Turkish student who used AI software to cheat in a university exam by disguising a camera as a shirt button and hiding a router in their shoe is jailed

A Turkish student who used AI software, a camera disguised as a button, and a hidden router, to cheat on a university exam has been detained. 

The student was spotted behaving in a suspicious way during the TYT exam on June 8 and was detained by police, before being formally arrested and sent to jail pending trial.

Another person was also detained for helping the student through the university aptitude exam, a nationally-held assessment that determines whether people can attend universities in Turkey. 

A video released by police in the southwestern province of Isparta showed how the student used a camera disguised as a shirt button linked to artificial intelligence software via a router hidden in the sole of the person’s shoe.

A police officer in the video scans a question to show how the system works, with the AI software generating the correct answer, which is recited through an earpiece.

A video released by police in the southwestern province of Isparta showed how the student used a camera disguised as a shirt button

The button was able to read questions written on paper

The button was able to read questions written on paper 

A router was hidden in the shoe the student wore

A router was hidden in the shoe the student wore

The cop says in the video: ‘During the TYT, which is the first sitting of the university entrance exam organised in Isparta, as a result of the search we conducted on a person, whose behaviour and actions were suspicious, a contraption for cheating in the sole of their shoe was revealed and the person was determined to have cheated during the exam. 

‘The items found on the person were a device called a router, which provides an internet connection and uses this internet connection to send the question to artificial intelligence, and relays the solution to the answer from the artificial intelligence through the earphone in the person’s ear or the speaker. 

‘Likewise, a mobile phone which can relay the spoken sounds to the other side, which is automatically spoken to the earphone and person can hear the conversation on the other side. 

‘At the same time, a camera that is disguised as a button was found on the person. The question is scanned by the camera and is sent to the artificial intelligence via the router and the artificial intelligence answers this questions and tells the person.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk