Trump slams Biden administration as ‘worst in history’ for blaming him for Afghan withdrawal chaos

Donald Trump has slammed the Biden administration as the ‘worst in history’ for blaming him for the chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

The former president launched into a tirade of furious Easter Sunday Truth Social posts, including one addressing White House reports published last week blaming a lack of preparation by the Trump administration for the disastrous 2021 withdrawal.

‘Can you believe that the totally corrupt Biden Disinformation Administration is now trying to blame ‘TRUMP’ for their incompetent exit from Afghanistan,’ he wrote.

‘They are the worst in history, absolutely terrible people always blaming someone else for their mistakes and blunders – of which there are many!’

Donald Trump of messages to his social media platform Truth Social on Easter Sunday ripping into the Biden administration for blaming the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 on his administration. He is pictured after his arraignment on April 4

One Truth Social post addressed White House reports published last week blaming a lack of preparation by the Trump administration for the disastrous 2021 withdrawal

One Truth Social post addressed White House reports published last week blaming a lack of preparation by the Trump administration for the disastrous 2021 withdrawal

The stream began on Sunday morning with a string of Trump’s signature capitalized message.


In a subsequent message, he wrote simply: ‘World War III’ but it was not immediately clear what that was in reference too. In a follow up he wrote the U.S. ‘will end up in World War lll with these vicious, but very stupid, people in charge.’

He also mentioned again the issue of election interference and accused the Democrats of planning to rig the upcoming election in 2024.

Trump also addressed the ongoing criminal charges he is facing in New York and appeared to refer to the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg as a ‘thug prosecutor’.

Last week National Security Council spokesman John Kirby defended the Biden administration’s actions in Kabul during the withdrawal, after releasing a report detailing the reasons why they think it unfolded.

Kirby said the administration was ‘proud’ of how U.S. forces carried out the withdrawal, which led to the Taliban toppling the American-backed Afghan government the U.S. spent trillions over 20 years to keep stable.

At the same time as blaming the Trump administration for the disaster, he also denied that there was chaos at all.

‘All this talk of chaos, I just don’t see it,’ Kirby said in a White House briefing, referring to the withdrawal that culminated in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 Americans and some 170 others. ‘I just don’t buy the whole argument of chaos.’

Trump's furious stream of Easter Sunday messages began in the morning and went on throughout the day

Trump’s furious stream of Easter Sunday messages began in the morning and went on throughout the day

The withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 culminated in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 Americans and some 170 others

The withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 culminated in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 Americans and some 170 others

In one post Trump wrote simply: 'World War III', but it was not immediately clear what that was in reference too

In one post Trump wrote simply: ‘World War III’, but it was not immediately clear what that was in reference too 

The report found the Biden White House was carrying out a Trump White House order to withdraw troops by summer 2021 but claimed the Trump team left them with ‘no plans’ for how to conduct the withdrawal of 2,500 remaining troops. 

Trump had made an agreement to withdraw troops by May 2021 but Biden promised to have them out by September. The document said Biden had to carry out the withdrawal Trump had agreed to or the Taliban would begin attacks on U.S. forces. 

It also blamed Trump for the backlog in special immigrant visa (SIV) processing, saying the previous administration’s ‘disregard and even hostility toward our commitment to Afghan allies’ led to some 18,000 waiting for their visas to be processed. 

It said Trump had ‘all but stopped’ SIV interviews despite making plans for withdrawal. Responding to reports the U.S. left billions in equipment in Afghanistan upon leaving, Kirby said ‘It’s their stuff… it belongs to the Afghans.’ 

‘This idea is just ludicrous. That we left millions of dollars of stuff in Afghanistan – we didn’t!’ He likened it to the security aid the U.S. has heavily supplied Ukraine with – the U.S. does not expect to get that equipment back.

Trump reacted to the document and Kirby’s comments on Thursday too. 

‘These Morons in the White House, who are systematically destroying our Country, headed up by the biggest Moron of them all, Hopeless Joe Biden, have a new disinformation game they are playing – Blame ‘TRUMP’ for their grossly incompetent SURRENDER in Afghanistan,’ Trump mused on Truth Social, two days after he was indicted for hush money payments. 

‘I watched this disaster unfold just like everyone else. I saw them take out the Military FIRST, GIVE $85 Billion of military equipment, allow killing of our soldiers, and leave Americans behind. Biden is responsible, no one else!’ the ex-president added. 

The $85 billion is the total amount of money the U.S. gave to the Afghan military and police. A Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said in a report that the amount is closer to $7 billion. 

SIGAR said the Pentagon told the group that ‘$7.2 billion worth of aircraft, guns, vehicles, ammunition, and specialized equipment like night vision goggles and biometric devices remain.’ 

Poor planning by the U.S. military before the withdrawal from Afghanistan and a lack of oversight contributed to the rapid collapse of the government as the Taliban overran the country in August 2021, a damning watchdog report said

Poor planning by the U.S. military before the withdrawal from Afghanistan and a lack of oversight contributed to the rapid collapse of the government as the Taliban overran the country in August 2021, a damning watchdog report said

The withdrawal was 'abrupt and uncoordinated' and gave war-ravaged locals the impression that the U.S. was 'simply handing Afghanistan over to a Taliban government-in-waiting', the report continues. Members of the Taliban are pictured celebrating a victory in March 2020

The withdrawal was ‘abrupt and uncoordinated’ and gave war-ravaged locals the impression that the U.S. was ‘simply handing Afghanistan over to a Taliban government-in-waiting’, the report continues. Members of the Taliban are pictured celebrating a victory in March 2020 

The White House in the document reiterated that no one expected Kabul to fall to Taliban control as quickly as it did, but said it learned from the incident to communicate early and aggressively about the security risks to Americans and allies who might wish to leave.

‘As the security situation in Afghanistan worsened over the summer, the Administration grappled with the tension between highlighting growing warning signs of potential collapse and undermining confidence in the Government of Afghanistan and Afghan forces’ will to fight,’ the document said. 

‘In a destabilizing security environment, we now err on the side of aggressive communication about risks. We did this in advance of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.’

During Thursday’s briefing, Kirby wouldn’t say if any firings would take place. 

‘Who’s going to get fired over this?’ asked Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy. Kirby responded that the ‘purpose of it is is not accountability.’ 

CBS’ Ed O’Keefe hammered Kirby and the White House at the top of the briefing for how the Afghanistan document was released. 

Reporters were given it under embargo – meaning they couldn’t immediately publish the content – about 20 minutes before Kirby and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre appeared in the briefing. 

As they appeared, and the embargo lifted, the Bidens departed the White House, two hours early, for their Easter holiday at Camp David. 

O’Keefe called the White House’s move the ‘modern major holiday news dump.’

‘You’re releasing this at the beginning of the high holidays and after months of requests from Republicans and the broader public,’ O’Keefe said. 

He also asked, ‘Is this all we get?’
