Traffic jams lead up to Sydney beaches during heatwave

As the mercury passes 47 degrees in Sydney, many have taken to their cars in the hope of getting to the ocean with as little time outside as possible. 

But a few people might be regretting that decision, as they sit in endless traffic, waiting to get close, and then not getting a park. 

In Sydney’s south, video shows cars stretched back along the off-road drive from Boat Harbour to Kurnell, and then even further along Captain Cook Drive.

The traffic jam itself is likely longer than a kilometre, as cars from two lanes wait patiently to get in to the once quiet and secluded beach. 

Cars were seen lined up on main roads leading to beaches around Sydney on Sunday, as everyone tried to beat the heat 

Sydney's beaches are packed with people soaking up the sun, as others run straight for the ocean

Sydney’s beaches are packed with people soaking up the sun, as others run straight for the ocean

In a video shared to Facebook, one local is heard gasping in disbelief at the unfortunate predicament the drivers had found themselves in, with no way to turn around and escape.

She and a male friend hypothesize that none of the drivers would make it to the ocean at all, as the gates to the private beach were likely closed.  

Nearby, others sat in their cars along the Kingsway to get close to the beaches in Cronulla. 

Images show cars stretched up at least 500 metres from the end of the road, and more en route to join the queue. 

Car parks at Wattamolla and Garie Beach, in the Royal National Park, are all full.

NSW Live Traffic has advised Wattamolla Rd and Garie Rd are now closed and there is no access from Sir Bertram Stevens Dr.

Hundreds flocked to Bondi on Sunday, with young families seen taking advantage of the shallow pool

Hundreds flocked to Bondi on Sunday, with young families seen taking advantage of the shallow pool

On Freshwater Beach, more people appeared to be in the ocean than out as the temperature continued to rise

On Freshwater Beach, more people appeared to be in the ocean than out as the temperature continued to rise

With the temperature soaring past 40 degrees early on Sunday afternoon, it is no wonder Sydneysiders are so desperate to get to the beach.

Pictures show towels, umbrellas and people covering nearly every available surface as sweating beach-goers sprint for the cool ocean.

Some brought small tents with them to keep the harsh sun at bay, while others chose to soak up as much of it as they could, simply covering their face with a t-shirt instead.

With the mercury not expected to drop until Sunday evening, let’s hope those stuck in traffic have air-con.  

Perhaps tired from their time in the sun, beachgoers were a little sleepier at Coogee Beach in the city's east

Perhaps tired from their time in the sun, beachgoers were a little sleepier at Coogee Beach in the city’s east