TOWIE’s Tommy Mallet reveals his and Georgia Kousoulou’s son Brody was born to HOUSE music

They welcomed their first child, Brody Fordham, in May. 

And TOWIE’s Tommy Mallet revealed on Tuesday that his only child – whom he shares with Georgia Kousoulou – was born to house music as he reflected on the ‘maddest’ four minutes of his life. 

The entrepreneur, 29, and Georgia 30, also discussed how becoming parents has strengthened their relationship while revealing whether they plan on getting married in the future. 

‘It was absolutely mental’: TOWIE’s Tommy Mallet revealed on Tuesday that his and Georgia Kousoulou’s son Brody was born to house music as he reflected on the ‘maddest’ four minutes of his life

‘It was absolutely mental – the maddest four minutes I’ve ever experienced,’ said Tommy to New! Magazine as he remembered the birth of Brody. ‘I had my house music on as he was being born!

‘People always say it’s the best feeling ever, but you don’t really understand it until you experience it.’

Georgia added: ‘It was so overwhelming, I just cried thinking, “Is this normal? I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how I feel.” It was just all different emotions. 

‘You cry. You’re looking at this little boy and he was staring into my eyes, I was thinking, “Oh my god he’s mine.”‘ 

Bond: The entrepreneur, 29, and Georgia 30, also discussed how becoming parents has strengthened their relationship while revealing whether they plan on getting married in the future

Bond: The entrepreneur, 29, and Georgia 30, also discussed how becoming parents has strengthened their relationship while revealing whether they plan on getting married in the future

The new mother admitted she ‘freaked out’ when she first realised she was having her baby via C-section. According to Georgia, they had to opt for the procedure for safety reasons. 

But looking back, she said the experience was surreal, incredible and the best decision for the baby and her. 

Georgia added that she could feel the doctors ‘tugging’ inside her while Tommy remained by her side, stroking her head and keeping her calm.  

On how becoming a parent has affected their relationship, the former TOWIE star said she now experiences a ‘different type of love’ for Tommy and they share an unbreakable bond. 

Blessed: 'It was absolutely mental - the maddest four minutes I've ever experienced I had my house music on as he was being born!' said Tommy

Blessed: ‘It was absolutely mental – the maddest four minutes I’ve ever experienced I had my house music on as he was being born!’ said Tommy

Family man: He added: 'People always say it's the best feeling ever, but you don't really understand it until you experience it'

Family man: He added: ‘People always say it’s the best feeling ever, but you don’t really understand it until you experience it’

She declared that the birth of their Brody has only brought them closer together and strengthened their relationship. 

Also in the interview, Tommy gushed over their three-month-old and said that seeing him smile and laugh is the ‘best thing ever’. 

He revealed that whenever he is stressed with work, he spends time with Georgia and Brody to remind himself of what he’s doing it all for. 

Tommy also confirmed that he will be a strict parent after being inspired by his parent’s child-rearing techniques. He admitted his dad is the boss, and always has been, as he hopes to follow in his footsteps. 

Yikes: Georgia admitted she 'freaked out' when she first realised she was having her baby via C-section and said she could feel the doctors 'tugging' inside her

Yikes: Georgia admitted she ‘freaked out’ when she first realised she was having her baby via C-section and said she could feel the doctors ‘tugging’ inside her

Team: On how becoming a parent has affected their seven year relationship, the former TOWIE star said she now experiences a 'different type of love' for Tommy

Team: On how becoming a parent has affected their seven year relationship, the former TOWIE star said she now experiences a ‘different type of love’ for Tommy

Looking ahead to the future, the Mallet footwear mogul said he can’t wait to go travelling with his family and to show Brody the world. 

However, the happy couple don’t plan on tying the knot anytime soon as Georgia said she wants to ‘enjoy life’ instead of ‘rushing life’. 

She said she has felt pressure to settle down with Tommy throughout their entire seven year relationship and now, she wants to enjoy time with her family instead of living up to other people’s expectations.

That also applies to having more children as Georgia confirmed she is happy having just one child for the time being. 

Priorities: However, the happy couple don't plan on tying the knot anytime soon as Georgia said she wants to 'enjoy life' instead of 'rushing life'

Priorities: However, the happy couple don’t plan on tying the knot anytime soon as Georgia said she wants to ‘enjoy life’ instead of ‘rushing life’

Georgia has spoken candidly on social media about the changes in her body since giving birth.

The former TOWIE star asserted in the interview that she’s proud of her body and its ability to grow a human, something she reminds Tommy of whenever he gets on her nerves. 

She also joked then she ‘gave birth to Tommy’ as she noted the striking similarity between her partner and their baby. 

But Georgia acknowledged that she sees the resemblance between Brody and herself, now that his cheeks have ‘filled out’ and she can see his dimples.

The couple announced their decision to leave The Only Way Is Essex in May, but they are preparing to return to TV screens later this year with their solo show, Georgia and Tommy: Baby Steps.

According to the mother-of-one, she was initially hesitant about doing their own show, but ultimately decided it was the right thing to do considering their entire relationship has been documented on TV. 

As the first series only has two episodes, Georgia teased the idea of shooting more  installments in the future while adding that she thinks viewers will enjoy the way it’s filmed because it’s different to other reality show formats.  

Happiness: She said she wants to enjoy time with her family instead of living up to other people's expectations

Happiness: She said she wants to enjoy time with her family instead of living up to other people’s expectations