Trump boasts he can build the border wall in a year

Donald Trump pointed to one of his earliest construction successes on Tuesday as evidence that he can build a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico ‘under budget and ahead of schedule.’

During an immigration policy negotiation with congressional Democrats and Republicans, the president batted down reports that cost overruns and delays could make his wall a seven-year, $18 billion white elephant. ‘I can build it for less’ he insisted.

‘I’m now getting involved. I like to build under budget, okay? I like to go under budget and ahead of schedule,’ Trump said, asking reporters in the room to stop referring to a seven-year timetable.

‘We can build the wall in one year and we can build it for much less money than what they’re talking about,’ he pledged.

‘And any excess funds, we’ll have a lot of – whether it’s a Wollman Rink, or whether it’s any – I build under budget and I build ahead of schedule.’

President Donald Trump boasted Tuesday at the White House that he can get his border wall finished in one year instead of seven, and for far less than one $18 billion estimate

Trump met with a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the Cabinet Room and told them he would deliver the project 'under budget and ahead of schedule'

Trump met with a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the Cabinet Room and told them he would deliver the project ‘under budget and ahead of schedule’

The Wollman Rink in New York City is Trump's most visible signature project to the tens of thousands of ordinary people who use it every year

The Wollman Rink in New York City is Trump’s most visible signature project to the tens of thousands of ordinary people who use it every year

The Wollman Rink is a signature Trump project from his early days as a Manhattan real estate developer, and he shared the story of its construction often as he campaiigned for president.

New York City had spent $13 million by 1986 on an attempted $9.1 million rink renovation that had left new Yorkers without a skating pond for six years instead of the promised two.

City officials wanted two additional years and millions more to start over and get it done.

Trump persuaded Ed Koch, the city’s Democratic mayor, to let him take it over – boasting that he could get it done in six months and for just $3 million, and that he wouldn’t take any profit.

He could see the messy, dilapidated site from his apartment, the then-39-year-old told reporters, and he wanted to see the ice rink actually produce some ice.

‘I have total confidence that we will be able to do it,’ he told the press then. ‘I am going on record as saying that I will not be embarrassed.’

In 1986 Trump offered to take the rink's renovation over from the city government after a six-year stretch of boondoggles, and get it finished in less than six months; he delivered the project in four

In 1986 Trump offered to take the rink’s renovation over from the city government after a six-year stretch of boondoggles, and get it finished in less than six months; he delivered the project in four

Ultimately Trump delivered the project two months ahead of his deadline, and shaved $775,000 off the final cost.

‘This serves as an example of what New York, the wealthiest city in the world, can do in terms of saving money – if things are done right,’ he said at the ribbon-cutting, sounding like the Donald Trump of 2016.

‘If we could just plan and execute, it would be billions and billions of dollars that would be saved.’

The episode highlighted the inefficiency of government contracting and the incompetence of bureaucracies to accomplish even simple things.

The city had spent millions on 22 miles of steel pipes and tons of Freon, the same chemical coolant that once powered car air conditioners but was later phased out as a greenhouse gas.

Day after day, ‘the vandals would come up at night and steal all the copper,’ Trump told a campaign audience in March 2016.

‘The engineer was based in Miami, Florida,’ Trump said, a place known for warmth, not cold.

Trump is betting he can reproduce his skating-rink success with the border wall project, spending less than what's budgeted for new barriers along the 1,989-mile U.S. Mexico border

Trump is betting he can reproduce his skating-rink success with the border wall project, spending less than what’s budgeted for new barriers along the 1,989-mile U.S. Mexico border

 The Department of Homeland Security is examining prototypes of wall sections, and Trump may visit the testing ground personally at the end of the month

 The Department of Homeland Security is examining prototypes of wall sections, and Trump may visit the testing ground personally at the end of the month

And pressusrized Freon systems would fail completely if any of the piping sprung a leak.

Trump consulted a Canadian firm in Montreal instead, one that specialized in hockey rinks, and decided to use cheaper salt brine instead.

And getting the project done faster meant the pipes didn’t lay exposed to looters for more than a year.

One contractor hadn’t bought enough concrete to pour the rink’s floor, and diluted his mixture to a weaker cement in order to cover up the mistake.

Design flaws even left one end of the ink six inches higher than the other as crews poured one section at a time.

Trump tore most of it up and started over, recalling later that the cost of demolishing the faulty work was his single biggest expense.

In a single 26-hour period, he said in that 2016 campaign rally, a line of cement mixers stretching from Central Park to Harlem poured the entire rink floor at once.

‘It’s about what private enterprise can do,’ he explained. ‘That’s what happens. And you can do that with this country.’

On Tuesday the president chimed with the same grinning hubris as members of Congress listened to him talk about his border wall project.

‘It can go up quickly, it can go up effectively, and we can fix a lot of the areas,’ he declared.

Some stretches of border, Trump emphasized, have natural barriers already.

‘There are large areas where you don’t need a wall because you have a mountain, and you have a river – you have a violent river and you don’t need it,’ he said.