The two Minnesota-raised turkeys headed to the White House for the annual turkey pardoning ceremony tomorrow now have names: Wishbone and Drumstick.
The duo’s names were announced Monday at the Willard Hotel, the lavish property where the birds currently have a suite, which is located just a block down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.
Carl Wittenburg, the National Turkey Foundation’s chairman, who raised the birds, said Wishbone and Drumstick were selected from a flock of 80 for ‘their character, their temperament, their showmanship and how they looked strutting their stuff.’
‘So that’s really what it gets down to,’ Wittenburg told ‘Can they handle the show.’
Democratic Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota introduced the birds at Monday’s press conference, as they were raised in his Congressional district

The Minnesota-raised birds were named Wishbone and Drumstick by the White House. Drumstick is the taller of the two birds

Drumstick and Wishbone give each other a look as they pose for photographs Monday at the Willard Hotel in Washington

The Willard Hotel houses the two turkeys to be pardoned nearly every year. It’s a beautiful Beaux-Arts building located just a block down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House

Wishbone and Drumstick show off their tale feathers to a room full of reporters Monday, getting the first glimpse of this year’s turkeys primed for tomorrow’s turkey pardoning

Wishbone and Drumstick are the center of attention at the Willard Hotel in Washington Monday, the day before the turkey pardoning

Wishbone and Drumstick – debuting their new names – strutted their stuff Monday morning at a ballroom at the Willard Hotel

GOBBLE GOBBLE: Only one of the two birds will be officially ‘pardoned’ by the president, however both will live out their days at Virginia Tech

Wishbone and Drumstick would sporadically gobble at the crowd, as they strutted their stuff for news photographers Monday morning at the Willard

The White House featured the two turkeys to be pardoned in its Instagram Sunday, showing the two birds, Wishbone and Drumstick, settling into their suite at the Willard Hotel
Wittenburg made the selection alongside his wife, Sharlene, and members of the local 4-H Club, who were helping raise the birds.
The presidential flock was raised in Alexandria, Minnesota.
While two birds took the ‘turkey turnpike,’ as it was called, to Washington, only one will get to be the star at tomorrow’s turkey pardoning ceremony, President Trump’s first.
‘The names are chosen by the White House,’ Wittenburg explained. ‘So right now you can go on and we, as the public, can pick the one particular turkey that gets to take the table tomorrow at the White House event.’
Wittenburg said, yes, he could tell the birds apart, as Drumstick is taller.
It’s good news, however, for the understudy too, as both birds will be technically pardoned and allowed to live out the rest of their lives at Virginia Tech, at an exhibit called ‘Gobbler’s Rest.’

Both Wishbone and Drumstick will live out the rest of their lives at Virginia Tech, home of the HokieBird (back right)

National Turkey Federation Chairman Carl Wittenburg, who grew Wishbone and Drumstick, welcomes the HokieBird, Virginia Tech’s mascot, to a press conference at the Willard Hotel

The HokieBird marvels at this year’s White House turkeys Wishbone and Drumstick. The pardoning will take place at the White House tomorrow

Wishbone and Drumstick show of their gobbling skills to reporters gathered at the Willard Hotel Monday morning in Washington

The HokieBird takes a peek at his feathered brothers, Wishbone and Drumstick, the two turkeys in town from Minnesota who will take a trip to the White House tomorrow
Turkeys bred for slaughter are generally morbidly obese, with many of the presidents’ pardoned turkeys living less than a year.
However, last year’s birds, Tater and Tot, are still kicking it at Virginia Tech.
On hand Monday, was Virginia Tech’s mascot the HokieBird, who mugged for pictures alongside Wishbone and Drumstick.
The two birds arrived in Washington, D.C., Sunday and were checked into their own suite at the Willard Hotel, the hotel that traditionally houses the birds.
The White House soon put out an Instagram story, showing the two birds standing on the two hotel beds in the suite and then later of the birds walking around the room.
‘Check back Monday to find out their names and cast your vote,’ the White House’s post said.
During the Obama years, the White House also offered an online poll to have Americans decide which turkey the president would pardon.

A reporter poses for a selfie with the two birds – Wishbone and Drumstick – Monday at the Willard Hotel in Washington

Turkeys Wishbone and Drumstick get comfortable in their suite at the Willard Hotel Sunday night, upon arriving in Washington for Tuesday’s turkey pardoning

For years, President Obama made the turkey pardoning a family affair, enlisting the help of daughters (from left to right) Sasha and Malia

In 2016, President Obama swapped out daughters Sasha and Malia for nephews Aaron and Austin Robinson for his final turkey pardoning ceremony

President George W. Bush meets Flyer the turkey at the November 2006 turkey pardoning at the White House

In the early years, American presidents – including President Dwight D. Eisenhower – were merely presented with a turkey at the White House. The event evolved into a turkey ‘pardon’ under President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s
American presidents were annually presented with a turkey starting in 1947, though the event didn’t officially turn into a ‘pardoning’ ceremony until the Ronald Reagan years.
Reagan pardoned ‘Charlie’ the turkey in 1987.
President George H.W. Bush made it into an annual tradition when he took office in 1989.
And the tradition was respected through the Clinton and Bush 43 years.
President Obama tried to make the pardoning a family affair, having daughters Sasha and Malia participate for the first seven years he was in office.
Last year however, the girls, now in their teens, were replaced by younger models, with President Obama’s nephews Aaron and Austin Robinson standing alongside the president as he pardoned Tot.
During the Obama years the turkeys also got star treatment, staying at the Willard most years, or at the W, the more modern luxury hotel next door