Tradie locked up Philippines for meeting girl and overstaying visa shares video from inside cell

Tattooed brickie moans about conditions inside a Philippine jail where he’s being held for overstaying his visa by SEVEN MONTHS – after travelling to see a dentist but instead finding love

  • Jacob Johns Dwyer, 31, is being kept in a detention centre in the Philippines
  • He overstayed his visa for seven months after he met a girl and decided to stay
  • The 31-year-old shared footage of his squalid cell and other inmates to Facebook

A bricklayer is locked up in a squalid detention centre in the Philippines after he overstayed his visa by seven months because he met a girl.

West Australian man Jacob Johns Dwyer has been kept in the shared cell for 24-hours a day for the past five weeks.

The 31-year-old shared footage of the cell to his Facebook page which shows him dancing to Lil John’s song Get Low. 

The 31-year-old shared footage of the cell to his Facebook page, which shows trash strewn across the floor and shared bunk beds

West Australian man Jacob Johns Dwyer (pictured left) has been kept in the shared cell for 24-hours a day for the past five weeks, with rubbish strewn all over the floor (right)

Mr Johns Dwyer told 7News the jail has no recreation facilities and inmates are confined to the cell unless guards are bribed.

‘You have to buy your own food, you have to sort of pay the guards to do it for you,’ he said.

Trash can be seen just metres from the shared bunk beds and there is no running water in the bathrooms – inmates have to use bins full of water to shower and flush the toilet.

The bricklayer understands he had done the wrong as he originally travelled to the Philippines for the dentist, but then he ‘met a girl’. 

‘I overstayed my visa by seven months. I cam here for the dentist, but then I met a girl,’ he said. 

Mr Johns Dwyer pursued the relationship and was detained at Zamboanga Airport.

The 31-year-old is trying to fight for his freedom and hired a lawyer, but deportation processes can be lengthy.

Although he has been kept locked up for more than a month, Mr Johns Dwyer still wants to make the Philippines home.

Mr Johns Dwyer claims he stayed in the Philippines for a woman, and put that he was in a relationship on November 10 with the woman pictured

Mr Johns Dwyer claims he stayed in the Philippines for a woman, and put that he was in a relationship on November 10 with the woman pictured

‘I fell in love with the culture and people that surrounded me during my visit in this wonderful country,’ he wrote to Facebook.

‘I knew I’ve done something wrong, and that is overstaying for seven months. I’m not denying it and I totally admit it, that’s how much I fell in love with this country.’

Mr Johns Dwyer warns anyone planning on making the same mistake as him to make sure they have a valid visa.

‘What happens to me happens to every five out of ten foreigners here, and they’re afraid to talk about bribery and stuff,’ he wrote.

‘I am detained for standing for truth and resisting extortion. I just want to go home.’ 

Trash can be seen just metres from the bunk beds and there is no running water in the bathrooms

inmates have to use bins full of water to shower and flush the toilet

Trash can be seen just metres from the bunk beds and there is no running water in the bathrooms – inmates have to use bins full of water to shower and flush the toilet