Trump supporters set their MAGA hats on fire

When President Donald Trump tweeted his approval for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, he lost favor with some of his base.

Several people took to Twitter to physically show they did not approve of the apparent flip flopping by setting their Make America Great Again hats on fire.

He angered some of his supporters again when he reportedly discussed a deal with Democrats regarding immigration. 

The official details are still unclear, but AP initially reported this included not building a wall. Trump has denied this. 


To show their anger, they set their hats on fire and posted the photos on Twitter

Some people felt the president betrayed them when he tweeted support for DACA, the program that protects undocumented immigrants who moved to America with their parents. To show their anger, they set their hats on fire and posted the photos on Twitter 

People on Twitter used the hastags '#AmnestyDon' and '#burnmyMAGAhat' to respond to the president's shift away from strict immigration laws

People on Twitter used the hastags ‘#AmnestyDon’ and ‘#burnmyMAGAhat’ to respond to the president’s shift away from strict immigration laws

Republican representative Steve King tweeted: ‘If AP is correct, Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.’

Multiple users used the hastags ‘#AmnestyDon’ and ‘#burnmyMAGAhat’ to respond to the president’s shift away from strict immigration laws.

A 16-year-old named Luis Withrow tweeted a video explaining how Trump’s approval of DACA was the final straw, saying the president had become ‘the swamp.’ 

Trump tweeted Thursday: ‘Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!’ 

Luis Withrow said the president had become the swamp and betrayed several of his campaign promised in his video of burning his MAGA hat 

Luis Withrow said the president had become the swamp and betrayed several of his campaign promised in his video of burning his MAGA hat 

Many people mocked those burning the hats on both the conservative and liberal side of the political spectrum

Many people mocked those burning the hats on both the conservative and liberal side of the political spectrum

Withrow explained to BuzzFeed News why he set his hat ablaze: ‘So far, he’s pretty much reversed his stance on immigration by keeping DACA and not building a real wall, intervened in the Middle East, sold weapons to the Saudis, stayed in NATO, stayed in NAFTA, and so much more that I could just go on and on about.’

‘I’ve been reconsidering support for a while, but the DACA deal just sent me over the edge.’

‘I still support him as the president, but I think that he needs to have it drilled into his head that we’re his base and that we matter.’

Another user tweeted: ‘When @realDonaldTrump lets the swamp monsters in and shows the base the door…the base fights back -The Deplorables #MAGA #DACA #NoAmnesty.’ 

Many people mocked those burning the hats on both the conservative and liberal side of the political spectrum.  

The official red hat is sold on the president’s campaign website for $25 but there are many knockoffs. It is his signature staple and bears the saying once used by President Ronald Reagan that was heavily popularized by Trump on the campaign trail as a slogan.