‘Toxic’ marriage may explain death of Somerton Man as new details emerge about the 1948 mystery

A toxic marriage may have been a factor in the bizarre mystery of ‘Somerton Man’, who was recently identified after being found deceased on an Adelaide Beach in 1948.

This week Adelaide University researcher Derek Abbott claimed the man was Carl ‘Charles’ Webb, a 43-year-old electrical engineer and instrument maker from Footscray in Melbourne.

Now it can be revealed Webb’s wife Dorothy Jean applied for a divorce nearly three years after his body was found and that he had suffered several devastating tragedies before disappearing.

This week Adelaide University researcher Derek Abbott claimed the mysterious ‘Somerton man’ was Carl ‘Charles’ Webb, a 43-year-old electrical engineer and instrument maker from Footscray in Melbourne 

A toxic marriage may have been a factor in the mystery of 'Somerton man', who was recently identified after being found in 1948. (pictured, an special effects image of what the Somerton Man may have looked like)

A toxic marriage may have been a factor in the mystery of ‘Somerton man’, who was recently identified after being found in 1948. (pictured, an special effects image of what the Somerton Man may have looked like)

Official records obtained by The Advertiser show she applied for a divorce from the ‘sullen and rude’ Webb on June 5, 1951 on the grounds of ‘desertion’.

‘If he lost he would be sullen and rude to me, or anyone else, if he lost at cards, he would become unpleasant to everyone,’ Mrs Webb said in the documents.

But she also described him as living a quiet life and being in bed by 7pm each night. 

The documents showed four of his close relatives died in a seven-year stretch during their marriage. 

He lost a brother and nephew in World War II, but his mother died in 1946 and his father in 1939.

Mrs Webb also complained her husband sometimes ‘refused to speak to me’.

‘One night in January 1946 he told me that we were not suited to each other and would be better apart.’ 

The man's body (pictured) was found on Somerton Beach on December 1, 1948

The man’s body (pictured) was found on Somerton Beach on December 1, 1948

They were married in October 1941 and separated in April 1947. 

But four months after applying for a divorce, she placed an advertisement addressed to him in the Missing Friends section of The Age newspaper in Melbourne.

It was a formal notice to make him aware of divorce proceedings, and read ‘Unless you enter an appearance in the Prothonotary’s Office of the Supreme Court at Melbourne on or before the 29th day of October 1951, the case may proceed in your absence.’

She was granted a divorce in April 1952. 

Renowned American genealogist Dr Colleen Fitzpatrick, an expert with Identifinders International, who helped identify ‘Somerton Man’, said Mrs Webb’s claims are only half the story.

‘In a divorce, you talk to each party, and if they’re in that frame of mind they’re going to really decimate the other person,’ she said.

Dr Fitzpatrick suspected Webb had mental health issues and would ‘spiral down’. 

When ‘Somerton Man’ was found in 1948 his body remained unclaimed and remained unidentified for 74 years until Mr Abbott used DNA analysis to determine his identity.

Webb’s fully-clothed body was found with a coded note in his pocket on Somerton Park Beach 74 years ago.

The victim, known as the 'Somerton Man', was found on Somerton Park Beach in South Australia on December 1948 with a coded message in his jacket (pictured)

The victim, known as the ‘Somerton Man’, was found on Somerton Park Beach in South Australia on December 1948 with a coded message in his jacket (pictured)

Pictured: The burial of the mysterious Somerton Man on June 14, 1949

Pictured: The burial of the mysterious Somerton Man on June 14, 1949

Bizarrely he had an unlit cigarette resting on his chest, a coded note in his pocket and a book of Persian poems with him.

He was dressed in a perfectly-pressed double-breasted suit and tie and his shoes were freshly shined.

The fact he was never claimed and the way he was found led many to speculate he was a Cold War-era spy.

Others believed he may have been a scorned ex lover.

A post-mortem examination ruled he was poisoned, but was never identified because no family members came forward to claim him. 

Forensic Science SA staff, South Australia Police, major crime detectives and staff from the West Terrace cemetery are seen during the exhumation

Forensic Science SA staff, South Australia Police, major crime detectives and staff from the West Terrace cemetery are seen during the exhumation

Pictured: Adelaide Cemetery Authority pall bearers carry the body of the exhumed Somerton Man on May 19, 2021

Pictured: Adelaide Cemetery Authority pall bearers carry the body of the exhumed Somerton Man on May 19, 2021

Professor Abbott, who has been working alongside Ms Fitzpatrick, used hair from a plaster mask police made in the 1940s to construct a DNA profile.

After building a family tree of around 4,000 people, Abbott and Fitzpatrick had a breakthrough on Saturday – successfully matching the DNA from the hair to samples from Webb’s distant relatives. 

‘By filling out this tree, we managed to find a first cousin three times removed on his mother’s side,’ Abbott told CNN. ‘It just felt like I climbed and I was at the top of Mount Everest.’  

Webb was born the youngest of six children in 1905 in Melbourne. No death records or photos exist on file. 

Professor Abbott said they also found a link between Webb and the name ‘T.Keane’ – which was printed on the Somerton Man’s tie.

‘It turns out that Carl Webb has a brother-in-law called Thomas Keane, who lived just 20 minutes drive away from him in Victoria,’ Professor Abbott told ABC News. 

‘So it’s not out of the question that these items of clothing he had with T. Keane on them were just hand-medowns from his brother-in-law.’

Professor Abbott said they had also found a potential reason why the Melburnian  was in Adelaide. 

‘We have evidence that he had separated from his wife, and that she had moved to South Australia, so possibly, he had come to track her down,’ he said.

The remains of the so-called Somerton man are being exhumed at an Adelaide cemetery in a bid to solve the more than 70-year mystery over his death and his identity

The remains of the so-called Somerton man are being exhumed at an Adelaide cemetery in a bid to solve the more than 70-year mystery over his death and his identity

In May last year, South Australia police exhumed the Somerton Man’s body from its resting place at West Terrace Cemetery.

However, experts from Forensic Science SA encountered difficulties analysing the DNA due to the small amount of ‘comparison samples’.

South Australia Police, who are conducting a parallel investigation, are yet to verify Abbott’s findings.

South Australia Police have been contacted for comment. 

Professor Abbott hopes their work will be confirmed by authorities to enable further research into Webb’s life. 

The tantalizing mystery of the Somerton Man 

‘Somerton Man’ was found hunched against the sea wall at the top of the beach wearing a suit and shoes and an unlit cigarette resting on his chest on the morning of December 1, 1948. 

The suit he was wearing, which included a double breasted jacket, was perfectly pressed.

All the tags on every piece of clothing had also been removed and his shoes meticulously polished.

The notorious cold case also came to be known in Australia as the ‘Tamam Shud case’ because of a coded phrase scribbled on a piece of paper hidden in the man’s jacket, which wasn’t found until months later.

‘Tamam Shud’ is a Persian phrase which roughly translates to ‘finished’ or ‘ended’.

Other items found on the man included Juicy Fruit chewing gum, an American metal comb, a bus ticket to North Glenelg and Army Club cigarettes and matches.

A month later, on January 14, a suitcase was found by staff at an Adelaide train station believed to belong to the ‘Somerton Man’.

Inside they found scissors, shoe polish, a tie, ash tray, spoon and toothbrush, among other things.

Theories about the man’s identity are varied, but one of the more popular ones has many believing he could have been a post-war era spy.

This theory was strengthened with the discovery of a second ‘coded message’ on the man’s body, written on the last page of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and torn out.

The book was a compilation of Persian poetry translated into English.

Five months after he was found dead the Somerton Man was buried at West Terrace Cemetery – with no-one any wiser as to who he was or why he was in Adelaide.

The life of Carl ‘Charles’ Webb

Webb was born on November 16, 1905, in the inner-city Melbourne suburb of Footscray. 

Abbott said there are few records to shed light on his early life and they have not been able to find any photos of him in public databases or relatives’ photo albums. 

However, Webb later married Dorothy ‘Doff’ Robertson, and the last known record on file is a court notice in April 1947 when she went to court to file for divorce because he had disappeared. 

After Robertson filed for divorce in Melbourne, documents from 1951 show she had moved to Bute in South Australia, 144km northeast of Adelaide. 

Abbott said Webb liked betting on horses and the mysterious code found in the man’s book could relate to horse names.

The researcher said Abbot was also fond of poetry, which could explain the Tamam Shud note. 


December 1, 1948: Trainee jockeys find the Somerton Man’s body on Somerton Beach in the early hours

January 14, 1949: Adelaide train station staff find suitcase believed to belong to Somerton Man in the station

June 1949: Inquest into the man’s mysterious death is launched

June 1949: The Somerton Man is buried in West Terrace Cemetery

March 2009: University of Adelaide Professor Derek Abbott begins investigating the case. His research leads to Rachel Egan. The couple later marry and have three children

October 2019: South Australia Attorney-General gives conditional approval to exhume the body

May 2021: South Australia Police exhume Somerton Man’s body for further testing 

July 2022:  Adelaide University researcher Derek Abbott and American genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick reveal DNA analysis of Somerton Man’s hair identify him as Carl ‘Charles’ Webb

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk