Two British footballers ‘are arrested in Ibiza for sexually assaulting tourist, 19’ 

Two British footballers have reportedly been arrested in Ibiza on suspicion of a sex assault on a teenage tourist holidaying on the island with her parents.

The men, described locally as players from a London side, were held yesterday at a hotel in Cala de Bou just outside the party resort of San Antonio.

Local reports said police were alerted by the parents of the 19-year-old woman, who is also British. The hotel where the arrests took place has not been named.

The players are said to have been holidaying in Ibiza with teammates.

Two British footballers have reportedly been arrested in Ibiza on suspicion of a sex assault on a teenage tourist holidaying on the island with her parents (file picture)

Island newspaper Periodico de Ibiza reported a group of players had invited the young woman at the centre of the police investigation and a girlfriend back to their hotel after meeting them during a night out in San Antonio.

Detectives are said to be probing claims two unnamed players sexually assaulted one of the women while a third who has not been arrested recorded the incident. 

Another local paper reported this morning that police were looking for the third man but he had yet to be located.

It was not made clear whether the alleged victim is claiming she was raped, which is one of the forms sexual assault can take under Spanish law.

The two footballers were taken to a police station yesterday so they could be questioned and give statements ahead of an expected closed court hearing in front of an investigating magistrate.

Their whereabouts early this morning was unclear.

No-one from the Spanish National Police, the force which made the arrests, was immediately available for comment.

Cala de Bou is a popular location for tourists looking to stay somewhere quieter than San Antonio but within easy reach of the brash party resort.

It is just seven miles from the airport and home to a number of hotels and short-stay holiday apartments. 

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