Transgender women CAN be banned from female-only areas if there’s a ‘justifiable reason’

  • Men who identify as women can be banned from female-only areas 
  • They can be barred from these area if there is a ‘justifiable reason’
  • But a LGBT policymaker warned this was not an excuse to be ‘trans exclusionary’

Men who identify as women can be banned from female-only areas such as changing rooms if there is a ‘justifiable reason’, says a Government equality chief.

But Ollie Entwistle, head of LGBT policy at the Equalities Office, warned this was not an excuse to be ‘trans exclusionary’.

Mr Entwistle’s remarks came during a speech last week to a transgender equality conference about possible reforms of the Gender Recognition Act to let people change sex without a medical diagnosis.

Men who identify as women can be banned from female-only areas such as changing rooms if there is a ‘justifiable reason’, says a Government equality chief

But Ollie Entwistle, head of LGBT policy at the Equalities Office, warned this was not an excuse to be 'trans exclusionary'

But Ollie Entwistle, head of LGBT policy at the Equalities Office, warned this was not an excuse to be ‘trans exclusionary’

He insisted any changes would not change current laws that allow the exclusion of men who identify as women from female-only services and areas if there is ‘a good enough reason’.

He said: ‘There’s some services where women are very scared about being in an environment where somebody they may not consider to be a woman… is able to access that service.’

But he added: ‘This isn’t carte blanche for everyone to be trans exclusionary.’ Mr Entwistle’s comments follow rows over men who identify as female being transferred to women’s prisons, and clashes between feminists and transgender activists over access to female-only locations such as Hampstead Ponds in North London.

