Top Research-Backed Tips to Improve Your HR Department

Businesses of all sizes need to recognize the integral role of HR in their operations. Employees are the most important factor of organizational success which makes them a primary investment for you.

Creating value and investing in employees is just as important as prioritizing customer care. In this effort, HR plays the most significant role by creating an inclusive environment within the company and providing opportunities for employee growth.

Now, the important question is: beyond the traditional administrative tasks, do you truly grasp how to increase the potential of your HR department?

Improve Workplace Communication

Effective internal communication is central to the achievement of all business objectives. It prevents confusion, builds teamwork and collaboration, and creates a positive environment within the company.

However, workplace communication often falls short. Research indicates that 46% of employees leave meetings unsure of what to do next, and what is expected of them.

Technological advancements may offer numerous platforms for the improvement of communication, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, using these tools is only the first step.

Improving communication requires a top-down approach allowing for information to flow from the CEO to the intern. Employees need clear and concise directives that are in line with the business goals.

At the same time, a bottom-up approach is also needed to improve the communication network.

This would encourage employees to provide regular feedback and ask questions. In addition to formal business communication, employees should be given opportunities for social interaction within the workplace.

Invest in Employee Training and Development

Today, the world of business is evolving at the speed of light. This calls for continuous training to achieve sustainable growth within the organization. Too often, companies hire promising candidates only to neglect their development later.

As a result, employees suffer from stagnation in their careers which slowly eats away at their job satisfaction. A continuous structure of training and career advancement opportunities are critical for retaining top talent.

When employees are equipped with skills they show more confidence in their work and are more invested in the company’s success. This is especially fruitful for increasing productivity rates.

Keeping your workforce trained by the latest industry developments will ensure you remain ahead of the competition.

Using a skills matrix is also a good step when you are looking to invest in your employees’ training and development. A skills matrix brings to light the skills your employees possess while simultaneously highlighting those skills that they require.

This will help you arrange for such training sessions which are focused on the missing skills of your employees.

Improve Your Employee Recruitment Process

Improving your recruitment process is an important first step toward organizational success. Failing to manage recruitment effectively can result in significant time and financial losses. An ill-suited candidate who doesn’t mesh well with the team can derail other team members and lead to decreased productivity.

Some key strategies to improve the recruitment process include:

  • Create Detailed Job Descriptions: Invest time in perfecting job descriptions to only attract suitable candidates.
  • Market your Company’s Workplace Environment: Promote your organization as an appealing place to work by showing its fun and inclusive side.
  • Prioritize Attitude and Qualities: Instead of solely focusing on skills, you need to prioritize hiring candidates based on their attitudes and desired qualities. Skills can always be acquired through proper training, but to correct someone’s attitude may be a difficult task.
  • Utilize Different Recruitment Tools: Several networking platforms exist that you can use to find potential candidates who meet your selection criteria.
  • Get Candidate Feedback: Get feedback from candidates regarding your recruitment process and implement their suggestions for improvement.
  • Maintain Adaptability: Make sure that your recruitment process remains flexible and adapts effectively to the changing needs of the workplace.

Invest in Employees’ Health and Wellbeing

Research conducted by Oxford University revealed that happy workers are 13% more productive.

During research, a significant potential for improvement in employee happiness levels during work hours was noted. In the context of the contemporary world, there is an increased emphasis on achieving a healthy work-life balance compared to half a century ago.

COVID has greatly impacted mental health and well-being and brought to attention the need for employers to address these challenges. It is essential to recognize that employee wellbeing is no longer merely a personal matter but is intricately linked to the workplace environment.

Employers must work to implement strategies to support their employees’ mental health and well-being.

Modernize Performance Evaluation Processes

Many companies continue to rely on outdated annual appraisal systems to assess employee performance, but these processes are often dreaded by both employees and managers. The lengthy forms and formalities associated with these meetings can be largely ineffective.

Moreover, in today’s fast-paced business environment, achievements and mistakes from twelve months ago may no longer be relevant. Instead, consider the following approaches to modernize your performance evaluation system:

  • Get Consistent Feedback: Regular, ongoing meetings provide opportunities to focus on objectives, address issues properly, and ensure that achievements are recognized on time.
  • Act on Employee Feedback: Establish a two-way feedback process where employees are encouraged to provide input on how the organization can improve. Involve employees in decision-making processes, as they possess a personal perspective about what works and what does not within the company environment.
  • Recognize and Reward Achievements: Acknowledging and appreciating employee efforts goes a long way in promoting productivity, job satisfaction, happiness, and loyalty. Implementing a reward and recognition program can have significant positive impacts on employee morale and motivation.

According to a survey, 42% of UK employees indicated that receiving greater recognition for their work would make them happier.

Recognition strategies can include social media shoutouts, awards that exemplify the company’s fundamental values, end-of-year accolades, peer-to-peer acknowledgments, and long-service awards.

Organizations can create a more engaged and motivated workforce by implementing these modern approaches to performance evaluation and recognition.


These research-backed tips will surely improve your HR department. It is important to understand that today, many modern techniques are being employed by organizations to improve their internal and external environment.

Keep yourself open to such new approaches, such as using skills matrix software like AG5 to assess your employees’ skills. For more information about the company, visit their website.