Trump says bombshell IG report was ‘total disaster’ for Comey

President Donald Trump lashed out Friday at the FBI director hs fired last year – and a pair of romantically involved disgraced Bureau employees – following the release of a damning report from the Justice Department’s inspector general.

The law enforcement couple, a special agent and a, FBI lawyer, chatted electronically in 2016 about how to stop Trump from winning the White House.  

‘FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who headed the Clinton & Russia investigations, texted to his lover Lisa Page, in the IG Report, that “we’ll stop” candidate Trump from becoming President,’ Trump tweeted.

‘Doesn’t get any lower than that!’

The president also took a shot at James Comey, whose time in forced retirement has been a parade of attacks on him.

President Trump broke his silence about the DOJ’s inspector general report, slamming James Comey and a pair of texting anti-Trump lovers

Trump tweeted his disgust about the actions of a few FBI employees but managed to keep quiet about it all day Thursday while marking his 72nd birthday

Trump tweeted his disgust about the actions of a few FBI employees but managed to keep quiet about it all day Thursday while marking his 72nd birthday

‘The IG Report is a total disaster for Comey, his minions and sadly, the FBI. Comey will now officially go down as the worst leader, by far, in the history of the FBI,’ he wrote. ‘I did a great service to the people in firing him.’

Trump also boasted that ‘good instincts’ led him to give Comey his walking papers amid political partisanship in the FBI, and expressed confidenve that his replacement, Christopher Wray, will restore order to the agency.  

Thursday’s bombshell report outlined conversations between Strzok and Page that had never before seen the light of day.

In one message on August 8, 2016, Strzok reassured Page that she needn’t worry about Trump winning the White House.

Trump is ‘not ever going to become president, right? Right?!’ Page texted Strzok.   

‘No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it,’ he responded.

Strzok separately wrote to Page that although she had insisted ‘there’s no way he gets elected,’ there were things they could do to make sure. 

‘I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,’ he added. ‘It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.’

Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote that ‘[s]everal FBI employees who played critical roles in the investigation sent political messages,’ and concluded that ‘the conduct by these employees cast a cloud over the entire FBI investigation.’

‘When one senior FBI official, Strzok, who was helping to lead the Russia investigation at the time, conveys in a text message to another senior FBI official, Page, that “we’ll stop” candidate Trump from being elected – after other extensive text messages between the two disparaging candidate Trump – it is not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects,’ Horowitz concluded. 

‘This is antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Department of Justice.’

The long anticipated inspector general's bombshell report on the Clinton email investigation pointed fingers of blame at 'insubordinate' James Comey but didn't call hm politically biased

The long anticipated inspector general’s bombshell report on the Clinton email investigation pointed fingers of blame at ‘insubordinate’ James Comey but didn’t call hm politically biased

Peter Strzok

Lisa Page

FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page exchanged text messages about keeping Donald Trump from becoming president

Yet Horowitz declared in the same report that the IG’s office ‘did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.’

FBI Director Christopher Wray told reporters Thursday evening that he would make sure heads rolled, but emphasized that no one had proven a political motive behind any misconduct. 

Comey didn’t come out of the IG report unscathed, despite Horowitz’s conclusion that there was no evidence an overt ‘political bias’ was responsible for his decision not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime for exposing classified information to foreign powers by using an unsecured email server while she was secretary of state.  

Clinton maintained a private, home-brew email server for her communications while she was secretary of state, and classified material was found on it; Comey cleared her of criminal wrongdoing in July 2016 but rebooted the probe in October, a move that she has said doomed her presidential hopes

FBI Director Christopher Wray told reporters at a press conference: 'We're going to hold employees accountable for any potential misconduct'

FBI Director Christopher Wray told reporters at a press conference: ‘We’re going to hold employees accountable for any potential misconduct’

The lengthy report found that Comey ‘deviated’ from the standard practices of his agency and was ‘insubordinate’ for making unilateral decisions about the Clinton case without ever consulting Loretta Lynch, who was then the U.S. attorney general.

Wray said in a press conference that ‘Itake this report very seriously and we accept its findings and recommendations. The report does identify errors of judgment, violations of, or even disregard for, policy and decisions that at the very least with the benefit of hindsight were not the best choices.’

He added: ‘We’re going to hold employees accountable for any potential misconduct.’ 

Neither Comey nor Page are still FBI employees. 

Strzok was the lead investigator in the Clinton case and was later moved to a similar role on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe – before news of his texting relationship with Page became front-page news.

He still draws a salary from the FBI. 

The Trump White House is still reeling from the months-long public relations blitz associated with Comey’s self-laudatory book, ‘A Higher Loyalty,’ which painted Trump as an integrity-compromised villain and cast Comey as the unfairlly deposed carrier of America’s moral torch.

Trump asked last week why it was 'taking so long' for the Justice Department's IG to complete his report, details of which have begun to dribble out to the press

Trump asked last week why it was ‘taking so long’ for the Justice Department’s IG to complete his report, details of which have begun to dribble out to the press