Trudeau is mocked after telling woman to say peoplekind

Justin Trudeau sparked a backlash online after he interrupted a woman during a town hall to tell her to use the term ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind.’

The Canadian Prime Minister was hosting a Q&A at MacEwan University in Edmonton this week, the latest stop on a cross-country tour that began last month.

A young woman from the World Mission Society of God, a non-denominational church guided around the ideals of ‘God the Mother’, stood to ask a question about volunteering.

She wanted Trudeau to look into the law that involves the ability of religious charitable organizations to volunteer freely.

Justin Trudeau sparked a backlash online after he interrupted a woman during a town hall to tell her to use the term ‘peoplekind’ instead of ‘mankind’

‘We have received the Queen’s Award in the UK, we have received many awards,’ she said.

‘We have received many awards, however, unfortunately in Canada, our volunteering as a religious charitable organization is extremely difficult.

‘We came here today to ask you to also look into the policies that religious charitable organizations have in our legislations so that it can also be changed because maternal love is the love that’s going to change the future of mankind.’

At this point, Trudeau interrupted her and said: ‘We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind ’cause it’s more inclusive.’

On Twitter, Trudeau's comment elicited a flurry of criticism as well as jokes at his expense

On Twitter, Trudeau’s comment elicited a flurry of criticism as well as jokes at his expense

‘There you go!’ the woman responded, as the audience broke into applause.

‘We can all learn from each other,’ Trudeau added.

But although Trudeau’s comment was well-received at the town hall, on Twitter, it elicited a flurry of criticism accusing him of mansplaining and taking political correctness a step too far.

‘Is Justin Trudeau mansplaining feminism?’ wrote one Twitter user. 

Ben McDonald wrote: ‘Justin Trudeau correcting a girl for saying ‘mankind’ is truly amazing.’

‘That’s one woke himbo.’ Rita Panahi joked.

Some accused the Prime Minister of mansplaining and taking political correctness too far

Some accused the Prime Minister of mansplaining and taking political correctness too far

‘Justin Trudeau is what would happen if the song ‘Imagine’ took human form and then ate a Tide Pod,’ mocked Ben Shapiro.

It comes after senators passed legislation to make  Canada’s national anthem gender neutral. 

After a 30-year battle by campaigners, the move is set to change the second line of the anthem from ‘in all thy sons command’ to ‘in all of us command’ to become more inclusive. 

Once the legislation is approved by the Governor General, it will become law.

Some have mocked the decision for being too ‘politically correct’ and lacking ‘perspective’, but others view it as an important step towards equality.