Trump’s niece’s tell-all book will offer a ‘firsthand’ look at the ‘toxic family that made him’

Donald Trump’s niece’s book will offer a ‘firsthand’ look at the ‘toxic family that made the president’, according to a new Amazon review. 

Mary Trump, 55, is to release ‘Too Much And Never Enough’ on August 11, weeks before the Republican National Convention. 

The book promises to address ‘the strange and harmful relationship’ between the president and his father’. The review adds: ‘She (Mary) describes a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse.’

Mary is the daughter of Fred Trump Jr, the President’s older brother, who drank himself to death in 1981 aged 43, reportedly under pressure to be like their father. Trump instead took over the family real estate business and became the alpha male.

The  Amazon description of the book states: ‘She (Mary) recounts in unsparing detail… the appalling way Donald, Fred Trump’s favorite son, dismissed and derided him when he began to succumb to Alzheimer’s.’

‘She explains how specific events and general family patterns created the damaged man who currently occupies the Oval Office’, it adds.     

In 2016 she went on a tweet-storm about how upset she was that her uncle Donald Trump won the presidency

Mary Trump, a 55-year-old professional coach, has written a book about her famous family and in 2016 went on a tweet-storm about how upset she was that her uncle Donald Trump won the presidency 

Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump Sr, who died in 1999 and left his son more than $413million. Mary is the eldest of Fred Trump's grandchildren

Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump Sr, who died in 1999 and left his son more than $413million. Mary is the eldest of Fred Trump’s grandchildren

Mary has already said his 2016 election was ‘the worst night of my life’ in a 3am tweet storm as the results came in.

She said the President’s victory was a ‘horrific wrong’ and lamented that ‘I grieve for our country’ over dozens of tweets.

Mary said it was the ‘Worst. Year. Ever’, tweeted ‘Seriously, f*** off 2016’ and said Trump won because ‘most Americans are hateful, selfish people who care about nothing outside of their own narrow interests’

But there was something that she did agree with the President on and tweeted that ‘James Comey should be in jail’.

The volume of tweets is also something that Mary shares with her uncle, although before his election she mostly tweeted about tennis and cats.

They serve as a warning to the President as it seems her book will not just be a tell-all – it will be a takedown. 

Mary wrote that her uncle Donald's election was 'the worst night of my life' in a 3am tweet storm as the results came in

Mary wrote that her uncle Donald’s election was ‘the worst night of my life’ in a 3am tweet storm as the results came in

It's clear who Mary voted for in the 2016 election, as she called Hillary Clinton an 'extraordinary human being' on election night

It’s clear who Mary voted for in the 2016 election, as she called Hillary Clinton an ‘extraordinary human being’ on election night 

Still upset about the election results, Mary tweeted 'Worst. Year. Ever.' on November 10, 2016

Still upset about the election results, Mary tweeted ‘Worst. Year. Ever.’ on November 10, 2016

Trump is pictured on election night after claiming his victory which was the 'worst night my life' for his niece Mary

Trump is pictured on election night after claiming his victory which was the ‘worst night my life’ for his niece Mary 

The book will include ‘harrowing and salacious’ details about the Trump family including how Mary was the primary source for providing the President’s tax returns to the New York Times.

The resulting stories showed that the Trump family engaged in highly questionable tax avoidance strategies. 

Mary appears to be a staunch Democrat and recently changed her banner picture on her Twitter account to a photo of the street in Washington leading to the White House where city officials have written ‘Black Lives Matter’ in such large letters it can be seen from space.

In her bio she has written #blacklivesmatter, a gay pride flag and says she uses the pronouns ‘she/her/hers’.

Before the 2016 election Mary made her views very clear on Twitter and on November 2nd she tweeted: ‘Sarah Palin you are tragically past your sell-by date. Please, for the good of decent people everywhere, go away’.

On October 20 she wrote: ‘(Rudy) Giuliani (Trump’s former personal lawyer) is a horrible human being. Ashamed he was mayor of the world’s greatest city’

Addressing the links between Trump and Russia, Mary mused: ‘Does the first amendment extend to foreign nationals who are colluding with a hostile government to undermine US elections? Hmm’.

In her bio she has written #blacklivesmatter, a gay pride flag and says she uses the pronouns 'she/her/hers'

In her bio she has written #blacklivesmatter, a gay pride flag and says she uses the pronouns ‘she/her/hers’

Mary told David Corn, the Washington bureau chief of left-leaning news website Mother Jones, on election night: 'One of the worst nights of my life. Thank you for all of your good work'

Mary told David Corn, the Washington bureau chief of left-leaning news website Mother Jones, on election night: ‘One of the worst nights of my life. Thank you for all of your good work’

In a tweet to MSNBC host Joy Reid on election night, Mary wrote: 'Thank you so much for all of your good work. It helped keep me sane. But really one of the worst nights of my life'

In a tweet to MSNBC host Joy Reid on election night, Mary wrote: ‘Thank you so much for all of your good work. It helped keep me sane. But really one of the worst nights of my life’

In her election night rant, Mary tweeted that 'James Comey should be in jail', apparently for reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails and then closing it again days before the election

In her election night rant, Mary tweeted that ‘James Comey should be in jail’, apparently for reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and then closing it again days before the election

In her election night rant, Mary replied to black academic Marc Lamont Hill, saying: 'White people watched Donald Trump demonstrate no knowledge of the issues, lose the debates, and insult everyone. They still chose him'.  Another tweet said that 'white people suck'

In her election night rant, Mary replied to black academic Marc Lamont Hill, saying: ‘White people watched Donald Trump demonstrate no knowledge of the issues, lose the debates, and insult everyone. They still chose him’.  Another tweet said that ‘white people suck’

Mary said it was the 'Worst. Year. Ever', and tweeted 'Seriously, f*** off 2016'

Mary said it was the ‘Worst. Year. Ever’, and tweeted ‘Seriously, f*** off 2016’

Days after the election, Mary tweeted actress Debra Messing bashing anyone who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton

Days after the election, Mary tweeted actress Debra Messing bashing anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton 

The November 9th tweet storm began as the results showed that her uncle was achieving a shock victory.

As states like Florida declared for Trump, Mary tweeted that ‘James Comey should be in jail’, apparently for reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and then closing it again days before the election.

In response to a tweet by CNN reporter Joan Walsh saying she couldn’t stop crying, Mary said: ‘This is one of the worst nights of my life. What is wrong with this country? I fear the American experiment has failed’.

Another tweet said it was a ‘nightmare’ and in yet another Mary asked: ‘What has happened to our country’.

Fred Trump Jr (pictured), Donald's brother and Mary's father, died in 1981 after battling alcoholism

Fred Trump Jr (pictured), Donald’s brother and Mary’s father, died in 1981 after battling alcoholism

Replying to Joy Reid, the host of TV show The View, Mary said it was ‘utterly devastating’.

As the night of November 8th turned into the early hours of November 9th, Mary carried on tweeting.

She said: ‘We should be judged harshly. I just hope we do the work to right this horrific wrong. I grieve for our country’.

Another tweet said: ‘Hillary Clinton is an extraordinary human being and public servant. That she lost to this is unspeakable’.

There were more missives such as ‘what a tragedy. I feel like that lost my country tonight’.

Replying to black academic Marc Lamont Hill, Mary said: ‘White people watched Donald Trump demonstrate no knowledge of the issues, lose the debates, and insult everyone. They still chose him’.

Another tweet said that ‘white people suck’.

In response to tennis player Alize Cornet asking how Trump could be President, Mary wrote: ‘Because most Americans are hateful, selfish people who care about nothing outside of their own narrow interests. Devastating’.

The tirade went on and responding to a tweet from Star Trek actor Wil Wheaton, Mary said: ‘Unf***ingbelievable. So thought we were better than this’.

To another tweet from Reid, Mary said: ‘F*** it’.

In a second tweet to Reid Mary wrote: ‘Thank you so much for all of your good work. It helped keep me sane. But really one of the worst nights of my life’

Mary told David Corn, the Washington bureau chief of left-leaning news website Mother Jones: ‘One of the worst nights of my life. Thank you for all of your good work’.

Addressing the links between Trump and Russia, Mary mused: 'Does the first amendment extend to foreign nationals who are colluding with a hostile government to undermine US elections? Hmm'

Addressing the links between Trump and Russia, Mary mused: ‘Does the first amendment extend to foreign nationals who are colluding with a hostile government to undermine US elections? Hmm’

On October 20 she wrote: '(Rudy) Giuliani (Trump's former personal lawyer) is a horrible human being. Ashamed he was mayor of the world's greatest city'

On October 20 she wrote: ‘(Rudy) Giuliani (Trump’s former personal lawyer) is a horrible human being. Ashamed he was mayor of the world’s greatest city’

Before the 2016 election Mary made her views very clear on Twitter and on November 2nd she tweeted: 'Sarah Palin you are tragically past your sell-by date. Please, for the good of decent people everywhere, go away'

Before the 2016 election Mary made her views very clear on Twitter and on November 2nd she tweeted: ‘Sarah Palin you are tragically past your sell-by date. Please, for the good of decent people everywhere, go away’

In 2018 Mary vented once more and in May tweeted: '#BanBumpStocks#BanAssaultWeapons'

In 2018 Mary vented once more and in May tweeted: ‘#BanBumpStocks#BanAssaultWeapons’

Mary appears to be a staunch Democrat and tweeted her support of Hillary Clinton during the election, calling her an 'extraordinary human being'

Mary appears to be a staunch Democrat and tweeted her support of Hillary Clinton during the election, calling her an ‘extraordinary human being’

In the days after the election Mary’s shock was undiminished.

In response to a tweet about the KKK planning a victory parade she responded: ‘Horror. Unspeakable horror’.

When somebody raised the prospect of Michelle Obama running in 2020, Mary said: ‘We don’t deserve her’.

On November 10 another tweet said: ‘Seriously, f*** off 2016’. The same day she wrote: ‘Worst. Year. Ever’.

On Trump’s claims about Washington being a ‘rigged system’, Mary sarcastically said: ‘It’s rigged – unless I win’.

Mary’s support for Hillary Clinton became apparent too and she wrote: ‘Any so-called. progressive who didn’t vote for Hillary isn’t really a progressive. Just arrogant and selfish’.

Replying to a comment Reid Mary she said: ‘FBI, Comey, Wikileaks, Russia, obsession with emails, normalization of racism, sexual assault. Fair and square? No’.

In 2018 Mary vented once more and in May tweeted: ‘#BanBumpStocks#BanAssaultWeapons’

She also said that Stacey Abrams ‘legitimately won’ the race to be governor of Georgia in a controversial election.

The bad blood between Trump and his niece dates back 20 years to a fight over the will for Fred Trump Sr, the President’s father.

Trump’s three surviving siblings – Maryanne; Robert, now 72; and Elizabeth, now 74 – all agreed with Trump in an argument over Fred Sr’s will.

But Mary and her brother Fred III argued that the will was ‘procured by fraud and undue influence’, and that they should have had a larger share of the inheritance.

Mary and Fred III were then at loggerheads with their aunts and uncles – Trump and the other three – over care for Fred III’s son William, who was born with cerebral palsy.

Donald Trump posted a childhood photo on Instagram in 2014. From left to right: Donald, Fred Jr, Elizabeth, Maryanne and Robert. Trump's siblings rarely speak out about the president

Donald Trump posted a childhood photo on Instagram in 2014. From left to right: Donald, Fred Jr, Elizabeth, Maryanne and Robert. Trump’s siblings rarely speak out about the president

'My aunts and uncles should be ashamed of themselves,' Mary said, in a rare 2000 interview. 'I'm sure they are not.'  From left to right: Robert, Elizabeth, Fred Jr, Donald, Maryanne

‘My aunts and uncles should be ashamed of themselves,’ Mary said, in a rare 2000 interview. ‘I’m sure they are not.’  From left to right: Robert, Elizabeth, Fred Jr, Donald, Maryanne

The rest of the family cut off medical support for William for, as Mary and Fred III saw it, payback for challenging the will.

‘My aunts and uncles should be ashamed of themselves,’ Mary said, in a rare 2000 interview. ‘I’m sure they are not.’

Mary appears to run a life coaching agency called Trump Coaching and on its website its services include helping people with mental health issues.

Her website says: ‘Are you depressed and feeling low? Finding the true meaning of your life? If yes then our life coaches can bring you out from such dwindling situations.

‘Our experts will provide you the much needed motivation and encouragement to stand above the crowd. Reach out to your goals in a completely different way and witness an interesting turn for your life’.

Among the services they offer is helping with excessive alcohol and the website says it is a ‘great way to cut down your consumption of empty calories’.

Another area of expertise is ‘Your Inner Game’ which is about overcoming ‘self-imposed obstacles’.