Travellers reveal the things they hate the most about tourists

Tourists. They’re important. After all, they prop up economies in some parts of the world.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be annoying, as one acerbic internet thread has been revealing.

In response to the question ‘what do you hate most about tourists?’ the answers have been coming thick and fast, including ‘they keep dying on desert hikes when it’s 45C’, ‘the cargo shorts’ and ‘claiming to be 1/65th Scotch’.

Tourists who hike deserts when it’s 45C have been winding up locals

The question was posted on Reddit and it was user ‘AllMyBeets’ who kicked off proceedings, with this answer: ‘They keep dying. Live in Arizona. 113 [45C] degrees is not hiking weather. One litre of water is not enough water for a three-hour hike in 113 degree weather! Stop dying in my desert!’

On the other side of the world in Kyoto, it’s Chinese tourists that are winding up ‘ext23’.

They wrote: ‘Due to proximity and number of tourist attractions, I honestly doubt there is a place on earth with more Chinese tourists per capita than here.

‘It is f*****g maddening. They come in massive groups – like three generations of the same family – and just… are there. Everywhere. They occupy space in a way that you would assume was geometrically impossible. They find a way to block entrances and walkways almost preternaturally. They don’t understand – or more likely, do not even realise – that Japan is one of the quietest places on earth. People don’t just shout at each other.

‘I can’t even ride the bus outside my apartment anymore because the buses are always so full of tourists. Kyoto is turning into a place that is physically unpleasant to be in.’

While for ‘Connelly90’, it’s Americans that irk.

This user wrote: ‘As someone who lives near Loch Lomond, I hate when people (it’s mostly Americans… sorry) come into the pubs shouting about how they’re “1/65th Scotch” and how it’s “great to be back home”.

‘We love people visiting, but don’t try to claim to be from here unless you actually are. We’ll just talk about you with accents you can’t understand!’

Cargo shorts are a big no-no as far as some locals are concerned

Cargo shorts are a big no-no as far as some locals are concerned

While for user ‘FritoP’, the worst tourists are simply the ones who refuse to adapt.

They wrote: ‘For example, an American who won’t yield to faster traffic (they should do that at home, but that’s another topic)

‘Or the European who refuses to tip at customary rate when visiting the States.’

OsirisRexx, meanwhile, just wishes tourists would relax into their role.

This user wrote: ‘I hate being in a group of tourists who are obsessed to the point of being neurotic with not looking like tourists.

‘”We could do this, but it’s soooo touristy.”

‘”I have to take a picture of this super famous monument here, sorry if I look touristy as f***!”

‘It’s so annoying, just enjoy your trip. There literally nothing more touristy than worrying about looking touristy.’

But then, that’s only going to annoy some locals.

‘Mostly the cargo shorts,’ was one user’s response to the question.