Top Republicans CONDEMNS Marjorie Taylor Greene for comparing the Holocaust ‘with wearing masks’

Top Republicans, including Kevin McCarthy, condemned Marjorie Taylor Greene Tuesday for comparing mask mandates and vaccine passports to the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. 

‘Marjorie is wrong, and her intentional decision to compare the horrors of the Holocaust with wearing masks is appalling,’ McCarthy, the House Minority leader,  wrote on Twitter.

‘Let me be clear: the House Republican Conference condemns this language.’

New Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik led the criticism from other members of her party by saying: ‘Equating mask wearing and vaccines to the Holocaust belittles the most significant human atrocities ever committed.’

‘We must all work together to educate our fellow Americans on the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust. #NeverAgain,’ she added. 

Rep. Greene doubled down on Twitter Tuesday in claiming that her words are being twisted to say she compared mask mandates to the Holocaust.

‘I never compared it to the Holocaust, only the discrimination against Jews in early Nazi years,’ Greene tweeted. 

‘Stop feeding into the left wing media attacks on me,’ she added. ‘Everyone should be concerned about the squads support for terrorists and discrimination against unvaxxed people. Why aren’t they?’ 

Greene continues to defend her comparison, claiming she was likening Nazi Germany making Jewish people wear 'gold stars' on their arms to the U.S. requiring unvaccinated people to keep wearing masks

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy condemned on Tuesday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for comparing mask mandates to the Holocaust

No. 3 ranking House Republican Elise Stefanik said there needs to be progress on 'educating our fellow Americans on the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust'

No. 3 ranking House Republican Elise Stefanik said there needs to be progress on ‘educating our fellow Americans on the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust’

More than 70,000 people have signed a petition calling on McCarthy to expel Greene from Congress

More than 70,000 people have signed a petition calling on McCarthy to expel Greene from Congress

The backlash from Republicans could lead to Rep. Greene being punished again by her party. In February she was stripped of her committee assignments for her past racist comments and sharing of QAnon conspiracy theories.

She also shared a story criticizing the Food City grocery store in Abingdon, Virginia, for having employees wear logos showing they are vaccinated, which she compared to Jews wearing a yellow star under the Nazis.

The tweet came in response to a post from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who wrote: ‘I’ve also noticed that the media attention on MTG’s bizarrely nutso Holocaust analogy are completely silent by the Squad’s de facto support for genocidal anti-Jewish terrorist group Hamas.’

The controversy over Greene stems from her comments comparing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s mask mandates for unvaccinated lawmakers to rules imposed on Jews to identify themselves with a yellow star in Nazi Germany.

‘You know, we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany,’ Greene told David Brody on his Christian Broadcasting Network podcast ‘The Water Cooler.’

GOP leaders are speaking out against Greene’s repeated comparison. 

House Minority Whip Scalise said he ‘does not agree with these comments and condemns these comparisons to the Holocaust.’

‘We also need to be speaking out strongly against the dangerous anti-Semitism that is growing in our streets and in the Democrat party, resulting in an alarming number of horrific violent attacks against Jews,’ Scalise’s spokesperson Lauren Fine said. 

Greene doubled down on her comments on Monday by sharing a story of how vaccinated employees at a grocery store will wear a logo which she said was 'just like the Nazi's forced Jewish people to wear the gold star'

Greene doubled down on her comments on Monday by sharing a story of how vaccinated employees at a grocery store will wear a logo which she said was ‘just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear the gold star’

'I never compared it to the Holocaust,' Greene wrote in a tweet response to conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish

‘I never compared it to the Holocaust,’ Greene wrote in a tweet response to conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who is Jewish

She said any sort of obvious identifier of a vaccine against coroanvirus is a slippery slope to requiring proof to go to school or use a certain bathroom

She said any sort of obvious identifier of a vaccine against coroanvirus is a slippery slope to requiring proof to go to school or use a certain bathroom

House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, called Greene's continued comparison 'sickening' and 'reprehensible' and called for her to 'stop this vile language immediately'

House Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, called Greene’s continued comparison ‘sickening’ and ‘reprehensible’ and called for her to ‘stop this vile language immediately’

Congresswoman Mary Miller tweeted a selfie with Greene and two other GOP congressmen without masks on the House floor last week – going against Speaker Pelosi's rules requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks

Congresswoman Mary Miller tweeted a selfie with Greene and two other GOP congressmen without masks on the House floor last week – going against Speaker Pelosi’s rules requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks 

Stefanik was voted to take over as No. 3 ranking Republican in the House after the party turned on previous chairwoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming after she broke with Donald Trump and refused to back his claims of voter fraud. 

McCarthy’s full statement on Greene’s comments states: ‘Marjorie is wrong, and her intentional decision to compare the horrors of the Holocaust with wearing masks is appalling. The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity committed in history. The fact that this needs to be stated today is deeply troubling. 

‘At a time when the Jewish people face increased violence and threats, anti-Semitism is on the rise in the Democrat Party and is completely ignored by Speaker Nancy Pelosi,’ he continued.

‘Americans must stand together to defeat anti-Semitism and any attempt to diminish the history of the Holocaust. Let me be clear: the House Republican Conference condemns this language.’

Greene tweeted earlier on Tuesday before McCarthy’s statement emerged: ‘Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star. Vaccine passports & mask mandates create discrimination against unvaxxed people who trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.’ 

Attached to the tweet was a news article about Food City supermarkets dropping mask requirements for vaccinated workers.

However, the southern grocery store chain went a step further by saying those employees who did get the hot will have a ‘vaccination logo displayed on their name badge.’

Shapiro, who is Jewish, responded to Greene’s post by writing: ‘This is demented nonsense. It is nothing like the Holocaust, and any comparison thereto is both insulting and insane.’

Greene said Tuesday that media are 'twisting my words' to fit their narrative

Greene said Tuesday that media are ‘twisting my words’ to fit their narrative

Greene said it’s a slippery slope to require some sort of identification on whether a person is vaccinated against coronavirus or not.

The Georgia representative tweeted: ‘Pretty soon it will be.. ‘We only hire vaccinated people, show your vax papers.’ ‘We only admit vaccinated students, show your vax papers.’ ‘These bathrooms are only for vaccinated people, show your vax papers.’ 

‘Then…..scan your bar code or swipe your chip on your arm,’ she predicted. 

During Senate floor remarks on Tuesday, Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer also lashed out against Greene.

‘This morning, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican congresswoman from Georgia, once again, compared preparations taken against COVID to the Holocaust,’ Schumer, who is Jewish, said.

‘These are sickening, reprehensible comments,’ he added, ‘and she should stop this vile language immediately.’ 

Greene on Saturday defended her comparison of mask mandates to Nazi Germany by claiming ‘any ration Jewish person’ doesn’t like either.

‘I think any rational Jewish person didn’t like what happened in Nazi Germany and any rational Jewish person doesn’t like what’s happening with overbearing mask mandates and overbearing vaccine policies,’ Greene told Arizona TV outlet 12 News on Saturday.

Anti-Semitism is on the rise in American and the world after a massive conflict broke out between Israel and Hamas operating in Gaza earlier this month. The conflict has left several hundred dead so far as bombings increase.

‘Happening in Joe Biden’s America,’ Greene, 46, wrote on Twitter Sunday morning of a man beating a yarmulke-wearing Jewish man in New York.

The 23-year-old suspect said: ‘If I could do it again, I would do it again. I have no problem doing it again.’

Greene, who represents Georgia’s 14th congressional district in the House, compared Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s new rule on face masks to the Holocaust.

Greene doubled-down on comparing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requiring non-vaccinated lawmakers to wear masks to the 'gold star' of the Holocaust. 'I think any rational Jewish person didn't like what happened in Nazi Germany and any rational Jewish person doesn't like what's happening with overbearing mask mandates and overbearing vaccine policies'

Greene doubled-down on comparing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requiring non-vaccinated lawmakers to wear masks to the ‘gold star’ of the Holocaust. ‘I think any rational Jewish person didn’t like what happened in Nazi Germany and any rational Jewish person doesn’t like what’s happening with overbearing mask mandates and overbearing vaccine policies’

She blamed President Joe Biden for the rise in anti-Semitic attacks. 'Happening in Joe Biden's America,' Greene wrote on Twitter of a man beating a yarmulke-wearing Jewish man in New York

She blamed President Joe Biden for the rise in anti-Semitic attacks. ‘Happening in Joe Biden’s America,’ Greene wrote on Twitter of a man beating a yarmulke-wearing Jewish man in New York

She claimed Pelosi’s decision to require proof of vaccination before members are allowed to take their masks off on the House floor to the ‘Gold Star’ Jewish people were forced to wear during the Holocaust.

‘You know, we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany,’ Greene told David Brody on his Christian Broadcasting Network podcast ‘The Water Cooler.’

Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, who was recently ousted from her Republican Conference chair position for not backing voter fraud claims, lashed out at Greene’s comments in a tweet Saturday saying: ‘This is evil lunacy.’

A reporter with News 12 asked Greene on Saturday: ‘Do you understand, though, why some would be upset and offended by the comment?’

‘Do you understand how people feel about being forced to wear masks, or being forced to have to take a vaccine, or even have to say whether they’ve taken it or not,’ Greene shot back.

‘These are just things that shouldn’t be happening in America, this is a free country and it’s just ridiculous to have these kind of conversations,’ she continued.

Greene traveled to Arizona on Saturday with embattled Florida Representative Matt Gaetz as part of their ‘America First’ roadshow. Arizona is currently undergoing a massive recount effort as Donald Trump allies push the former president’s claim that the 2020 election was ‘rigged’.

‘Here’s what I stand by, we shouldn’t be having this kind of treatment,’ Greene said of Pelosi’ requiring those in the lower chamber who opt not to get vaccinated to continue wearing a mask. ‘No one should be treated like a second class citizen for saying, ‘I don’t need to wear a mask,’ or saying that ‘my medical records are my privacy based on my HIPPA rights.’ And so I stand by all of my statements, I said nothing wrong.’

Greene compared a House of Representatives mask-wearing rule to the Holocaust on David Brody's podcast 'The Water Cooler'

Greene compared a House of Representatives mask-wearing rule to the Holocaust on David Brody’s podcast ‘The Water Cooler’

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released guidance last earlier this month saying all fully vaccinated individuals no longer have to wear a mask indoors or outdoors.

Someone qualifies as a fully vaccinated individual two weeks after they received their final dose of the COVID-19 shot – whether it be the one or two-shot inoculation.

Republicans claim this is just another way to weed out anti-maskers and try to force them to get the vaccine.

Former Representative Denver Riggleman was among those who condemned Greene for her comments last week comparing the mandates to the genocide of 6 million Jewish people.

‘Comparing wearing masks to the abuse of the Holocaust is a not so subtle diminution of the horrors experienced by millions,’ he tweeted. ‘It’s a grotesque idiocy mixed with a neurotic lack of self awareness. What do you expect from a truther, Q believer, and gaslighting conspiracy theorist?’ 

Several Jewish groups, like the American Jewish Congress, and other individuals were quick to condemn the comparison

Several Jewish groups, like the American Jewish Congress, and other individuals were quick to condemn the comparison

Political scientist Jasmin Mujanović wrote: ‘This is antisemitism of a most despicable and deranged sort. 

‘This is a woman whose own politics can credibly be described as fascist trivializing the actual, historical facts of the Holocaust. 

‘And I repeat my prediction: she’s a front runner for the 2024 GOP nomination.’

And Rhode Island Congressman David Cilline said: ‘The Holocaust: The systematic murder of 6 million Jews. Mask-wearing: A simple act that costs you nothing and saves lives. Marjorie Taylor Greene: A troubled person who is unfit to serve in Congress.’

Jewish groups, like the American Jewish Congress, and many others quickly condemned the comments on social media as diminishing the six million Jewish people who died during the Holocaust. 

‘You can never compare health-related restrictions with yellow stars, gas chambers and other Nazi atrocities,’ The American Jewish Congress tweeted on Friday. ‘Such comparisons demean the Holocaust and contaminate American political speech.’

The group called for a retraction and apology from Greene, which she hasn’t done to date. 

Former Representative Denver Riggleman said this on Twitter in reaction to Greene's comments

Former Representative Denver Riggleman said this on Twitter in reaction to Greene’s comments

Political scientist Jasmin Mujanović responds to Greene's comments

Political scientist Jasmin Mujanović responds to Greene’s comments

Rhode Island congressman man responds to Greene's comments

Rhode Island congressman man responds to Greene’s comments

The American Jewish Congress' response to Greene's comments

The American Jewish Congress’ response to Greene’s comments

Meanwhile, Greene took to Twitter Saturday morning to accuse fellow Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of supporting anti-Semitism.

She also branded AOC a ‘terrorist’ for supporting a cease in military funding for the Israeli government. 

‘.@AOC you’re responsible for attacks on Jewish people bc of your hate-Israel stance against Israel’s right to defend itself from from terrorists Hamas, calling Israel an apartheid state, & supporting terrorists groups. Aligning yourself with terrorists means your [sic] a terrorist,’ Greene said in the tweet. 

At the bottom of the tweet, Greene shared an image of AOC’s call to end antisemitism next to a headline about her resolution that would cut funding for Israeli bombs.  

Greene shot to fame for pushing a series of bizarre QAnon conspiracy theories before she was elected as a representative for Georgia’s 14th congressional district in November 2020. 

In a 2018 Facebook post, she claimed a ‘Jewish space later’ controlled by the Rothschild banking family had been used to ignite California wildfires.