.50 less 50p loyalty discount. 

I received a message saying I had used up my safety buffer but could make an automated payment. 

The problem is that no one can actually set this up, so I was left with a phone I pay for but cannot use for calls.

Wrong number: Ms V.C. is trying to get Tesco to honour a contract she set up

Wrong number: Ms V.C. is trying to get Tesco to honour a contract she set up

Tony Hetherington replies: You told me your contract with Tesco Mobile gives you unlimited minutes and texts, and 2GB data, but I was not clear what extras your buffer allowance provided so I asked Tesco to explain and to see what had gone wrong.

Tesco confirmed your contract and explained that your buffer allowance is meant to cover extras such as international calls or texts. You had set your buffer limit at £5, and when you reached it, this should only have restricted international usage and premium numbers, and not normal calls. 

However, a fault appears to have imposed wider restrictions than intended. Tesco told me: ‘We are really sorry this happened. The fault has been fixed.’ Your phone is now back to normal.


Remanded: Andy Pilley

Remanded: Andy Pilley

The boss of a corrupt energy supplier who complained that The Mail on Sunday was wrong to warn against his business has been remanded in custody to await sentencing for fraud.

Andy Pilley, 52, ran Fleetwood-based BES Utilities which supplied gas and electricity to small businesses. Many customers later found that they had been lied to in the sales pitch and were tied into very expensive long-term contracts. Pilley hired top lawyers to threaten customers who complained.

Between 2010 and 2012, we published a series of warnings which led Pilley to complain to the press regulator. Marketing was done by outside unconnected sales personnel, he claimed, and BES was not responsible for whatever customers were told. Many of the contracts won by BES came from one sales company, Commercial Energy Limited, which operated from nearby Blackpool. Its salesforce lied about low prices said to be available from BES, or by telling victims their existing supplier was about to cut them off. Commercial Energy was dissolved in 2015.

When I investigated the two supposedly unconnected companies, I found the Blackpool sales firm was head by a man named Lee Qualter, but under a different name – Lee Goulding. He and BES’s Andy Pilley, pictured, had been in business together for years. Now both men, along with two others, have been convicted of fraud said to amount to £15 million. They will be sentenced at Preston Crown Court on July 3.

If you believe you are the victim of financial wrongdoing, write to Tony Hetherington at Financial Mail, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY or email Because of the high volume of enquiries, personal replies cannot be given. Please send only copies of original documents, which we regret cannot be returned. 
