Track Palin’s ex says Sarah pressured her to stay silent

Sarah Palin pressured her son Track’s girlfriend to stay silent about violent abuse, his victim tells DailyMailTV Tuesday.

Jordan Loewe, who has 16-month-old son Charlie with Track, broke her silence Monday to DailyMailTV and spoke out for the first time about the domestic violence she alleges she suffered at his hands during their relationship. 

Among a catalog of abuse, she says that Track choked her while she was seven months pregnant and attacked her while she held their weeks-old baby in her arms, prompting her to finally leave him.

Now Jordan, 24, tells DailyMailTV there although were occasions when she called 911, she felt under pressure not to, and frequently took the abuse without calling authorities.  

The college graduate said the Palins were upset with her for involving law enforcement.

Speaking out: Jordan Loewe has found the strength to speak about the violence she suffered at Track Palin’s hands more than a year after they split, only weeks after the birth of their son Charlie. Now she is telling DailyMailTV the Palins pressured her to remain silent

In the family: Pregnant Jordan Loewe (second from right with Track) was surrounded by the Palins including from left Dakota Meyer, holding his daughter Sailor, his wife Bristol Palin, her sister Willow, their brother Trigg, mom Sarah, father Todd, and sister Piper. But she says she was pressured not to call the police over Track's violence

In the family: Pregnant Jordan Loewe (second from right with Track) was surrounded by the Palins including from left Dakota Meyer, holding his daughter Sailor, his wife Bristol Palin, her sister Willow, their brother Trigg, mom Sarah, father Todd, and sister Piper. But she says she was pressured not to call the police over Track’s violence

Awaiting trial: Track Palin was photographed by DailyMailTV just before Christmas after finally being freed on house arrest after an alleged attack on his father, Todd, at the home he and Sarah Palin share

Awaiting trial: Track Palin was photographed by DailyMailTV just before Christmas after finally being freed on house arrest after an alleged attack on his father, Todd, at the home he and Sarah Palin share

Part of the team: Track Palin was on the campaign trail with his mom in 2008, along with brother Trig and sister Bristol. He is now awaiting trial on charges of attacking his father Todd

Part of the team: Track Palin was on the campaign trail with his mom in 2008, along with brother Trig and sister Bristol. He is now awaiting trial on charges of attacking his father Todd

‘I got the cold shoulder for calling the police and tarnishing their name,’ Jordan said. 

‘I was very particular about when I called the police and I didn’t call them often. If I had called the police every time he pulled out a gun, then he would be in jail.

‘To his family, I was still kind of the bad guy for calling the police and blowing this up. The answer to them is, “we don’t call the police because that’s our reputation”.

‘I don’t really know what they believe but I definitely got some rude text messages, to say the least, about calling the police.’

One incident when she did call the police was on January 19, 2016 when Track punched her in the face and kicked her before pointing an AR-15 rifle at his head and threatening to shoot himself after an argument, a police report stated.

Jordan said Track pointed his mother’s pink camo AR-15 rifle towards his head. The police report reads: ‘Loewe stated Palin ‘cocked the gun’ and was holding the rifle out next to him with the [sic] his right hand near the trigger and his left hand near the barrel, with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side.’

Jordan said: ‘There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to kill himself or kill me. It was terrifying.’ 

The attack made headlines nationwide and prompted an angry response from the Palin family. 

Jordan told DailyMailTV: ‘I did not go to the media – they got a hold of the police report, so they got quotes of what I said about what had happened.

‘I got a text to say I was disrespectful and not respecting their privacy; that I shouldn’t have been drinking and I was blamed for that.

‘There was never any responsibility put on Track or what he did or what happened.

‘I think safety over reputation or a last name, that’s pretty important. I still can’t believe that they took priority over my life and Charlie’s life.

‘I disappointed them by calling the police and asking for help because I thought I was going to die.’

Attacked when pregnant: Jordan Loewe tells how she was choked by Track Palin when she was seven months pregnant with their son Charlie

Attacked when pregnant: Jordan Loewe tells how she was choked by Track Palin when she was seven months pregnant with their son Charlie

Happy times: At the beginning of their relationship, Jordan Loewe said there were 'a couple of red flags' but 'nothing that really alarmed me'. But she has told DailyMailTV of the time they spent together becoming increasingly violent and abusive

Happy times: At the beginning of their relationship, Jordan Loewe said there were ‘a couple of red flags’ but ‘nothing that really alarmed me’. But she has told DailyMailTV of the time they spent together becoming increasingly violent and abusive

New father: Although he held his son Charlie tenderly just after his birth, Track Palin had assaulted Jordan Loewe when she was seven months pregnant, she told DailyMailTV

New father: Although he held his son Charlie tenderly just after his birth, Track Palin had assaulted Jordan Loewe when she was seven months pregnant, she told DailyMailTV

DailyMailTV has contacted the Palins’ attorney John Tiemessen but he did not respond to emails and a receptionist at his firm told DailyMailTV that Tiemessen ‘does not speak to reporters’.

Following the assault, Track Palin was charged with assault, interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime and possessing a weapon while intoxicated. The first two charges were dropped in July 2016 when Track agreed to plead guilty to misconduct involving weapons while being under the influence.

Jordan said that she sat down for a heart-to-heart with the Palins a few weeks after Track attacked her.

‘Sarah said to me: “Track has always had an outlet for his violence. He’s played hockey his whole life and it’s applauded when you get in fights with people and that’s how he can take it out. 

‘”He would be on the ice and be aggressive and violent. People cheered him on for that.

‘”When he was an adult and stopping playing hockey, he immediately joined the military and that was his outlet for violence. They were proud of him for that just like they were in hockey.

‘”Since he’s out of the military, he doesn’t have that outlet anymore. So it’s hard for him.”‘

Jordan added: ‘I was hoping she had an idea for somewhere to take his violence but clearly it was just having him take it out on those around him. 

‘I remember her telling me, as if, ‘This is the reason why you got hit but that’s all I have for you.”

Jordan said she was even more ashamed of the domestic violence becoming public knowledge because on the day after he assaulted her, Track’s former Republican VP nominee mother was in Des Moines, Iowa, endorsing Donald Trump for president.

'He said he has PTSD, Iraq messed him up, his family and the media messes him up. His kids getting taken away messed him up.' Track returned from Iraq the first time to be greeted by his daughter Kyla, who is now six. But he is now divorced from her mother 

‘He said he has PTSD, Iraq messed him up, his family and the media messes him up. His kids getting taken away messed him up.’ Track returned from Iraq the first time to be greeted by his daughter Kyla, who is now six. But he is now divorced from her mother 

And two days later she used a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to speak about Track’s arrest. 

At a rally in the city, Sarah Palin called her son a ‘combat veteran’ and said: ‘I guess it’s kind of the elephant in the room – because my own family, going through what we’re going through today with my son, a combat vet having served in a Stryker brigade fighting for you all, America, in the war zone.

‘My son, like so many others, they come back a bit different, they come back hardened, they come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen every other member of the military so sacrificially have given to this country,’ she said.

Track served a year in Iraq in 2009, as a private in the 25th Infantry Division’s 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team. It is unclear if he ever saw actual combat.

Jordan said the attention left her humiliated. ‘All the headlines were “Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump while her son is in jail for battering his girlfriend”. It was everywhere. I had never dealt with the media. I didn’t want to talk about it at all.’

Following the assault, Track agreed to complete an alcohol-related treatment and at the time, the Anchorage DA said Track planned to enter a therapeutic program for ‘several months’ to deal with PTSD.

Jordan said that he never completed the PTSD program and questioned whether Track’s problems stemmed solely from the disorder.

‘Track told me he was clinically diagnosed before leaving Iraq with PTSD and that is a serious issue,’ she said.

‘But there are other problems there. From what he has told me and what his family and friends have told me, this didn’t come from the military.

‘Track has had a history of violence from a young age. He got suspended for fighting in high school. This came from just deep-rooted mental health issues from childhood or adolescence that were never addressed or taken care of.

‘His mom likes to say “PTSD, he came back different”. He did – he came back a lot worse. But it exacerbates the problem, like alcohol does.

‘I think part of the problem is that Track has never gotten in trouble for anything that he has done. He’s attacked multiple people, he’s pulled guns on multiple people and has never really gotten in trouble. I wasn’t the first and I won’t be the last.

‘If he’s gotten away with this much so far – what could happen to him? Not only that, if he goes to jail, his family is going to pay for a lawyer, bail him out and there’s never really been consequences.

‘All these people being quiet and trying to sweep this under the rug, whether it’s his family or friends, that’s the problem.’

Jordan said that she was finally had the strength to speak out about her ordeal after seeing other brave women come forward in the #Me Too movement.

Endorsement: Sarah Palin went to Iowa to publicly embrace Donald Trump as presidential candidate on January 18, the same day as her son's attack on Jordan Loewe. Two days later in Tulsa, she said what he was going through was the result of PTSD. Loewe tells DailyMailTV that his issues re much more deep-rooted

Endorsement: Sarah Palin went to Iowa to publicly embrace Donald Trump as presidential candidate on January 18, the same day as her son’s attack on Jordan Loewe. Two days later in Tulsa, she said what he was going through was the result of PTSD. Loewe tells DailyMailTV that his issues re much more deep-rooted

Police file: This was the police report of how Track Palin attacked Jordan Loewe at the Palin family home in Wasilla - exactly the same day she first endorsed Trump.

Police file: This was the police report of how Track Palin attacked Jordan Loewe at the Palin family home in Wasilla – exactly the same day she first endorsed Trump.

Track Palin and Jordan, who grew up in Anchorage, met through mutual friends in 2014 and began dating in 2015.

‘His family are very close-knit, they have each other’s backs. They were welcoming to me when Track and I were good. As long as I was getting along with Track, they were getting along with me.’

Jordan described the first six months of their relationship as ‘pretty normal’ before Track left to spend four months in Iraq on a contracting job. While he was overseas, he would bombard Jordan, her family and friends with calls, demanding to know who she was with and where she was. He would disparage her friends, calling them ‘peasants’ and suggesting they were uneducated and slept around.

She said: ‘Track was very paranoid. He would do anything that he could think of to get any other human out of my life, no matter who they were.’

After the January 2016 assault, a domestic violence protective order had been put in place and contact between the couple ceased. Two months later, Jordan discovered she was pregnant.

She reunited with Track thinking it would be best for her baby after he promised to attend counselling for his issues along with alcohol abuse and anger management classes.

Her relationship with the Palins thawed and she was invited back into the fold.

However the promises proved to be empty and Jordan felt she had nowhere to turn, having distanced herself from friends and family at Track’s insistence.

‘It was easy to act like everything was fine when I wasn’t around him but when I was, things picked up just like they were before. 

‘I remember in one of our arguments he called me a ‘178 pound ‘c***’, because he knew how self-conscious I was about my pregnancy weight gain.

‘When I stopped letting the name-calling faze me, he started spitting phlegm on my face during our arguments.’

When she was seven months pregnant, Track choked her. He said, ‘If you tell anybody about this, I will put your dad in the ground. I will kill your family dog. And if you think your brother is going to save him, he’s not. I’ll kill him too.’

She didn’t call the police, out of fear and the notion of protecting the Palin family.

‘Sometimes when he was violent, I would go to call the police. He would say, “Go ahead, embarrass yourself and my family. Put my family’s name in the headlines once again and have them hate you for that. Call the police, I dare you.”‘

‘Track would make me feel bad that I shouldn’t call the police because it’s going to make him and his family look bad.

‘He would always hang that over my head: ‘If you call the police, think about how you’re going to make my family feel after everything they have done for you. It’s just going to be another headline in the news for our son to read.’ ‘I didn’t call many times because I felt bad.’

Suicide threat: Track Palin put his mother's pink camo AR-15 close to his head and threatened to pull the trigger after attacking Jordan in the driveway of his parents' home in Wasilla, Jordan Loewe told DailyMailTV. Police had noted the same account. The gun was not loaded but Jordan did not know that at the time. 

Suicide threat: Track Palin put his mother’s pink camo AR-15 close to his head and threatened to pull the trigger after attacking Jordan in the driveway of his parents’ home in Wasilla, Jordan Loewe told DailyMailTV. Police had noted the same account. The gun was not loaded but Jordan did not know that at the time. 

Injuries: The extent of Todd Palin's facial injuries were revealed his wife on New Year's Eve on social media. Jordan Loewe says she had hoped Track was improving until the alleged assault

Injuries: The extent of Todd Palin's facial injuries were revealed his wife on New Year's Eve on social media. Jordan Loewe says she had hoped Track was improving until the alleged assault

Injuries: The extent of Todd Palin’s facial injuries were revealed his wife on New Year’s Eve on social media. Jordan Loewe says she had hoped Track was improving until the alleged assault. Now Jordan Loewe reveals that he texted her and said: ‘I’m sorry for the hell that Track has put you through.’

Built home: This was the home which Track Palin built for his young family but which his then girlfriend Jordan Loewe fled in terror when their son was just a few weeks old

Built home: This was the home which Track Palin built for his young family but which his then girlfriend Jordan Loewe fled in terror when their son was just a few weeks old

On other occasions, instead of calling the police she fled their home in Wasilla to a temporary place in Anchorage she had rented for herself as an escape but Track would follow her.

‘He would show up and knock on the door and windows for an hour. I would have to turn off my phone because he wouldn’t stop calling. I would shut all the blinds and lock the door. But he would just bang and bang.

‘I was pregnant and alone and trying to get away from him. When it’s 9pm and I have to work the next morning, it becomes, what can I do to make this stop? I just wanted peace in my life, so I gave in.’

Their son Charlie was born on September 19, 2016. The final straw for the new mom came weeks after she had given birth and returned to work for the first time.

‘I had just gone back to work so Charlie was maybe six or seven weeks old.

‘I had curled my hair for work that day and put on makeup. I had come home straight from work after picking up Charlie and I was rocking him to sleep in his nursery. Track came in and saw my hair was curled and I was wearing makeup.

He turned on the lights and said, “Why do you look like that? Where did you go? What did you do today?”

‘He started screaming, ‘There’s no way, who are you working with? Did someone get hired at your work? What did you do after work? What time did you leave work? Where did you go when you left work?’

‘Charlie was now awake and screaming. I said I’m going to leave, I’m not doing this.

‘I stand up and the rocking chair is behind me. He shoves me back down and tells me I’m not leaving. This is while I’m holding Charlie who is 8lb, he was really little.

‘He shoved me onto the floor and I didn’t want to let a single hand off of Charlie, so I couldn’t catch myself or anything, and I fall to the floor with Charlie in my arms. I am crying, I just need to get out.’

Loewe got out of the house and into her car and was pursued by Track in his Ford F-150.

‘He keeps swerving and I’m terrified we are going to get into an accident with my baby in the back seat, so I pull over. 

‘I have a text from Track which reads: “Go ahead and give our son one more embarrassing headline to read when he grows up. Call the police, I dare you.”‘

Jordan said: ‘That was when I finally left. My son’s life was in danger so many times in that day. He was more concerned with hurting or controlling me than he was with his son’s life.’

Jordan subsequently filed for a restraining order. Following a custody case in court, Jordan was awarded full physical custody of Charlie and Track had supervised visits for four hours a week.

Jordan said: ‘The deal was he had to go to the classes for substance abuse and anger management, counselling, and have a psychological evaluation. He agreed to it.

Everything to live for: Jordan Loewe says of the day she finally left Track: 'My son's life was in danger so many times in that day. He was more concerned with hurting or controlling me than he was with his son's life.' Charlie, now 16 months, is now at the center of a court dispute over visiting rights

Everything to live for: Jordan Loewe says of the day she finally left Track: ‘My son’s life was in danger so many times in that day. He was more concerned with hurting or controlling me than he was with his son’s life.’ Charlie, now 16 months, is now at the center of a court dispute over visiting rights

‘He never did any of it – but he didn’t ask to see Charlie once a week either. In 2017, I think he saw Charlie nine times when he could have seen him 52 times.’

Track Palin pleaded not guilty last week to assaulting his father, Todd, at the family’s Wasilla home in December, The judge set Palin’s trial for the week of February 26.

Jordan said: ‘I found out about the incident with his dad from another family member who called me and kept me in the loop.

‘No one in their immediate family really wants anything to do with me but they have a big family and some of them are really great people. I keep in contact with some of them.’

Jordan said she was devastated to hear Todd Palin had been injured and heard from him soon after the attack.

She said: ‘I got an apology from Todd after this happened, which said: “I’m sorry for the hell that Track has put you through.”

‘I’d like to say they don’t know, but they know who Track is and what he’s done. I’ve told them. Track has assaulted me and other people in his family before this. This isn’t the first time.

‘He’s got into physical fights with his sisters, his dad and me in front of his parents. He’s told me he’s going to kill me in front of his parents.

‘I was very surprised when the police were called because Track has done so much and he’s gone nuts in front of them and the police haven’t been called.’

Jordan applied to the court to change Track’s visitation rights to their son after his alleged assault on his father but Track is contesting her application.

‘Track is now fighting me for visitation that he doesn’t take. If this was all about Charlie – why didn’t he see him once a week for four hours?

‘This isn’t about Charlie, this is about Track being able to say he’s a dad and he didn’t lose custody.’

Jordan said that with the support of family and friends, along with almost two years of intensive counselling she is a much happier place.

She said: ‘I can’t believe I didn’t call the police every single time. I cannot believe I lived like that, in fear and let him do those things. It won’t happen again.

She added: ‘I did stay quiet each time, I never spoke about anything before this. I wanted to respect their privacy and mine and I didn’t think the world needed to know.

‘I was quiet and look what happened – I was hurt again, his dad was hurt and I’m sure more people were hurt.

‘Keeping quiet didn’t do anything and he’s hurt more people, so it’s time to speak up.’