Trump disrupts G-7 gender equality meeting by arriving…

LA MALBAIE, Quebec (AP) – President Donald Trump arrived late for a gender equality meeting at an international summit, prompting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to kick it off without waiting for “stragglers” to arrive.

Trump created a distraction when he walked in late for Saturday’s breakfast meeting during the Group of Seven summit of leading industrialized nations being held in Quebec.

He missed Trudeau’s introductory statement and entered the room while Gender Equality Advisory council co-chair Isabelle Hudon was speaking.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde wait for the arrival of President Donald Trump to the Gender Equality Advisory Council breakfast during the G-7 summit, Saturday, June 9, 2018, in La Malbaie, Quebec Canada. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Security personnel had to open a path for Trump through a throng of journalists and cameramen. The camera clicks for Trump almost drowned out Hudon.

French President Emmanuel Macron stared at Trump after he sat down.

Trudeau had made the issue of gender equality a priority for the gathering.

President Donald Trump arrives for a Gender Equality Advisory Council breakfast during the G-7 summit, Saturday, June 9, 2018, in Charlevoix, Canada. From left, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, Trump, Christine Whitecross, and Winnie Byanyima. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Donald Trump arrives for a Gender Equality Advisory Council breakfast during the G-7 summit, Saturday, June 9, 2018, in Charlevoix, Canada. From left, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, Trump, Christine Whitecross, and Winnie Byanyima. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


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