Trump economic guru Larry Kudlow released from hospital

President Trump’s chief economic advisor Larry Kudlow hasbeen released from a Washington, D.C.-area hospital after treatement and observation following that the White House has called ‘a very mild heart attack.’

‘National Economic Council Director and Assistant to the President Larry Kudlow was discharged from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center earlier today,’ White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement on Wednesday. 

‘Doctors say Larry’s recovery is going very well. The President and the Administration are happy Larry is back home and look forward to seeing him back to work soon.’ 

Kudlow’s health crisis came as the U.S. contended with escalating trade tensions affecting numerous key allies including Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

President Trump’s chief economic advisor Larry Kudlow was hospitalized after a heart attack but went home on Wednesday

Kudlow (right) is the president's chief economic adviser and lashed out at Canada's prime minister following contentious trade talks last week 

Kudlow (right) is the president’s chief economic adviser and lashed out at Canada’s prime minister following contentious trade talks last week 

Trump tweeted out news of Kudlow’s coronary Monday night as he made his way to Singapore for Tuesday’s nuclear weapons summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. 

He said Kudlow, 70, had been ‘working so hard’ on trade and the economy.

‘Our Great Larry Kudlow, who has been working so hard on trade and the economy, has just suffered a heart attack. He is now in Walter Reed Medical Center,’ Trump wrote.

Kudlow’s wife, Judy, told the Washington Post: ‘He’s doing fine. Doctors here are fabulous.’ 

Sanders said then that Kudlow had ‘experienced what his doctors say, was a very mild heart attack’ Monday.

‘Larry is currently in good condition at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and his doctors expect he will make a full and speedy recovery,’ she said.

President Trump tweeted about Kudlow's condition from Singapore, just before his summit Tuesday with Kim Jong-un

President Trump tweeted about Kudlow’s condition from Singapore, just before his summit Tuesday with Kim Jong-un

Kudlow was a financial TV host before Trump plucked him from CNBC to lead the National Economic Council

Kudlow was a financial TV host before Trump plucked him from CNBC to lead the National Economic Council

Kudlow has spoken openly of his battles with drug and alcohol addiction, including struggles with cocaine. He has been sober for more than 20 years.

The matter proved to be a nonissue when he joined the government.

Kudlow delivered a blow in the brewing trade war when he accused Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of having ‘stabbed us in the back’ at the end of the G7 summit.

Trump blasted host politician Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and withdrew from a joint communique at the end of the G7 meeting.

Kudlow was one of a pair of administration officials who delivered brutal blows to Trudeau on television following the summit.

He accused Trudeau of making ‘polarizing statements’ on trade in advance of the Kim summit.

Trudeau was a target of the administration's complaining on Sunday and into Monday, becoming Kudlow's fall guy after trade talks failed

Trudeau was a target of the administration’s complaining on Sunday and into Monday, becoming Kudlow’s fall guy after trade talks failed

‘Trudeau really kind of stabbed us in the back,’ Kudlow told CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ on Sunday.

His hospitalization followed an angry clash between the White House and foreign leaders following the G7 summit.

Trump headed to the summit suggesting Russia be admitted to negotiate with the block of leading industrial powers, then tangled with Trudeau over Canada’s trade barriers – even as he insisted new U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum were done for national security reasons. 

‘Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal,’ Trump Tweeted Monday. ‘According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!). Minimum is 17B. Tax Dairy from us at 270%. Then Justin acts hurt when called out!’

Trump advisor Peter Navarro went even further, claiming there was a ‘special place in hell’ for Trudeau.

‘He really kind of stabbed us in the back. He really, actually, you know: he did a great disservice to the whole G-7. He betrayed,’ Kudlow said.

Kudlow trashed Trudeau in the interview for going ‘rogue’ on trade after the Trump agreed to sign a G7 communique. The U.S. official said that Trudeau has acted ‘sophomoric’ and was performing a ‘political stunt.’

‘You just don’t behave that way. It’s a betrayal. Essentially double-crossing,’ Kudlow said in response to Trudeau’s needling on tariffs after Trump departed Charlevoix early in order to spend additional time in Singapore.  

The top Trump economic aide said the president ‘is not gonna let a Canadian prime minister push him around’ and is ‘not going to permit any show of weakness on a trip to negotiate with North Korea.’