Trump ramps up his Obamagate attacks again by suggesting his predecessor was ‘caught’ spying

Donald Trump went on a late night tweeting spree Tuesday, turning his focus to his Obamagate attacks by suggesting his predecessor was ‘caught’ spying on him. 

The president told his followers there are some ‘very nervous criminals out there’ in response to a tweet from Ted Cruz repeating claims Obama spied on Trump. 

POTUS tweeted: ‘They got caught. Some very nervous criminals out there. Thank you Ted!’ He earlier tweeted: ‘So true. OBAMAGATE!’ 

His comments were in response to Cruz’s earlier post which read: ‘Wow. Ongoing spying from an outgoing POTUS on the incoming POTUS—directed by Obama himself—is unprecedented in the 243 years of our nation’s history.’ 

A newly declassified memo released Tuesday showed former FBI Director James Comey warned President Obama of the potential incoming national security advisor Mike Flynn might pass information to the Russians. 

The memo, which outgoing national security advisor Susan Rice sent to herself on her final day in office, memorializes a White House meeting several days earlier where Obama and top officials discussed potential risks posed by Flynn. 

A portion of the document formerly classified as ‘Top Secret’ has now been revealed.   

The president, pictured, told his followers there are some ‘very nervous criminals out there’ in response to a tweet from Ted Cruz repeating claims Obama spied on Trump

A memo, which outgoing national security advisor Susan Rice sent to herself on her final day in office, memorializes a White House meeting several days earlier where Obama, pictured, and top officials discussed potential risks posed by Flynn

Donald Trump went on late night tweeting spree Tuesday, turning his focus to his Obamagate attacks by suggesting his predecessor was 'caught' spying on him

Donald Trump went on late night tweeting spree Tuesday, turning his focus to his Obamagate attacks by suggesting his predecessor was ‘caught’ spying on him

Cruz had shared a tweet from The Federalist co founder Sean Davis which said: ‘Newly declassified portions of a bizzare Inaugration Day e-mail Susan Rice wrote to herself confirm that the 2017 campaign to target Michael Flynn was coordinated by Obama and orchestrated within the Oval Office itself.’  

The president also retweeted Sen. Marsha Blackburn who said: ‘Susan Rice knew exactly what she was doing. That’s why she wrote herself emails in a desperate attempt to cover her tracks.’  

‘From a national security perspective, Comey said he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador Kislyak,’ Rice wrote about the January 5, 2017 meeting.

‘Comey said that could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the [National Security Council] should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn,’ she continued. 

Comey’s response was that was ‘potentially the case.’ 

According to Fox News, Comey continued that there weren’t indications Flynn passed on classified information to the Russina ambassador, but noted  ‘the level of communication is unusual.’ 

Outgoing national security advisor Susan Rice, pictured, sent the memo to herself

Outgoing national security advisor Susan Rice, pictured, sent the memo to herself

The president also retweeted Sen. Marsha Blackburn who said: 'Susan Rice knew exactly what she was doing. That's why she wrote herself emails in a desperate attempt to cover her tracks'

The president also retweeted Sen. Marsha Blackburn who said: ‘Susan Rice knew exactly what she was doing. That’s why she wrote herself emails in a desperate attempt to cover her tracks’

Trump allies concluded that the memo proves that Flynn was being targeted by Obama’ inner sanctum. 

But it has been previously reported that Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn months before the meeting, and that Trump proceeded anyway.

 He would fire Flynn after just weeks on the job. He said he did so because Flynn was not truthful with Vice President Mike Pence about his own Russia contacts.  

Also present at the meeting were then-Vice President Joe Biden and deputy attorney general Sally Yates. 

The memo was partially declassified in 2018. In it, Rice states that Obama wanted the matter handled ‘by the book.’ 

‘President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book,’ wrote herself. 

‘The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.’ 

Comey ‘affirmed that he was proceeding ‘by the book’ as it relates to law enforcement,’ according to the memo. 

‘The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would,’ Rice concludes.

A newly declassified memo released Tuesday showed former FBI Director James Comey, pictured, warned President Obama of the potential incoming national security advisor Mike Flynn might pass information to the Russians

U.S. intelligence intercepts had already picked up communications between Michael Flynn , pictured, and Kislyak. Numerous officials, including Vice President Joe Biden, sought to ‘unmask’ Flynn’s name from intelligence reports

A spokesman for Rice said: ‘The email makes clear that the Obama administration did not change the way it briefed Michael Flynn — but rather that President Obama asked Director Comey ‘to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks’ that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. 

‘In fact, Ambassador Rice briefed Michael Flynn for over 12 hours, on four separate occasions and led the National Security Council in preparing and delivering to him over 100 separate briefing memos. 

‘Ambassador Rice did not alter the way she briefed Michael Flynn on Russia as a result of Director Comey’s response.’ 

U.S. intelligence intercepts had already picked up communications between Flynn and Kislyak. Numerous officials, including Vice President Joe Biden, sought to ‘unmask’ Flynn’s name from intelligence reports, including to information declassified by the Trump administration last week.

Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell declassified the document, as well as the unmasking information. 

Trump at a cabinet meeting Tuesday praised Grenell unreservedly. 

‘What a job. I think you’ll go down as the all time great acting ever at any position,’ said Trump, after Grenell gave remarks calling for transparency.