Tucker Carlson makes wild sex claim about Tim Walz

Tim Walz looks ‘super, super gay’ and someone should just ask him whether he is homosexual, former Fox News star Tucker Carlson has claimed.

The maverick broadcaster said no one should be offended by the question given the Democrats’ insistence that homosexuality is ‘morally superior to being heterosexual’.

Carlson made the wild suggestion during an interview with DailyMail.com’s Charlie Spiering about his new book, Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House.

Spiering told Carlson that there is zero evidence to support questions about Walz’s sexuality but the firebrand podcast insisted that the flamboyant mannerisms of Kamala’s VP pick made him appear gay.

‘If there’s nothing wrong with being gay, then why would it be somehow crazy or out of bounds or taboo or offensive for me to say to Tim Walz “You seem gay. Are you gay?” Carlson asked.

‘But you know as well as I do that if I had an employer, which I don’t, I would immediately be fired.’

Tucker Carlson demanded to know why no one had asked Tim Walz if he is gay

The Democrat's VP pick has been mocked for his exuberant stage presence and 'jazz hands'

The Democrat’s VP pick has been mocked for his exuberant stage presence and ‘jazz hands’ 

Carlson, who was fired by Fox in April last year, admitted he had no evidence for claiming that the Democrats’ VP pick is gay beyond his exuberant stage presence and ‘jazz hands’ waving to keyed-up supporters.

‘I’m just saying the guy looks super, super gay to me,’ he said.

‘But they’re the ones always running around being like “It’s great to be gay.”

‘Okay, if it’s great to be gay, then why is it an attack on him for me to say that? And why would it be out of bounds to be like, “Hey, Tim Walz, are you gay? Have you ever slept with dudes?”‘

Carlson contrasted Walz’s demand that the government ‘stay the hell out of your bedroom’ with his insistence that homosexuality is nothing to be ashamed of.

‘They’re so private? Really?’ he demanded.

‘You’ve got a LGBTQ plus parade in San Francisco, New York, Seattle, every big city in the country people having sex in the street, so it’s not private,’ he claimed.

‘They’re telling my kids constantly that it’s a good thing, so there’s nothing private or forbidden or taboo about it now, right? Just to be clear.’

Carlson's guest Charlie Spiering (pictured) of DailyMail.com agreed that the Democrat ticket would blackball any reporters with a record of asking pointed questions

Carlson’s guest Charlie Spiering (pictured) of DailyMail.com agreed that the Democrat ticket would blackball any reporters with a record of asking pointed questions 

The Minnesota Governor has been keenly supportive of LGBT rights and was faculty adviser for the first ever ‘gay-straight alliance’ group at Mankato West High School in the 1990s

The Minnesota Governor has been keenly supportive of LGBT rights and was faculty adviser for the first ever ‘gay-straight alliance’ group at Mankato West High School in the 1990s

The former geography teacher has been married for 30 years, has two children with his wife, Gwen Whipple, and has never suggested he is gay

The former geography teacher has been married for 30 years, has two children with his wife, Gwen Whipple, and has never suggested he is gay 

This is not the first time that Carlson has seemingly fixated on the sexual orientation of politicians – as last year he interviewed and repeated the accusation of Larry Sinclair, who said that he had sex with Barack Obama and smoked cocaine together.

The allegation, which emerged while then-Senator Obama was gearing up for the presidential election, was roundly condemned as an attempted political hatchet-job. 

But in 2023 Carlson claimed that it was ‘really clear’ that Obama had been having a gay affair. 

Carlson has previously accused Democrats of being so homophobic that the Minnesota Governor feels unable to reveal his true sexuality.

‘I’m never going to take another lecture about gay rights from these people,’ he told Megyn Kelly on her SiriusXM show last week.

Walz has been married for 30 years, has two children with his wife Gwen Whipple and has never suggested he is gay.

He has been keenly supportive of LGBT rights and was the faculty adviser for the first ever ‘gay-straight alliance’ group at Mankato West High School in the 1990s.

Carlson insisted he was not really interested in the 60-year-old’s sexuality but claimed ‘they’re not allowing me’ to drop the subject.

‘He’s the one who ran a gay-straight alliance where he’s talking to children about their sex lives,’ Carlson said.

‘So right there, that’s a criminal offense in my book. You don’t get to talk to other people’s kids about their sex lives period, freak, right? But there he’s bragging about it okay?’

Spiering, whose biography of Harris, ‘Amateur Hour’, examines how the San Francisco socialite turned politico fast-tracked her way onto the national stage, agreed that the Democrat ticket would blackball any reporters with a record of asking pointed questions.

‘Interviewing a presidential candidate is now a privilege bestowed on you,’ he confided. ‘And you have to demonstrate that you’re worthy on a number of issues.’

Carlson said he would stop probing Walz’s sexuality if the Democrats stopped campaigning on contentious personal issues.

‘I want to stop talking about our sex lives actually immediately, and I want the State Department to stop forcing other people in other countries to talk about their sex lives,’ he explained.

‘I don’t want to hear about your abortion; I don’t want you to talk about abortion, shut up about abortion, about your sex life, about your race.

‘That’s the world that I want to live in but they’re not allowing me to live in that world.

‘So as long as they’re not allowing me to live in that world why am I playing along with rules that are rigged against me?’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk