A group of travellers who set up an illegal camp have criticised the council for the litter at the site, claiming it is a health and safety risk to their children.
Large caravans and vehicles set up camp by the Langage power station in Plympton, Plymouth, a few days ago.
But now people inside the travelling community have complained about the amount of litter on the roads and pavements, saying they fear for their children’s health.
A number of caravans and vehicles have set up camp at the Langage power station a few days ago

Rubbish is strewn across the floor near the Langage power plane on Holland Road in Plympton

Broken bags of rubbish are scattered on the floor while bins are also left overflowing at the site
One woman said: ‘The council people need to do what they’re paid to do. All this rubbish could make my kids ill.’
She added no council officers had visited the site since they moved in and it is unclear whether the rubbish was at the scene before the travellers arrived.
Another mother complained about the risk posed to their caravans being blocked in by staff vehicles at a nearby social club.
She said: ‘They put a vehicle over the exit so we couldn’t come and go.

Rotting and decaying rubbish has been left on the floor near the site and travellers have now complained about the mess

The caravans have been parked on one of the roads near the power plant, but travellers have moaned they have been blocked in by social workers’ vehicles

A child’s duvet has also been left at the scene. One traveller said the rubbish could make their children ill
‘The police turned up and we told them this was dangerous because if there was an emergency and we had to take our kids to hospital we wouldn’t be able to get out.
‘The policeman said there was nothing he could do. The policeman told us they [the social club staff] have got rights, but we told them we’ve got rights too.
‘They only let us out when we took the caravans out.’
A spokesman for South Hams District Council said: ‘We’ve now been notified by Devon County Council that there are a group of six to eight caravans at Langage which arrived on July 24.’
Devon County Council has responsibility for the issue because the encampment is on Holland Road.
A spokesman for Devon County Council said: ‘We’re aware of this encampment and will be visiting the group to establish their intentions.’

Bins have been left open to the elements near the power plant in Plympton, Devon