Top 5 Cool Stuffs for Growing Kids

Starting from eight to twelve months, babies begin to develop rapidly. During this time, they get influenced by the actions and behaviors of their surroundings. The way good stuff can bring positive development in them, in the same way, unhealthy stuff can negatively impact. Modern brain research shows a crucial age for a child’s development is from birth to age three. After this period, they start to discover more of their physical appearance and personality. That’s why it is essential to introduce them to positive stuff that can significantly add value to their development.

And so we are here with the top 5 cool stuffs for growing kids reviews that will undoubtedly impact them positively. Without any further ado, check the cool baby stuff!

The top 5 items to buy for growing kids 

Children always learn from the things that surround them. In their introductory period of growth, introducing them to stuff with positive impacts will make them more robust in the future. Let’s check out what we have got –

1. Puzzle games 

Simple methods but incredibly useful! Puzzle games are not just only about putting some pieces together. As there are varieties in puzzle games, it can teach your child essential life skills too. Experts say that an average toddler can hold their concentration for about 2-5 minutes. This number changes with their age. Getting your kids age-appropriate puzzle age not only boosts their engagement but teaches them about shapes.

On the other hand, the University of Chicago’s researchers found that puzzle games and spatial awareness are interconnected. Spatial cognition is a cognitive skill that makes one aware of senses, space, and how things move with each other and relationships. Nonetheless, image puzzles can increase your kid’s memory functions and self-esteem. In addition to this, playing puzzle games is particularly useful in making hand-eye coordination faster. Also, your kid will develop problem-solving skills essential for their career and higher studies.

2. Digital camera 

Digital cameras can make a drastic change in your child’s development. As a parent, you may not like tech-gadgets being kids’ toys; however, you can entirely put your trust in digital cameras. Research conducted in Europe in five different countries and five other age groups of growing kids showed incredible results. Every age group showed impressive results, although they were not taught how to use a camera, not the photography lessons.

The kids under seven took mostly indoor photos of their toys; the kids under eleven explored the outdoors. The kids over eleven took most artistic images and the teens forced on their social life. These explanations that kids always focus on exploring and can make their version of exciting stories. Through this, kids can capture their journey to adulthood, enabling a chance for them to visit those later in life. Not to mention, a digital camera can make your kid the next Martin Scorsese or Alfred Hitchcock. On the other hand, digital cameras can bring out their creativity in a unique appearance, making them multi-dimensional. Try to introduce your kid to child-friendly camera models and refrain from supervising them to bring out their personality.

3. Chess 

French mathematician Blaise Pascal said it right, “Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.” Generally, we always put intelligence and chess together. In 2001, James Celone ran an experiment on 19 elementary school students between seven and fourteen. That was a week-long experiment where the students were taught about chess and how to play. The reason behind this was to understand whether chess education can boost critical reasoning and problem-solving skills among the students. Surprisingly, the test score revealed that these two skills are linked with chess, and students do better.

With increasing memory and concentration as the puzzles games, your child can develop multiple chess skills. Chess increase metacognitive and math solving skills. A study in 2011 showed that chess-playing students outperformed others when both groups were given the same problem tests. Chess also increases critical thinking and patience among kids. However, mastering chess can take years, and the levels of teaching should always be age-appropriate.

4. Storybooks 

Ernest Hemingway once said, “There is no friend as loyal as a book.” However, for kids, books need to be wholly different to process words and expressions. Although we are living in a tech age, going to sleep by listening to bedtime stories still holds the same significance. On the other hand, storybooks are crucial in every child’s development. Along with establishing reading skills, kids grow up learning useful information that helps them in school works.

Storybooks are great to introduce language and words to children. Studies have shown that kids who listen and read storybooks regularly developed rich vocabularies than others. In addition to that, storybooks help kids understand moral issues such as sharing or kindness. Along with that, kids can create their imaginary world where they can be themselves, understanding what they want from life.

 5. Cycling 

Undoubtedly, from kids to adults, cycling is the best stuff for a healthy life. However, do you know that cycling is surprisingly crucial for your child’s development? Along with keeping the weight balanced, cycling keeps your kid’s heart and lungs healthy. On the other hand, studies have proven that cycle riding kids’ fears less than others. It decreases stress and boosts your child’s brain powers. Also, cycling is eco-friendly and relatively easy to learn. For this reason, you will get quality time to spend with your kids, creating a unique parent-child bond. Moreover, you can make schedules for screen-times and playing outdoors.

Other kinds of stuff you can consider

From getting your kids better protein to having healthy physiques, various factors work simultaneously in their development. Your child’s overall growth is a series of physical, psychological, emotional, and thought changes that carry up to their adulthood. There are several ways to ensure that your child overcomes potential growth challenges. The ride-on toys, scooters, bikes can improve their balancing capacity and help them to grow entirely. The easel, coloring books, educational books can enrich your kids’ minds and souls.

Final thoughts 

Did you gift your kid any item from our top 5 cool stuffs for growing kids?

Someone said it right, “Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.”

Today’s competitive world is more skill-driven. Only getting good marks in schools is not enough anymore. That stuff mentioned above is not only cool but works for building multiple skills so that your kids’ can get prepare for future challenges. Introduce your growing kids’ to all of these kinds of cool stuff and increase their development.