Trump’s hand turns PALE when French president Macron clasps it so hard he leaves fingerprint marks

French president Emmanuel Macron sure knows how to leave a mark.  

Macron and president Donald Trump exchanged another awkward handshake Friday night at the G7 Summit in La Malbaie, Quebec. And this time Macron’s grip left pale marks on Trump’s hand.

While posing for photographs at the summit Macron, 40, patted Trump, 71, on the arm and then grabbed his hand to shake it. 

The grip didn’t last nearly as long as the two leader’s previous cringeworthy handshake last July in Paris, but Macron’s firm grasp left Trump’s hand turning a pale color.

While posing for pictures at the G7 Summit French president Emmanuel Macron (right) grabbed US president Donald Trump’s (left) hand for a shake 

Macron (right) pulled Trump's (left) hand towards his body as he tightened his grip. The leaders are pictured at the G7 Summit in Quebec 

Macron (right) pulled Trump’s (left) hand towards his body as he tightened his grip. The leaders are pictured at the G7 Summit in Quebec 

Donald Trump

Donald Trump hand

Macron’s grip was so strong that he left marks on Trump’s hand

A closeup image shows marks of Macrons thumb and finger’s on the US president’s hand.  

Other photos snapped of the men’s hold shows Macron with a stern look on his face as he appears to pull Trump’s hand towards his body. 

‘We have a very really good relationship, very special,’ Trump told reporters after Friday’s handshake, according to Yahoo. 

The picture of Trump’s discolored hand quickly went viral, sparking hilarious reactions from social media users. 

One Twitter user named Nick Wenmaekers tweeted that Macron won ‘the handshake game’. 

Emmanuel Macron

Donald Trump

Last July Macron (left) and Trump (right) exchanged an awkward handshake when Trump refused to let go of Macron’s hand holding on to it for 29 seconds 

Another user, named Jimvj said the French president showed Trump ‘that 2 can play that game’. 

‘It was Trump who transformed a simple handshake into a weird vomit inducing act of machismo: yanking the other person, & holding on for a very long time. Point, set & match to Macron,’ he posted.  

Last July, at the Bastille Day celebration Trump shook Macron’s hand before leaving and held on to it for an agonizing 29 seconds. Even as Macron tried to pull away, Trump kept a tight grasp on his counterpart’s hand before eventually letting go.