Trump fights back at Blinken after he said Biden ‘inherited’ Afghanistan from previous admin

Former President Donald Trump fired back at Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in a statement Monday after Blinken tried to blame Trump for last month’s chaotic exit from the War in Afghanistan.

Trump sent out a statement to supporters from his Save America PAC and blamed both American leaders and now former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

‘The so-called leaders of our Country have gone crazy!’ Trump said. 

Former President Donald Trump fired back at Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in a statement Monday after Blinken tried to blame Trump for last month’s chaotic exit from the War in Afghanistan

‘The inept Afghan government, led by corrupt President Ghani, released 5,000 prisoners—not the Trump Administration,’ Trump added. ‘Secretary of State Blinken is doing everything in his power to make the most inept withdrawal in history look, at least, acceptable. It never will.’

In testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Blinken said that the Biden administration had ‘inherited an agreement’ made by the Trump administration ‘to remove all remaining US troops by May 1 of this year.’

‘As part of that agreement,’ Blinken said, ‘the previous Administration pressed the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners, including some top war commanders. Meanwhile, it reduced our own force presence to 2,500 troops. In return, the Taliban agreed to stop attacking US and partner forces and to refrain from threatening Afghanistan’s major cities.’

In testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Blinken said that the Biden administration had 'inherited an agreement' made by the Trump administration 'to remove all remaining US troops by May 1 of this year.'

In testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Blinken said that the Biden administration had ‘inherited an agreement’ made by the Trump administration ‘to remove all remaining US troops by May 1 of this year.’

Blinken insisted during Monday’s hearing that the Biden administration had ‘inherited a deadline,’ but ‘did not inherit a plan.’ 

Biden moved the date of withdrawal from May to September 11 — the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania that ultimately led to the Afghan war — then pushed the deadline up to the end of August. 

In a statement that went out earlier on Monday, Trump said withdrawal from Afghanistan was ‘pathetic and incompetent’ and added that ‘It will be a long time before we gain our reputation back.’

In a statement that went out earlier on Monday, Trump said withdrawal from Afghanistan was 'pathetic and incompetent'

In a statement that went out earlier on Monday, Trump said withdrawal from Afghanistan was ‘pathetic and incompetent’

Trump said that not only was the Biden administration inept, that they would end up costing the country millions paying the Taliban to help set up their new government.  

‘Our Country is far more susceptible to attack by outside terrorist groups than ever before,’ he said. ‘Our enemies all over the World are inspired by what just happened in Afghanistan—the removal of the Military first, and our ‘gift’ of $85 billion in Military equipment. Just nine months ago, the United States was viewed as being strong, and now we are being viewed as weak and stupid.’   

Democrats have largely joined Republicans in criticizing the withdrawal, though several were in agreement with Blinken’s shifting blame toward Trump.  

Trump said that not only was the Biden administration inept, that they would end up costing the country millions paying the Taliban to help set up their new government.

Trump said that not only was the Biden administration inept, that they would end up costing the country millions paying the Taliban to help set up their new government.

Trump has publicly criticized leaders in both parties, past and present, over the past week. 

The former president went after George W. Bush after his speech on Saturday at the World Trade Center Memorial that alluded to the deadly January 6 riot in which violent Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol.  

‘So interesting to watch former President Bush, who is responsible for getting us into the quicksand of the Middle East (and then not winning!), as he lectures us that terrorists on the “right” are a bigger problem than those from foreign countries that hate America, and that are pouring into our Country right now,’ Trump said shortly after noon on Monday.

Donald Trump commentated a boxing match on September 11

George W. Bush spoke at a memorial for Flight 93 in Pennsylvania on Saturday

Trump’s scathing Monday statement blames Bush for letting the twin towers collapse ‘on his watch’

‘If that is so, why was he willing to spend trillions of dollars and be responsible for the death of perhaps millions of people? He shouldn’t be lecturing us about anything.’

He went on to lambast Bush’s legacy and invoked the twin towers collapse that killed more than 2,600 people that day.

‘The World Trade Center came down during his watch. Bush led a failed and uninspiring presidency. He shouldn’t be lecturing anybody!’ Trump wrote.

President Biden and former Presidents Clinton and Obama marked the solemn occasion at Ground Zero in New York City on Saturday

On Saturday Trump made a surprise visit to an NYPD precinct in midtown Manhattan where he criticized Biden, said the 2020 election was rigged and teased a potential 2024 run

President Biden and former Presidents Clinton and Obama marked the solemn occasion at Ground Zero in New York City on Saturday