Trump: I’d consider sending NYC terrorist to Guantanamo

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would consider sending Sayfullo Saipov, the Uzbek national who plowed a rented truck through a bike lane full of cyclists and pedestrians on Tuesday, to the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

‘I would certainly consider that, yes. I would certainly consider that. Send him to Gitmo,’ Trump said. 

The president also declared that he is already in the process of terminating the State Department’s diversity-oriented visa lottery program, which granted Saipov entry into the United States in 2010.

Trump called Saipov ‘an animal.’

‘The “diversity lottery” – sounds nice. It’s not nice. It’s not good,’ Trump told reporters before a cabinet meeting at the White House. 

President Donald Trump said as he began a cabinet meeting on Wednesday that he would consider sending suspected terrorist Sayfullo Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison

‘We want a merit-based program’ for immigration, Trump said, ‘where people come into our country based on merit.’

He also complained about ‘being stopped by Democrats’ as he attempts to ‘get rid of this lottery program.’

‘We’re going to stop that,’ he insisted.