Trump ‘asked Rosenstein if he’s “on my team”‘

President Donald Trump asked the No. 2 Justice Department official where the ongoing special counsel probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election was heading, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the meeting.

Trump also asked the official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is overseeing the special counsel’s investigation, if he was ‘on my team’ in the meeting, which took place in December, CNN reported.

‘Of course, we’re all on your team, Mr. President,’ Rosenstein is reported to have replied, though it is not clear what Trump meant by his question.

The exchange reportedly took place at the White House this past December.

President Donald Trump asked the No. 2 Justice Department official where the ongoing special counsel probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election was heading, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the meeting

Trump also asked the official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (above), who is overseeing the special counsel’s investigation, if he was 'on my team' in the meeting, which took place in December

Trump also asked the official, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (above), who is overseeing the special counsel’s investigation, if he was ‘on my team’ in the meeting, which took place in December

According to CNN, Rosenstein asked Trump for help in getting House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, the California Republican, to back off on demanding documents related to the Russia investigation.

Trump, however, was reportedly more interested in getting an update on the direction of the investigation.

This put Rosenstein in an awkward situation, it is claimed, given that the Justice Department has traditionally maintained a degree of independence from the White House.

Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

It was Rosenstein, a Trump appointee, who appointed Mueller after the president fired FBI Director James Comey last year. 

Rosenstein is overseeing the Mueller probe because his boss, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, recused himself from all matters related to the Russia investigation.

Mueller is investigating whether the Trump campaign improperly coordinated with Russia during the campaign and whether Trump sought to obstruct the inquiry by, among other actions, firing Comey. 

It was Rosenstein who appointed Robert Mueller (above) as special counsel after the president fired FBI Director James Comey last year. Mueller is investigating whether the Trump campaign improperly coordinated with Russia and if Trump sought to obstruct the inquiry

It was Rosenstein who appointed Robert Mueller (above) as special counsel after the president fired FBI Director James Comey last year. Mueller is investigating whether the Trump campaign improperly coordinated with Russia and if Trump sought to obstruct the inquiry

But the president and his Republican allies say they have information which shows the Justice Department and the FBI overstepped their bounds in gathering surveillance evidence against Trump campaign officials. 

In a remarkably public clash of wills with the White House, the FBI declared Wednesday it has ‘grave concerns’ about the accuracy of a classified memo on the Russia election investigation that Trump wants released.

The FBI’s short and sharp statement, its first on the issue, laid bare a Trump administration conflict that had previously played out mostly behind closed doors in meetings between top Justice Department and White House officials.

‘As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,’ the FBI said.

Further complicating the memo’s release, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Adam Schiff, said late Wednesday that his committee’s vote to release the memo was now invalid because it was ‘secretly altered’ by Republican chairman Devin Nunes, who wrote it.

In a remarkably public clash of wills with the White House, the FBI declared Wednesday it has 'grave concerns' about the accuracy of a classified memo on the Russia election investigation that Trump wants released. FBI Director Christopher Wray is seen above

In a remarkably public clash of wills with the White House, the FBI declared Wednesday it has ‘grave concerns’ about the accuracy of a classified memo on the Russia election investigation that Trump wants released. FBI Director Christopher Wray is seen above

California Rep. Schiff said in a letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Nunes that committee Democrats had discovered changes that were made after the panel voted Monday to send it to Trump for review.

‘The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the committee never approved for public release,’ Schiff said in the letter.

Schiff did not detail the changes, and a spokesman for Nunes did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 

Trump has five days from the vote to review the document, and if he doesn’t object then Congress can release it.

Schiff called for Nunes to withdraw the memo from the White House and for the committee to hold a new vote next Monday.

The memo is part of an effort to reveal what Republicans say are surveillance abuses by the FBI and the Justice Department in the early stages of the investigation into potential ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump presidential campaign.

The FBI’s stance on the memo escalates the dispute and means Trump would be openly defying his hand-picked FBI director by continuing to push for its disclosure.

It also suggests a clear willingness by FBI Director Christopher Wray, who in the early stretch of his tenure has been notably low-key, to challenge a president who just months ago fired his predecessor, Comey.

The FBI statement came the day after Trump was overheard telling a congressman that he ‘100 percent’ supported release of the four-page memo.

Devin Nunes

Vote: Devon Nunes, the Republican intel chair, got a party-line victory in his 'release the memo' campaign, while ranking Democrat Adam Schiff (pictured) had an attempt to publish a matching dissenting memo voted down

California Rep. Adam Schiff (right) sent a letter to House intelligence committee chairman Devin Nunes (left) late Wednesday that charged the memo containing classified information about supposed surveillance of the Trump campaign was ‘altered’ by Nunes

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday night placed the blame on House Speaker Paul Ryan, saying that if Ryan ‘cares about the integrity of the House or the rule of law, he will put an end to this charade once and for all.’

Democrats have called the memo a ‘cherry-picked’ list of GOP talking points that attempts to distract from the committee’s own investigation into Russian meddling in the election that sent Trump to the White House.

Under the House committee’s rules, the president has five days to object to the memo’s release, which the panel voted to authorize Monday. 

But Trump himself already has urged the release, and it could come sooner. 

By late Wednesday, it had not yet been settled whether the White House or the committee would handle the actual release.

Earlier this week, Wray and Rosenstein made a direct appeal to White House chief of staff John Kelly not to release the memo, warning that it could set a dangerous precedent.

But the president has been undeterred.

Television cameras captured Trump, on the House floor after the State of the Union address, telling South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan that he backed the release. 

When Duncan implored him to ‘release the memo,’ Trump said: ‘Oh yeah, don’t worry. 100 percent.’

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told CNN Wednesday that a legal and national security review of the document was continuing. 

Trump had not read the memo as ‘as of last night prior to and immediately after the State of the Union,’ she said.

White House chief of staff Kelly said Wednesday on Fox News Radio that he expected the memo to be released ‘pretty quick.’

President Donald Trump told South Carolina Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan on Tuesday night that he would '100 per cent' release the memo that Republicans want the public to see

President Donald Trump told South Carolina Republican Rep. Jeff Duncan on Tuesday night that he would ‘100 per cent’ release the memo that Republicans want the public to see

'Oh, yeah. Don't worry,' Trump told Duncan on his way out of the House chamber following his State of the Union address

‘Oh, yeah. Don’t worry,’ Trump told Duncan on his way out of the House chamber following his State of the Union address

Trump has been telling confidants in recent days that he believes the memo will validate his concerns that the FBI and Justice Department had conspired against him, according to one outside adviser familiar with those conversations but not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.

The president also has told allies that he believes the memo bolsters his belief that accusations of collusion between his campaign and Russian officials are false and part of a conspiracy to discredit his election.

On Wednesday afternoon, Nunes fired back at the law enforcement agencies, calling the FBI and Justice Department objections ‘spurious.’

‘It’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign,’ Nunes said. 

‘Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.’

Nunes stepped aside from leading the committee’s investigation last April amid an ethics investigation into whether he had improperly disclosed classified information.

He was later cleared and resumed his leadership role.

The White House counsel’s office has been in possession of the memo, officials say.

The National Security Council is leading a review, which will also involve the White House legal team.

The memo is expected to spell out how Rosenstein approved a request last spring for extended surveillance on Carter Page (pictured), an unpaid foreign policy adviser to Trump's presidential campaign

The memo is expected to spell out how Rosenstein approved a request last spring for extended surveillance on Carter Page (pictured), an unpaid foreign policy adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign

White House aides have previously said Trump favored releasing the document, which is in contrast to the stance of the Justice Department

White House aides have previously said Trump favored releasing the document, which is in contrast to the stance of the Justice Department

The vote to release the memo was unprecedented in the committee’s history. 

The panel usually goes out of its way to protect classified information in the interest of shielding intelligence sources and methods.

In the hours before the Monday vote, Rosenstein and Wray warned Kelly that releasing the memo could set a dangerous precedent, according to a person familiar with the conversation. 

Rosenstein also told Kelly the memo didn’t accurately characterize the FBI’s investigative practices, the person said.

The Justice Department had said in a letter last week that it would be ‘extraordinarily reckless’ to release the memo without first giving the FBI and the department the chance to review it.

After those complaints, Wray reviewed the memo over the weekend. 

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., who was with him when he reviewed the memo, said the FBI director did not raise any national security concerns. 

Gowdy said the memo doesn’t reveal any intelligence methods but does reveal ‘one source.’