Truckie claims work injury reduced his sexual abilities

A former truck driver has claimed an injury he sustained while on the job has seriously impaired his ability to perform in the bedroom.

Not only has Paul John Taprell claimed he can no longer work in the industry, he said he’s been permanenlty physically impaired due to faults of his previous employer. 

His back was allegedly injured when throwing heavy chains over large cement culverts, which he said could have been avoided if the truck company provided a ladder, the Gold Coast Bulletin reports. 

Former truck driver Paul John Taprell has claimed an injury he sustained while on the job has seriously impaired his ability to perform in the bedroom

The 38-year-old is suing Southport company Todd Transport and Holcim Australia for nearly $570,000, for failing to provide a safe way for the 15kg chain to be tied around the culverts.

Court documents allege he suffered a disc prolapse in his lower back and a nerve root compression in the same area as a result of the May 2016 accident.

Mr Taprell said his impairments presented, ‘difficulties in sexual activity’, ‘difficulties toileting’ and ‘persistent lower back and left buttock pain’.

He also allegedly suffers pain in his leg, problems sitting and standing, difficulty bending over and an inability to mow the lawn.

Not only has Mr Taprell claimed he can no longer work in the industry, he said he's been permanenlty physically impaired due to faults of his previous employer

Not only has Mr Taprell claimed he can no longer work in the industry, he said he’s been permanenlty physically impaired due to faults of his previous employer

He apparently tried on several occasions to return to work, but dealt with such severe pain he was ultimately forced to resign. 

Mr Taprell held a short term position at Goodall Transport, but still struggled with climbing in and out of vehicles and sitting for long periods of time. 

Straps or ropes should have been provided to tie down the heavy culverts instead of chains, according to Mr Taprell.

‘Failing to provide (Mr Taprell) with a ladder and/or platform to enable him to climb to a higher point to secure the chains when (Todd Transport) knew or ought to have know that throwing the chains from ground level over the culverts on the truck, exposed (Mr Taprell) to a foreseeable risk of injury,’ the court documents said. 

Mr Taprell said his impairments presented, 'difficulties in sexual activity', 'difficulties toileting' and 'persistent lower back and left buttock pain'

Mr Taprell said his impairments presented, ‘difficulties in sexual activity’, ‘difficulties toileting’ and ‘persistent lower back and left buttock pain’