Trudeau brushes off Trump’s tweetstorm by going for stroll with Argentine President and their wives

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took President Trump’s tweetstorm in stride–literally.  

Trudeau and his wife Sophie were seen laughing and enjoying the company of President Mauricio Macri and his wife Juliana as they walked by the water in Charlevoix, Quebec. 

It was just hours after Trump left the G7 meeting, and then threw the whole thing into disarray by tweeting from Air Force One. 

Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri walk behind their wives hours after Trump called Trudeau ‘weak’

Sophie Trudeau, front left, and Juliana Macri, walk ahead of their husbands on Saturday evening in Charlevoix, Quebec 

Sophie Trudeau, front left, and Juliana Macri, walk ahead of their husbands on Saturday evening in Charlevoix, Quebec 

Trudeau and Macri laugh as they walk behind their wives who seem to have a lot to talk about as they walk the Canadian trail

Trudeau and Macri laugh as they walk behind their wives who seem to have a lot to talk about as they walk the Canadian trail

 In his tweets Trump called Trudeau ‘dishonest and weak’,  ‘meek and mild’ and accused him of lying. But most importantly Trump said,  ‘based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!’  

The joint communique is a statement of broad goals and principles endorsed by the G7 leaders, and Trump’s refusal means that this will be the first year that the annual summit fails to issue one.

Instead, Canada will likely issue a chair’s summary of the meeting listing the major topics of discussion.

Trump also slammed Trudeau for ‘making false statements’ and accused him of being ‘meek and mild’ in their one-on-one meeting on Friday before the Canadian leader came out swinging against the US in a press conference on Saturday.

After the White House on Friday said that Trump’s meeting with Trudeau was ‘great’ and the leaders were ‘close to a deal’ on trade, Trump’s latest counter-punch cast doubt on any hopes for a quick resolution of his mounting tariff disputes with Canada and the European Union, and signaled that Trump is far from backing down

As the couples strolled,  reporters tried to get Trudeau’s reaction to being called ‘weak’ by the President Trump.  The diplomatic Canadian was heard saying ‘good to see you guys. It’s a beautiful evening, a great weekend.’

The Trudeaus and the Macris  kept a brisk pace, and did not answer reporters' shouted questions as they strolled on Saturday 

The Trudeaus and the Macris  kept a brisk pace, and did not answer reporters’ shouted questions as they strolled on Saturday 

Trudeau had invited Macri to attend the G7 Summit as an observer, as Argentina will host the upcoming G20 Summit 

Trudeau had invited Macri to attend the G7 Summit as an observer, as Argentina will host the upcoming G20 Summit 

 Trump’s Twitter tirade was in reaction to comments made by Trudeau at a press conference on Saturday in which he threatened to torpedo negotiations on a new NAFTA deal if the Americans did not remove tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum.

Trudeau said he told Trump directly that Canada ‘particularly did not take lightly the fact that [the tariffs were] based on a national security reason.’ The prime minister said in comments reported by CTV: ‘Canadians are polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around.’

The Canadian leader’s office defended him against Trump’s tweets on Saturday, saying that Trudeau said nothing in his G7 news conference that he has not said before directly to Trump

‘The prime minister said nothing he hasn’t said before — both in public, and in private conversations with the president,’ Trudeau’s office said in a statement released on Twitter, which added Trudeau remained focused on what was accomplished at the two-day summit in Quebec.

In a statement, the Canadian government did not address Trump’s tweets, saying  ‘we are focused on everything we accomplished here at the #G7 summit,’ spokesman Cameron Ahmad said. ‘The Prime Minister said nothing he hasn’t said before — both in public, and in private conversations with the President.’

The two couples laugh and enjoy each other's company just hours after Donald Trump threw the work of the G7 Summit into disarray

The two couples laugh and enjoy each other’s company just hours after Donald Trump threw the work of the G7 Summit into disarray

The couples strolled along the banks of the St Lawrence river as the sun began to set on Saturday night in Charlevoix

The couples strolled along the banks of the St Lawrence river as the sun began to set on Saturday night in Charlevoix

In a tweet, Donald Trump announces that the US will not endorse the G7 Communique

In a tweet, Donald Trump announces that the US will not endorse the G7 Communique