Trump shows off the Beast to Kim

President Donald Trump took a moment in his history-making summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to show off his presidential limousine.

Trump and Jong-un had just finished off a working lunch when the American president appeared to make an unscheduled stop at the huge armored car, known as The Beast.

News footage showed the world leaders approaching the American flag bedecked limo, before Trump gestured to the car and a Secret Service agent opened the passenger door.

The North Korean leader smiled as he was allowed a rare look inside the $1.6 million vehicle which is designed to survive a military-style or chemical warfare attack. The car travels everywhere with the U.S. president and flies in the belly of his plane when he’s abroad. 

President Donald Trump took a moment in his history-making summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to show off his presidential limousine

Trump and Jong-un had just finished off a working lunch when the American president appeared to make an unscheduled stop at the huge armored car, known as The Beast

Trump and Jong-un had just finished off a working lunch when the American president appeared to make an unscheduled stop at the huge armored car, known as The Beast

The move appeared to top off what was seemingly a successful afternoon of talks.

Trump sounded optimistic, saying: ‘We had a really fantastic meeting.’

‘A lot of progress. Really very positive. I think better than anybody could have expected. Top of the line. Really good,’ he said.

The Beast, or Cadillac One, is President Trump’s iteration of the presidential limo.

The power move is likely to have impressed Jong-un who, despite his nation’s isolation, has a taste for American culture and Western luxury.  Growing up, attending an international school in Switzerland, friends remembered the dictator as a basketball lover, who was a big fan of Michael Jordan. 

Kim Jong-un (left) smiled as he was given a sneak peek inside the presidential car

Kim Jong-un (left) smiled as he was given a sneak peek inside the presidential car

The power move is likely to have impressed Jong-un who, despite his nation's isolation, has a taste for American culture and Western luxury

The power move is likely to have impressed Jong-un who, despite his nation’s isolation, has a taste for American culture and Western luxury

He also has his own version of The Beast, a $2 million armored Mercedes Benz S600 which even has a portable toilet, according to the Washington Post.

On Tuesday morning, Trump’s motorcade was the first to pull into the Capella Resort in Singapore, which has been closed to outsiders for days out of extreme precaution. 

Jong-unwas not far behind, after making the under-fifteen minute drive from his hotel to Sentosa island along a route filled with gawkers.

They began the summit with a hearty handshake, exchanging pleasantries for the cameras and meeting one-on-one for 38 minutes with only translators present while the world watched with anticipation as the first-ever meeting between a U.S. president and a North Korean leader unfolded.

The leaders were treated to a six-course meal that included three deserts – including Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream – at their historic summit.

It was the kind of gut-busting meal that could bring mutual camaraderie – not that either leader is watching his weight. 

‘Get a good picture everybody so we look nice and handsome and thin. Perfect,’ Trump told photographers and a TV crew at the start of the lunch. 

The Beast weighs eight tonnes and has eight-inch thick steel doors that weigh the same as those on a Boeing 757

The Beast weighs eight tonnes and has eight-inch thick steel doors that weigh the same as those on a Boeing 757

The car travels everywhere with the U.S. president and flies in the belly of his plane when he's abroad

The car travels everywhere with the U.S. president and flies in the belly of his plane when he’s abroad

Kim reportedly has packed on weight so he could emulate his powerful grandfather. Trump notched just below obese in his first White House physical and is trying to lose 10 to 15 pounds.  

Diplomats had just weeks to put together the Singapore summit, settling on an elegant – and substantial – meal for the two leaders at their ‘working lunch.’

Following their lunch, Trump and Jong-un took the sojourn to take a sneak peak at The Beast which was parked outside. 

The Beast weighs eight tonnes and has eight-inch thick steel doors that weigh the same as those on a Boeing 757 – and are sealed to withstand biological and chemical attacks.

The front windscreen can withstand armour piercing bullets or a .44 magnum and the bodywork is military grade and five inches thick.

The reinforced undercarriage with withstand going over a roadside bomb and the fuel tank is explosive resistant.

Only the driver’s side window can open in case he needs to pay a toll – and in the boot are cases of the President’s blood for an emergency transfusion. 

he motorcade carrying US President Donald J. Trump in a car (C) is driven into the Capella Hotel to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for a historic summit, on Sentosa Island 

he motorcade carrying US President Donald J. Trump in a car (C) is driven into the Capella Hotel to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for a historic summit, on Sentosa Island 

The motorcade, which had American flags on each car, transported Trump to the Capella Hotel for the summit. He arrived first, shortly followed by the North Korean leader

The motorcade, which had American flags on each car, transported Trump to the Capella Hotel for the summit. He arrived first, shortly followed by the North Korean leader

The motorcade of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un travels towards Sentosa for his meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, in Singapore 

The motorcade of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un travels towards Sentosa for his meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, in Singapore 

Among the other features are shotguns on board in case an attack breaks out, Kevlar tyres that run even if they are flat and an oxygen system in the trunk in case of a chemical attack.

A number of guns are hidden in the front grille of the vehicle which can be used to fire on an attacker.

The Beast also has night vision cameras on board and appears to run on diesel due to the oversized rectangular fuel filler door.

The Beast is not the only hi-tech vehicle in the Presidential fleet.

Among the motorcade is the President’s own communications antenna – a mobile cellphone tower strapped to the top of a car in his motorcade.

BON APPETIT: The menu included French, Korean, and Singaporese dishes, plus Haagen-Dazs

BON APPETIT: The menu included French, Korean, and Singaporese dishes, plus Haagen-Dazs

WHERE'S THE YELLOWCAKE? The menu for the working lunch included six courses

WHERE’S THE YELLOWCAKE? The menu for the working lunch included six courses

And always nearby is the military aide carrying the ‘Nuclear Football’, which is the briefcase which stores instructions in case of a military attack. 

One of the few times The Beast has broken down was in 2013 when a driver put the wrong fuel into it while on a trip to Israel.

The embarrassing blunder left the Secret Service scrambling to find a vehicle that could take President Obama around Tel Aviv. He was not on board at the time.

Obama’s staff had anticipated every eventuality with The Beast and had bought generators and backup equipment – but they did not count on such a basic human error.

Another incident was on a 2011 trip to Ireland when The Beast got stuck on a speed bump outside the US Embassy in Dublin.