Twitter to take away tick from from users who break rules

Twitter will start taking away the verification ‘tick’ badges from users who break its rules, the firm has revealed.

It said the move is designed to dispel claims that verified users are ‘endorsed’ by the social network.

The firm is believed to have already stripped the verification badges fromprominent white nationalists Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler.

It follows several high profile cases, including the removal of the tick from right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, a week before banning him completely.


Twitter said the move is designed to dispel claims that verified users are ‘endorsed’ by the social network, and said it’s developing a replacement – but has given no details on the project

‘Verification has long been perceived as an endorsement,’ the company said in a tweet. 

‘We gave verified accounts visual prominence on the service which deepened this perception. 

‘We should have addressed this earlier but did not prioritize the work as we should have.’

Twitter said the problem worsened after is decision, in July 2016, to let anyone request a verified account. 

‘This perception became worse when we opened up verification for public submissions and verified people who we in no way endorse,’ Twitter said.

The company is now working on ‘a new authentication and verification program,’ although has not provided any details on it.

In the interim, it is not verifying any accounts. 

Earlier this year Twitter took away the  tick from right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, a week before banning him completely

Earlier this year Twitter took away the tick from right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, a week before banning him completely

‘We are conducting an initial review of verified accounts and will remove verification from accounts whose behavior does not fall within these new guidelines,’ it said

‘We will continue to review and take action as we work towards a new program we are proud of. ‘

Earlier this month Twitter unveiled its updated policy on how it defines harassment and threats, and its policy toward adult content.

Twitter also said it will now send an email explaining which policy has been violated when it suspends an account – just hours after a disgruntled employee deavtivated Donald Trump’s account on his last day.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey promised more transparency and aggressive policies last month after the firm came under fire after actress Rose McGowan’s account was temporarily blocked for violating Twitter polices. 

Twitter also said it will now send an email explaining which policy has been violated when it suspends an account following a backlash after it suspended actress Rose McGowan.

Twitter also said it will now send an email explaining which policy has been violated when it suspends an account following a backlash after it suspended actress Rose McGowan.

Twitter later said the action was taken because she posted someone’s phone number – a policy violation, despite many users thinking t was for her comments on Harvey Weinstein.

‘Online behavior continues to evolve and change, and at Twitter, we have to ensure those changes are reflected in our rules in a way that’s easy to adhere to and understand,’ the social network said. 

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey promised more transparency and aggressive policies last month after the firm came under fire after actress Rose McGowan's account was temporarily blocked for violating Twitter polices.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey promised more transparency and aggressive policies last month after the firm came under fire after actress Rose McGowan’s account was temporarily blocked for violating Twitter polices.

‘While the fundamentals of our policies and our approach have not changed, this updated version presents our rules with more details and examples.’ 

The firm said it was ‘making it clear that context — including if the behavior is targeted, if a report has been filed and by whom, and if the Tweet itself is newsworthy and in the legitimate public interest — is crucial when evaluating abusive behavior and determining appropriate enforcement actions.’ 

The policy changes are specifically aimed at protecting women who unknowingly or unwillingly have nude pictures of themselves distributed online or were subject to unwanted sexual advances.

They also aim to shield groups subject to hateful imagery, symbols and threats of violence.


Abusive behavior

We are making it clear that context — including if the behavior is targeted, if a report has been filed and by whom, and if the Tweet itself is newsworthy and in the legitimate public interest — is crucial when evaluating abusive behavior and determining appropriate enforcement actions. Expect more detail on how we review and enforce all of our policies and the range of enforcement options in a separate update on November 14.


We’ve always shared resources with people experiencing suicidal or self-harming thoughts when we learn of such behavior, and removed any Tweets that encourage or promote suicide games. Our updated policy on suicide and self-harm clarifies how strictly we enforce this policy, and how we communicate with anyone promoting or encouraging this type of behavior.

Spam and related behaviors

We are more clearly defining spam, how it behaves on Twitter, and sharing the factors we consider when reviewing accounts that may be spam. As part of this update, we’re also clarifying that when we review accounts that demonstrate spam-like behavior, we focus on behavioral signals, not the factual accuracy of the information they share.

Graphic violence and adult content

We’re providing more specific detail around the types of content we consider to be ‘graphic violence’ or ‘adult content.’ We’re also updating our media policy Help Center page so it includes examples that help set expectations around the types of content covered by this policy. Please note that the media policy will be updated again on November 22, to account for hateful imagery.


It comes just hours after an embarrassing gaffe when an employee at Twitter who was leaving their customer service job at the company deliberately deleted the profile of the most powerful man on the planet in a mischievous act on their last day of work.

President Donald Trump’s Twitter account disappeared for 11 minutes on Thursday evening after the rogue employee at the social networking company removed the entire profile.


Rose McGowan was suspended from Twitter earlier this month after several days of hitting out against the likes of Harvey Weinstein, his brother Bob Weinstein and Ben Affleck.

McGowan, who was allegedly assaulted by Weinstein in 1997 had been crusading against silence over Weinstein’s grim past on Twitter. However she took to Instagram to share the news her account had been shutdown. 

Rose McGowan took to Instagram to say her Twitter account had been suspended Wednesday night

Rose McGowan took to Instagram to say her Twitter account had been suspended Wednesday night

‘Twitter has suspended me. There are powerful forces at work. Be my voice.’

She also shared a screen grab of Twitter’s suspended account notification, which says ‘We’ve determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules.’ The message also suggests she ‘Delete the Tweets that violate our rules.’  

She tweeted telling Affleck to ‘F*** off,’ and called him a liar after he denounced Weinstein on Tuesday. She also tweeted ‘Now I am allowed to say rapist,’ without mentioning Weinstein specifically.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey promised more transparency and aggressive policies last month after the firm came under fire after McGowan’s account was temporarily blocked for violating Twitter polices.

Twitter later said the action was taken because she posted someone’s phone number – a policy violation, despite many users thinking t was for her comments on Harvey Weinstein. 


The sabotage took place shortly before 7 p.m. on Thursday when social media reports surfaced that the president’s personal account @realdonaldtrump was unavailable, providing the error message that the user ‘does not exist.’

The President's Twitter account vanished for a short time on Thursday evening 

The President’s Twitter account vanished for a short time on Thursday evening 

After a brief investigation Twitter owned up and took responsibility for the outage.

In a tweeted statement, the company said Trump’s account was ‘inadvertently deactivated due to human error’ by one of its employees.

‘We are continuing to investigate and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again,’ the statement continued. 

But in a second statement, Twitter confirmed it was an employee on their last day.

‘Through our investigation we have learned that this was done by a Twitter customer support employee who did this on the employee’s last day. We are conducting a full internal review.’ 

Just before 7 p.m. EDT, visitors to the 45th President’s Twitter profile were greeted with both a frustrating and confusing message: ‘Sorry, that page doesn’t exist! You can search Twitter using the search box below or return to the homepage.’ 

Twitter users were confused as to what could have caused the brief account shutdown with some correctly speculating it was deleted by Twitter and others wondering if the President did it himself. Others simply rejoiced:

Just before 7am, the president reacted to the news that his Twitter account had temporarily been suspended

Just before 7am, the president reacted to the news that his Twitter account had temporarily been suspended

‘Donald Trump doesn’t exist according to Twitter,’ wrote one, ‘I was there for the great vanishing of Donald Trump’s Twitter account,’ chimed another.

‘Feel like I need to re-evaluate my life choices after reflecting on my reaction to Trump’s Twitter,’ joked one correspondant.

‘The greatest trick Donald Trump’s twitter account ever pulled was making us all hope that it didn’t exist’ tweeted one.

Memes and gifs quickly sprung up praising the employees mischievous act on their last day

Memes and gifs quickly sprung up praising the employees mischievous act on their last day

A short time later, the account page reappeared and seemed to be functioning as normal. His government account remained active throughout.

About half an hour earlier, Mr Trump had tweeted a video about his nomination of Jerome Powell to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve. 

Hundreds of Twitter users posted witty comments and memes on the social network enjoying the brief respite from the President’s feed. 

Twitter explained two hours later that it was one of its own employees that caused the outage and followed up their initial tweet explaining it was an employee on their last day

Twitter explained two hours later that it was one of its own employees that caused the outage and followed up their initial tweet explaining it was an employee on their last day

‘@RealDonaldTrump finally became president… for those brief few minutes when his personal Twitter account was down,’ joked one user.

‘We’ll all remember where we were during the 10 minutes of peace while Donald Trump’s Twitter account was down,’ said another.

‘If Trump’s Twitter account did in fact get deleted, that would be the first bit of good news we’ve gotten in a while,’ another quipped.

The President’s account, which has almost 42 million followers has proved to be a vital tool in the way Mr Trump communicates to the outside work, it being the main channel of communication he uses to disseminate statements and attack his critics. 

Trump has credited the social platform for helping him win the White House, but some close to the president reportedly worry that his prolific and often controversial tweeting could have dire consequences.

Mr Trump has been active on Twitter since March 2009 when he sent his very first tweet promoting an appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman.

Since that time, he has tweeted more than 36,000 times – an average of 12 times a day.

The White House had no immediate comment on the profile’s brief disappearance.