Trump greets US ambassador to Canada with cringe-worthy cheek

Donald Trump suffered a cringe-worthy moment when he greeted the US ambassador to Canada with an incredibly awkward kiss. 

The hilariously misjudged kiss was caught on video as the president greeted officials after arriving in Quebec, Canada for the G7 summit on Friday.

Saying hello to US Ambassador Kelly Craft he held her arm and leaned in for a cheek kiss, but his lips failed to land on her cheek.

After landing in Quebec, Canada on Friday Trump greeted US Ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft with a hilariously awkward kiss, pictured above together 

The president shook her hand and went in for a cheek kiss, but hilariously failed touch her cheek and furiously pouted into the air instead

The president shook her hand and went in for a cheek kiss, but hilariously failed touch her cheek and furiously pouted into the air instead

The president disembarked his plane Friday and was met by a line of officials who he greeted with a firm handshake.

But Trump saved the best for last and greeted Craft with a side kiss-turned-disaster when he failed to peck her at all, and puckered at the air instead. 

Craft leaned, waiting for the kiss to land on her cheek, as the president furiously pouted.

Craft and Trump awkwardly bumped cheek to chin before moving on.   

Speaking at the summit on Saturday, Trump called for Russia to be brought back into the G7, dismissing the annexation of Crimea as ‘something that happened a while ago’ which shouldn’t stand in the way of peace.

The ambassador leaned in waiting for the cheek kiss, but when he failed to make contact they awkwardly bumped heads

The ambassador leaned in waiting for the cheek kiss, but when he failed to make contact they awkwardly bumped heads

Trump shook the hands of a long line of people who greeted him, but saved the peck for the Ambassador

Trump shook the hands of a long line of people who greeted him, but saved the peck for the Ambassador

‘I have not spoken to Vladimir Putin for quite a while. It has been discussed and some people quite like the idea of bringing Russia back in,’ he said.

‘This used to be the G8, not the G7,’ he added.

Soon after he headed out to Singapore where he will meet with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un later in the week. 

‘I will be on a mission of peace and will carry in my heart the hearts of millions of people, all over the world,’ he said before his journey. 

He described the meeting as a rare opportunity for Jong-un to do something ‘great’ for his people and the world and said he felt ‘confident’ he the talks would end well.

‘I really believe that he’s going to do something positive for his people, for himself, for his family,’ he said.