Trump goes after FBI lovers for infidelity

President Donald Trump bashed FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page following the release of an Inspector General’s report – pointing not just to their anti-Trump texts but to their infidelity. 

Trump brought up the IG report at a rally in Minnesota where the crowd repeatedly broke into chants of ‘lock her up!’ – in reference to his 2016 rival Hillary Clinton. Their enthusiasm followed the release of an IG report that uncovered texts between Strzok, who had a senior role in the Clinton probe, and Page.

‘What a scam this whole thing is. How guilty is she?’ Trump asked the crowd. 

‘With Peter Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page. I don’t think their wife and husband are too happy about that, what do you think? I don’t think so,’ Trump said.

President Donald Trump went after FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

Both Strzok and Page are married. 

The president didn’t mention his own past marital issues. He famously began dating Marla Maples while still married to Ivana Trump. 

While he was married to Maples, John Miller, a fictitious spokesman who sounds suspiciously like Trump, told People Magazine Trump had ‘three other girlfriends,’ as Newsweek recounted. Porn star Stormy Daniels has claimed she had an affair with Trump in 2006, although he denies it. Daniels received a $130,000 payment as part of a ‘hush’ agreement.

Strzok was escorted after the FBI building following revelations about his anti-Trump texts

Strzok was escorted after the FBI building following revelations about his anti-Trump texts

Lisa Page and Joseph Burrow leave their family home in Washington D.C amidst the scandal of Page having an affair with FBI agent Peter Strzok

Lisa Page and Joseph Burrow leave their family home in Washington D.C amidst the scandal of Page having an affair with FBI agent Peter Strzok

Trump blasted the 'great lovers' Strzok and Page on Twitter

Trump blasted the ‘great lovers’ Strzok and Page on Twitter

At the rally, Trump blasted the FBI’s handling of the Clinton probe. 

‘They wanted her to be innocent. With me nothing,’ Trump then said as he turned is attack onto investigators.

‘They wanted to put us in trouble and it’s not working too well I’ll tell you that. It’s disgusting. It’s called the phony witch hunt,’ he continued.  

Then Trump brought back Clinton’s campaign gaffe calling his supporters ‘deplorables’ while he praised his own wealth. 

‘They always call the other side, and they do this sometime, “the elite”. The elite! Why are they elite? I have a much better apartment than they do,’ Trump ranted.

‘I’m smarter than they are. I’m richer than they are. I became president and they didn’t.’ 

‘And I’m representing the greatest, smartest most loyal, best people on earth: the deplorables! Remember that? The deplorables!’ he said.