Track Palin stole ex’s phone and beat her head as she fled with their son, tried to headbutt officer

The charging documents that have been filed in the latest domestic abuse incident involving Track Palin reveal that the son of former governor Sarah Palin has once again been accused of beating his ex.

Jordan Loewe claims that she arrived at Track’s home on Friday night to drop off their son, and that as she began to leave her ex suddenly demanded she give him a hug. 

Loewe, whose protective order against Track was just lifted in late August, was then told by Track that she could not leave, at which point she pulled out her phone and stated: ‘If you don’t let me leave I’m going to call the police.’

That is when Track allegedly took her phone and began hitting her, even as she tried to remove their son from her ex’s home.

She eventually yelled loud enough to get her phone back and called authorities, who also claim that they were attacked by the 29-year-old father-of-two.

Track was booked in the early morning hours of Friday on charges of Assault IV, Interfering with Report of a DV, Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct and ordered held without bail.

It is a far cry from video of Track seen last week on DailyMailTV in which he seemed to be cleaning up his act as he mopped a Salvation Army as part of his community service for an arrest last December in which he attacked his father Todd.


Trouble: Track was booked in the early morning hours of Friday on charges of Assault IV, Interfering with Report of a DV, Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct (Palin and ex Jordan Loewe above)

Victim: Charging documents claim that he beat his ex Jordan Loewe on Friday, hitting her in the head and butt as she tried to flee his house with their son (Loewe above with the couple's child)

Victim: Charging documents claim that he beat his ex Jordan Loewe on Friday, hitting her in the head and butt as she tried to flee his house with their son (Loewe above with the couple’s child)

They did: This happened just hours before Track’s sister Willow was married just 90 minutes north of Wasilla in Talkeetna (Willow, husband Ricky and Piper Palin on left, Sarah on right)

Bad move: Once he was handcuffed, Track allegedly tried to headbutt the arrested trooper according to charging documents (above)

Bad move: Once he was handcuffed, Track allegedly tried to headbutt the arrested trooper according to charging documents (above)

Loewe told the troopers who responded to her report of a domestic violence incident that after Track took her phone she tried to leave the residence despite her ex’s behavior, but then things began to spiral out of control.

‘Jordan made it outside to her vehicle in the driveway and was in the driver seat when Track followed her out and was on top of her, hitting her in the head,’ wrote Trooper Jason Somerville. 

‘Jordan told me she went back inside to get [their son] and take him with her. While Jordan was walking inside Track continued to hit her in the back of the head and butt.’

Loewe was eventually able to get their son buckled into the car and wrestle her phone away from Track, saying that she believed her screaming worried him enough that he handed over the cell. 

Once she had made her way safely to a nearby gas station she called authorities.

‘Jordan told me she was scared of things escalating because of their past history. She told me Track had pulled a gun on her in the past and gets violent very quickly,’ noted the affidavit. 

‘Jordan told me on a scale of 1-10 for pain she was at a 2-3. She told me on a scale of 1-10 for fear she was at a 9.’

This was just the beginning for Track though, when then made the situation worse once troopers arrived and he refused to respond to their requests to come outside the residence, choosing instead to sit on his couch in clear view of the troopers. 

He disputed some of Loewe’s claims and said that after she threatened to call the police he decided to go sit on the ouch and ‘wait to be arrested.’ 

There was a second incident soon after he made that admission as the officers began to cuff Track. 

‘Track tensed his arm and tried to pull his arm forward. [Sergeant] Russell had Track’s left arm. We attempted to pull his arms back behind his back and Track kicked the coffee table, knocking it over,’ read the affidavit. 

‘At that point I tried to conduct a leg sweep but was unsuccessful. Sgt. Russell pulled Track backwards to the ground and I went down with them. I grabbed Track’s arm and pulled it behind his back.’ 

It was then oberved that Track had a pcket knife on him the entire time, and once he was in cuffs Sommerville searcfh his body for any other weapons before removing him from the home.

‘I escorted Track out to my patrol vehicle down the road. When I got next to my patrol vehicle Track was pulling and shoving with his shoulder I was holding on to,’ stated the affidavit. 

‘Track threw his head backwards toward my face and I moved back to avoid being struck in the face. I began to lose my balance on the slanted ditch and we both sent to the ground.’

He was then taken to Mat-Su Regional Hospital at his own request because he said his wrist hurt from the handcuffs.

The hospital cleared him however, at which point he was booked into Mat-Su Pretrial Facility, the same place he was held after his arrest on similar charges back in December.

Track in 2008

Track in January

Over the years: The incident occurred just one month after a judge lifted the protective order that Loewe requested last December (Track left in 2008, right in January) 

Family unit: It is a far cry from video of Track seen last week on DailyMailTV in which he seemed to be cleaning up his act as he mopped a Salvation Army as part of his community service (The Palins above in 2008)

Family unit: It is a far cry from video of Track seen last week on DailyMailTV in which he seemed to be cleaning up his act as he mopped a Salvation Army as part of his community service (The Palins above in 2008)

Sarah Palin alleged that her son was taking both pills and alcohol on the day of his December arrest due to his PTSD.

An incident report that was included in the young man’s charging documents revealed that he broke into his family home through a window after being told by father Todd that he was not welcome, and then began to hit the man over the head.

Todd had tried to keep his son out by meeting him at the door and pointing a gun at him, but Track was able to disarm the man and ‘put him on the floor’ before beating him bloody.

Sarah told police her son was ‘freaking out and was on some type of medication.’

After Track assaulted his father, a bloody Todd fled the home followed by Sarah, and Track engaged in a brief standoff with police.

‘Given the nature of actions addressed last night by law enforcement and the charges involved, the Palins are unable to comment further,’ said Sarah and Todd’s lawyer John Tiemessen.

‘They ask that the family’s privacy is respected during this challenging situation just as others dealing with a struggling family member would also request.’

Track was kept in a detention facility for five days after his arrest, before being released on bail.

‘Track stood on the porch,’ wrote Officer Adam LaPointe of the Wasilla Police Department.

‘Communication was attempted which failed due to Track yelling and calling myself and other officers peasants and telling us to lay our guns on the ground before approaching the residence.’

He then went inside the house before reappearing on the roof of the garage so he could get a look around the entire property, according to Office LaPointe.

After that Track again when into the house, where he remained for approximately 15 minutes before reestablishing communication with police.

Track then turned himself over to police, admitting he had a few beers earlier in the night and had gotten into a argument with his father over the use of a car.

‘Track said he had been talking to his dad, Todd, about a vehicle,’ read the report.

‘Track stated he had a disagreement and that there had been threats made between them. Track stated that he then drove over to Todd’s house and when he arrived Todd had a gun in his hand,’ reads Officer LaPointe’s sworn affidavit.

When Track then looked through the window next to the door he saw ‘Todd point a gun at him.’

The eldest son of Sarah and Todd then told his father to shoot him several times before deciding to break a window in order to enter the home.

‘Track stated that he went through the broken window and disarmed Todd and put him on the ground,’ stated the affidavit.

‘While Track had Todd on the ground he started hitting Todd in the head. Todd was able to get away from Track and out of the residence.’

Best day: Sarah palin would only say that Saturday was the best day of her life as Willow walked down the aisle (left with Todd, right in her dress)

The Iraq combat veteran had been taken into custody by police befoire that incxdent as well back in January of 2016 after officers arrived at the Palin family home and found his girlfriend cowering under a bed.

That girlfriend was Loewe. 

An intoxicated Track attacked Loewe and pointed an AR-15 rifle at his own head as they argued over her ex-boyfriend and screamed he was going to shoot himself, shouting, ‘do you think I’m a p—y? and ‘do you think I won’t do it?’

The police report stated that the victim was seen with ‘bruising and swelling around her left eye’ claiming that Track had thrown her phone away when she tried to call 911.

This all happened at Sarah’s Wasilla home as well according to court documents, and Track had a 0.189 blood alcohol level according to police.

‘I observed that the male had a visible injury to his right eye and the area around his eye,’ wrote Officer Andrew Kappler at the time.

‘His eyes were bloodshot and I detected a strong odor of alcohol on his breath and person. Upon contacting Palin, he was uncooperative, belligerent, and evasive with my initial line of questions.’

Officers tried to ask the veteran why 911 was dialled by the woman and where she was.

‘Palin stated that he didn’t know where she was and denied that there was a firearm involved, but did state that there were several spread throughout the residence,’ Kappler wrote in his report.

‘Due to Palin’s escalating hostility, the unknown whereabouts of the female 911 caller, and Officer safety, Palin was placed into handcuffs.’

It was then that officers went into Sarah’s family home and discovered Loewe under the bed, crying and hiding.

‘She and her boyfriend of one year, Track Palin, left a different residence together and were arguing the whole way home,’ Kappler wrote. ‘Once they got to his home they argued in the car, then in the driveway. They were screaming and he was calling her names.’

The woman told police that while she had not yet called 911, she had lied to Track and said she had to scare him off.

Apparently this did not work.

‘Palin approached (his girlfriend) and struck her on the left side of her head near her eye with a closed fist,’ wrote Kappler in the report.

The argument got out of control and Track allegedly reached for his AR-15 rifle and began threatening suicide.

Track’s girlfriend ran out of the house after the young man started ‘holding onto a gun, yelling ‘do you think I’m a p—y?’ and ‘do you think I won’t do it?’

‘(She) stated Palin ‘cocked the gun’ and was holding the rifle out next to him with his right hand near the trigger and his left hand near the barrel, with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side,’ states the detailed police report.

‘(She) was concerned that he would shoot himself and ran outside and around the house. She didn’t see where Palin went, so she went inside and up the stairs, where she hid under a bed.’

Police reported that Loewe had bruising around her left eye and appeared to have an injury on her knee.

Track told police the argument began after he learned she had been speaking with an ex-boyfriend.

The two had been to dinner and then visited his sister Bristol’s home earlier in the night before the argument began at his mother Sarah’s home.

He also claimed that the woman elbowed him during the fight, but she was not arrested or charged with any crime.

Loewe spoke with DailyMailTV about the incident last year.

She said Track pointed his mother’s pink camo AR-15 rifle towards his head. The police report reads: ‘Loewe stated Palin ‘cocked the gun’ and was holding the rifle out next to him with the [sic] his right hand near the trigger and his left hand near the barrel, with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side.’

Jordan said: ‘There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to kill himself or kill me. It was terrifying.’

The attack made headlines nationwide and prompted an angry response from the Palin family.

Jordan told DailyMailTV: ‘I did not go to the media – they got a hold of the police report, so they got quotes of what I said about what had happened.

‘I got a text to say I was disrespectful and not respecting their privacy; that I shouldn’t have been drinking and I was blamed for that.

‘There was never any responsibility put on Track or what he did or what happened.

‘I think safety over reputation or a last name, that’s pretty important. I still can’t believe that they took priority over my life and Charlie’s life.

‘I disappointed them by calling the police and asking for help because I thought I was going to die.’